Hard work and effort does not bring you success and money. It's being the biggest treacherous sociopath who can talk and lie that gets ahead. Being kind and helpful is not how you meet lifelong friends. They are meaningless attachments you barely tolerate and will take you for granted the first opportunity. Women do not adore a man who is respectful and loving. They want the most violent and vulgar who can still get away with it. Since I was little they kept telling me these falsehood after falsehood.
Why did the god and the world lie to me? I poured my life and soul into these scripture and platitudes and ended up with nothing to show for it. I am alone and I see that god has blessed the most evil people and lifted them up. I am angry yet I can not allow myself to be angry either. Who will give me justice?
You sound very bitter mate. Maybe pick up a hobby, like an instrument or painting.
Jason Sullivan
There is no justice in this world. It is not necessarily cruel, rather it is indifferent to the human condition. The first step to moving past these things is to realise the lies, so you're on the right path.
David Richardson
I don't think you've ever gone outside.
Daniel Brown
Unless you've spent more than half your life trying, you haven't tried.
It takes 4 years to get a degree in electrical engineering. Go make money.
Josiah Gonzalez
wasted quads originaa
Asher Brooks
>wasting adegree in being a tech support repairman is this guy serious?
Brandon Lopez
jesus said 'if you love the world you must hate me'. God acknowledges that this world is completely fucked up, and doesnt want you to follow its bullshit. That means you probably live a humble, meager life. But you should get something good in the next world if you follow through.
Elijah Nguyen
>Teenage angst - the post >Babby's first existential nihilism - the post Can't decide which one is more appropriate...
Easton Campbell
Why do you think God lied to you? Is there a scriptural basis to any of those claims?
Jordan Barnes
Fucking reddit faggot, no one here wants advise you shitbag. We need to feel like we are not the only ones in the whole fucking world. This is what normies will never get, and start spurting out jewish advise no one every gave a shit about. Get the fuck off here. Origgssv.
AIUI that's not a good translation, and it doesn't make much sense because God loved the world more than all of us put together!
But we shouldn't have to wait till we reach the next world to succeed. God does want us to prosper even though that should never be our objective. Though we shouldn't sink to the standards of this world, neither should we blindly accept its bullshit.
Cameron Carter
Where did you get the "tech support repairman" idea from? Do you seriously think that's what electrical engineers do?
Ian Richardson
he fell for the bait boys! You've ben trolled!
Cameron Flores
Stfu faggot. That is the most ridiculou crap you could say and it reeks of pathetic "muh loneliness baaaah" get a fucking grip,i also dont remember God saying that hard work and effort would bring you success and money but i might be wrong,also define success because if you pick a hobby and put the effort in it chances are you will become ateast a bit successful at it but if you want success in a grandiose kind of way then yea i guess it is not certain but is it all you care about ? You are basically the same as normie but only constantly cry over your non success and i couldnt give a shit about money so good luck being a failed jew,faggot.
>Hard work and effort does not bring you success and money. That's literally in the Holy Bible. You haven't read the Holy Bible at all.
'I turned me to another thing, and I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to the skilful: but time and chance in all.' - Ecclesiastes 9:11
Every normie has felt like op. Usually when they're 13. Robots don't have hard to grasp ideas.
Ayden Campbell
Nobody is on your side here.
Michael Adams
>9:11 Did the jews did 9/11 ?!
Josiah Allen
Morality is subjective and almost all bastards think they're good people or that they get a free pass because of some vague wrong in their past. If God smote people then they would think him evil, plus it'd infringe upon their free will. Who is to say you're not the evil one or that you're entitled? Keep in mind that God made you and the rest of the universe. He has no time or obligation to follow you around and attend to your needs like a dog owner who cleans up after his dog every time it takes a crap.
Forget help from God. Forget help from others. Rely on yourself and also take responsibility for your situation. This way you'll always have the power to better your situation. Don't hate people for being more successful than you. Instead study them and apply what feels right to you, rejecting the rest. Lift and exercise. Seek the company of your betters instead of the comfort of wallowing in self pity among your fellow losers. Also listen to metal.