High Test Thread
Why even wear a bra at this point
Any dude above 20%bf has more boobs
Those are called wheyfus, new friend.The term high test is reserved for thicc women.
The real high test women are the one with the moustache
I want to have sweaty sex with a chalk covered brap queen
Girls on tren*
Fixed that for you faggot
>being this mad he can only fuck cardio bunnies and fatties
Wheyfus retain some feminine body features, these are straight up varbies
how the hell do i get "crossfit chick" abs? I mean the THICK BLOCKY type?
A lot of compounds and a lot of Anavar?
disgusting thread
>all CrossFit chicks have the same blocky body
>all normie girls who do CrossFit all have tubby dyel bodies despite years of doing that shit
Do the famous ones receive some sort of special training to make themselves look like that?
pssssst steroids
Do crossfit lol
Yes they receive special training injections every week or two.
They run test very low, actually
High oxandrolone girls more like it
Fucking hell.
Dude don’t get me wrong I like muscular girls but these are literally male bodies.
Crossfitfags still claim they’re natty?
She's just short.
Have you guys never seen a short girl before? Their proportions are way off most of the time.
hgh is the hormone women rely on the most for muscle development
She's 5'7. That's tall for women
Based. These are not women, these are disgusting golems.
women make testosterone naturally. men just make 10 times as much. women are also more sensitive to testosterone, meaning even a mild increase can have a impact. Like a woman with naturally high testosterone can look huge compared to an average woman.
>Crossfitfags still claim they’re natty?
the funny thing is they no longer do, even the organization itself has turned to the way MMA, the NFL, and bodybuiding handle things.
>announce drug tests months in advance
>let coaches/trainers know about "random" tests
>insiders in the drug firms
>the organizations have a don't ask/don't tell policy
it's all so tiresome. it's funny with crossfit though, since the females make it so damn obvious. It's like the female bodybuilders... having croaky anavar voices whilst sporting beard stubble "IT IS MA'AM"
more like high HGH thread, desu
Real High T Girls don't have to roid.
see: black women
Post a natty black woman that looks built like a man.
All black women are men. Blacks are the masculine race.
>Real High T Girls don't have to roid.
THIS, fit =/= hightest
steroids and better core genetics
damn that hips. that does def. not look like a man.
That is ther perfect female body
Black girls are just built sturdier and hardier, ready for rough sex and incredibly fertile compared to white women.
Yea and the face just happens to be cut out. Fucking lmao
Yes some special training pills
nothing wrong with her face, low test incel gook
good fucking lord
Imagine being a few inches tall and being sloshed around between these two unbelievable hot oily women haha that would be weird haha
What’s her name chief?
black women are high estrogen from the endocrine disruptors in their hair products, which is why they hit puberty 2 years younger than "white" americans and have hips like this
What's so impressive about picking up the same dumbbell that I curl with?
that's a barbell, she's 20 feet tall
No, black girls have the Eve gene. Thats why they have hypersexualized primary gender features.
Pegging/bottom bitch/mommy issues general
user, its crossfit and women, why are you asking me like there's any explanation I can give you that will make sense. I posted the pic because I find her sexually attractive, I wasn't reading the fucking text.
CrossFit "girls" are why women are scared to work out.
>abs about to spawn Biomeat babies
I've fucked a few and you couldn't be anymore wrong
What kind of guys usually get with these girls or are they all lesbian?
Me. If they're not gay, they only fuck men as strong/stronger then them.
Bros you are gay as fuck desu
Muscles are hideously unattractive on females
Oh no....., why?
9/10 would breed
muscular women are why I started lifting