>finally accepted i'm trans
>know i won't pass
>don't care
>i'm finally going to be my true self
i'm going to go to target today and buy some girl clothes
>finally accepted i'm trans
>know i won't pass
>don't care
>i'm finally going to be my true self
i'm going to go to target today and buy some girl clothes
There is literally a board dedicated exclusively to faggots. Go post there.
Are you going to let someone TOP you? Grindr is a good start also buy a chastity for your boiclit
Nothing wrong with OPs post focus on something else or use filter
just hopped over from /tttt/ to see what's up and why are you posting this here
I wish we lived in ye olden days so I could murder every faggot with impunity,
r9k is my home board . i have a right to post about trans issues here
and i'm not a faggot. i'm a trans woman
>trans woman
More like live action role player. Except without all the cool swords and costumes instead a dude in a dress.
I'm not roleplaying as a woman. I AM a woman.
Good luck and have fun, can you please just fuck off to and never post here again?
Is this that thing where trannies insist that gender and sex are different. Aight, a human born with a vagina, hope that works better.
>I AM a woman.
You're a dude
r9k is my home board though
i'm a robot and have every right to post here. besides, loads of trans people post here. this is one of the most trans boards on Jow Forums
Whatever makes you sleep at night, as long as you don't go around telling others they are using the wrong pronouns or something
>Loads of trans people post here
>This is one of the most trans boards on Jow Forums
This is a heterosexual board
Fuck off
I hate Hitler and neo-nazis but at he killed fags
>implying anyone here fucks girls
>>implying anyone here fucks girls
>Implying robots can't be attracted to girls
>Hasn't herd of /r9straight/
I see the tranny discord is still around
>"i refuse to believe you deserve human rights"
>- a bunch of white guys to MLK JR
50 yrs from now, people like you will be shamed out of existence
>he doesn't know all trap posting is purely ironic
Except niggers for all their faults are an actual significant chunk of the population and their blackness is self evident. Trannies are cultural fad.
Um, nono sweetie pie
>being black is the same as being mentally ill
Nice to know that trannies are also racist and retarded
>50 yrs from now, people like you will be shamed out of existence
Fags and trannies as well as lesbos and bifaggots will be killed and the world will be a heterosexual world for all races to thrive in
Also I'm a communist lol
>50 yrs from now
You're in the present. And in the present, I can call you a gay faggot dude and there's nothing you can do about it.
Oh wait you're serious
Reminder there is no such thing as a transwomen and there are only two genders.
The word gendwr and sex are interchangeable a d the word gender was chosen to split up and confuse its real meaning. Turning a synonym into a split up culturally charged word.
Trans people are just men that are not interested in classic masculinity but they are pushed to be "trans" by marxist establishments.
Every time you walk past a reflective surface you'll want to shame yourself out of existence faggot.
Dude i don't wanna worry you but 50 years from now, China will have commercialize genetic engineering and parents will likely test their children for LGBT genes in the womb and edit them out.
>they are pushed to be "trans" by marxist establishments.
Don't you mean fascist?
Please show me where in marx's writings he advocated for men to transition.
Nothing wrong with it though desu, live the life that makes you happy.
It's another shitty bait thread.
What's fascist about it? Fascism likes strong androphilic gays not weak cocktails of alien hormones.
How tall/masculine are you? You can pass at 27 as long as you're kind of feminine.
Marxism is far more now than just marx's writing. Marx himself would probably disagree with today's marxist.
You don't have a right for everyone to conform to your warped vision of reality and yourself.
You aren't a woman and can never be one, and most importantly, you will never look like one and it will only get worse as you age.
trans doesn't exist, you're just mentally ill
>There is literally a board dedicated exclusively to faggots. Go post there.
>I'm not roleplaying as a woman. I AM a woman.
do you have a y chromosome?
Why make it so complicated?
Put a hand in your pants.
Is that a penis you feel? Or an open wound you are not allowing to heal shut?
If yes, you are a man.
>Why make it so complicated?
yes or no
this is why we need a new plague, now go and fuck your own knee your degenerate
>and i'm not a faggot. i'm a trans woman
whats the difference?
Don't want to bully ya OP just hope that you get through this soon and come back to your senses, until then try not to get initiated into a cult like circle of friends that will push this down your throat.
>there will be no escape
Wish ya all the best we'll still be here when you come back man
let me be the first to say "FAGGOT!"
hey kiddo, i heard you want some neck rope
kys orignigla