>when an ewhore makes more in a month than you do all year
And I have a PhD in chemical engineering for fuck's sake.
When an ewhore makes more in a month than you do all year
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To be fair shes brought more happiness to millions than you've brought to your own parents.
>this cunt
fuck off you attention seeking poof
if you did chemE for money you are a moron
>makes more in a year than my entire extended family combined
>literally going to be multi-millionaire before 25 just for a having a vagina.
>t. seething orbiter
Fellow chemist I see.
Do not worry komrad, soon as the hard times hit the economy again and the state is eventually dragged into one more pointless attritional war you know that will happen right? All the chads and semi-fit normies will be dragged to the front by draft or conscription. Expect us the select few who are too vital due to our specialization to the productive effort towards the warmachine. We will be put in positions of managerial power over the remaining population, we will get to handpick who we want to fuck at this point by promising "employment". Even her assets will become worthless as rationing kicks in, leaving her no other choice than to beg us to employ her just for her to survive.
>be chemical engicuck
>creates drugs and stuff that makes people addicts
>helps create stuff that harms the planet's environment
>help joo boss to get even richer
>thinks he is helping humanity
>be ewhore
>knows she is dumb but has a nice body
>makes content for lonely people
>creates happiness by giving them a chance to interact with a woman thus giving them purpose in life
>reaches millions of thirst incels
you're the cancer OP.
Is this bitch paying her taxes? I bet not.
what kind of chemist are you? I'm still studying and have yet to pick a spec
well gl tipping her off to the irs, she's in the UK
Specialized in organic chemistry when I finished my major. Not that it really mattered since only job offer I managed to hit down on was quality control at local water purification plant.
Is it really happiness? She's just manipulating lonely dipshits. I just looked at her patreon and reddit. She says shit like, "I made this especially for you!" and "You are my king!" Which is obviously not true. It seems evil to me, to toy with vulnerable peoples' emotions for profit.
I mean, yeah, the people that give her money are retarded too. I'm foreveralone, but I'd rather be that than pay for a shitty charade where some slut I can't even touch pretends to be into me for "one hour a month"
>W-Women have p-problems in their life too!
>Dont judge us ugly Incel! We have our value
If a girl ever tries to tell me that her life is hard I will burst out laughing...fuck off roasties.
Then report her to HMRC? UK isn't a tax haven.
what's with the hype on this bitch? also is that herpes on her lips lol
Fuck off, Satan, you thrive off the low frequency these whores put off.
More to the point of the thread, don't worry, OP, she'll crash and burn like every young retard who falls into a shitton of money. She's probably not making that much, patreon and the irs will want a piece of that and she'll probably blow it all on nonsense and end up with a sugardaddy she hates just to support her hedonistic lifestyle.
She's British? So I could potentially met her and we fall in love?
that image is fake and you brainlets keep falling for it
but yeah she still makes more money than I ever will
>go to HMRC to report the e-whore
>see this video
Brits are fucking weird.
ayy fellow QC scrub. I've been at a pharma company for a couple years. We got a couple hundred million in revenue, but the pay is shit. Boss is flexible with hours, so that's cool
Pay is always shit trough, unless you happen to be one of the lucky undergraduates who the professor likes in kicks you towards some processing development progamme with plenty of funding and eventually getting part of those sweet royalties.
I honestly don`t mind working for the public sector in nordcuck country literally the easiest shit since lab assistants do most of the daily chores and eventually I will get to taste that civil servants retirement too. Also the job security is nice and bosses usually don`t have any kind of knowledge of chemistry beyond HS level so they hardly even do administrative control or checkups.
Good on her, she's found a market to make money and is exploiting it.
She makes more in a month than ive made in my entire life.
She lives in Brighton and she fucked pewdiepie.
> what the other user said.
I guarntee that within a couple years she will end up dead or have fucked up her life in some format or another. plus even if her puny femoid brain manages to not fuck up eventually she will hit the wall. and become ugly and the beta males will stop giving her money and the well will run dry.
If what she's doing is so easy, why don't you do it?
It's only easy if you were born with a vagina and no soul. (I know, they're the same thing.)
Betas only exist because roasties are hypergamous whores. Then the whores profit off them. It's time to put them on leashes.