In on sentence, why are you a virgin?

In on sentence, why are you a virgin?

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Because I am not

because i spend 99% of my day trying to get dubs, trips, and quads

Because my peanus weanus hasn't been inside a woman

do we need these threads daily? Youre not even looking for real replies are you?

Because pre marital sex is a sin duhhhhh

cause im not attractive and i dont try

literal degenerate obese drug addicted fucks with AIDS have sex
sex is not an accomplishment
don't let normies define you
>hahahah incel!
fuck off

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Nice dubs orig

A feedback loop of below-average looks, being bad at sports, having a terrible personality, being an easy target at school, and a lack of motivation to improve any of the aforementioned.

I liked video games a little too much.

I do not pursue sex.

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I'm so ugly and my dick is so small

Because I don't care enough to have sex

I didn't really break out of my shell until about a month ago.

Long story short I brainwashed myself during high school that I was too ugly and awkward to get laid and stuck by it no matter what

Now I'm a loner that wants pussy but hates being around other people for longer than 20 mins.

Well it paid off

just the way things are dude

Because I've never tried for a relationship and never leave the house other than work.

Because I am an autistic sociopath

I'm ashamed of myself.

Overweight lazy manlet that probably has ADD

making sex into an accomplishment is so sad and part of the reason the world is so fucked today. only 10 years ago everyone would have laughed at anyone who tried to be proud of getting laid, chad/stacy doesnt matter.

Right man, wrong time

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I can do in a word: ugly.
I firmly believe that there's never a deeper reason. Ugly people are rejected, period, the rest - "I'm antisocial", "I'm shy", "I'm bullied", "I'm gay" - are just forms of coping.

ugly outside, even uglier inside

I don't fuck with non-virgin women no matter how attractive they are.

because of religious reasons.
I'm preserving for marriage.
And I won't marry a non-virgin girl.

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Performance anxiety.

I had girls (some of them cute) wanting me before and told some bullshit about seeing someone already and not wanting to double on her to avoid them.

Because I couldn't hold a conversation to save my life

because of my dick and some other reasons

I'm not interested in sex this much.

I'm short, ugly and boring.

Huh, 30 year old user anon here. What the fuck are you smoking, there was the same stigma back then (I'd even argue it was even worse). Ever seen the original american pie?

Because whenever a girl shows interest in me I either start to fucking panic, ignore the obvious signs or verbally insult them because of my autism

I have evolved past the need for sexual intercourse.

Premarital sex is sin.

My face is very unattractive

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because i've been either too insecure to make a move or have acted too strangely around women and ruined my chances

Autismal tendencies and I actually don't even try to lose my virginity

fear of intimacy and being generally disassociative.

ive gone home w girls after a night out just to have a bed to sleep in instead of a dudes couch. seeing them try to hint at me and slowly getting more and more obvious feels too satisfying. that combined with the extremely disappointed face the next morning can't be better than sex, i sincerely doubt it

I hate being competitive. I'm willing to work for my goals but I don't like being cut off by an unbeatable army of her better alternatives.

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My only chance to get girls is at college because I never go out clubbin, and since I did some retarded shit on the first year no girl wants to come close to me.

>and since I did some retarded shit on the first year no girl wants to come close to me
please do tell

What did you do? I want to avoid doing it myself

I'm a short and overweight beta cuck.
Girls only talk to me when they want to cheat their way through exams. I am invisible for the remainder of the time.

Basically me and my friends created this little roulette with girls gmails and everytime one of us failed a grade we had to send a dick pic to that mail. Anyways one of the boys snitched out to her girlfriend and she told everyone.
I was the only one that failed a grade btw and my dick was kinda dirty.

Any woman who would sleep with a man but on her wedding night is a pig, and not worth discussing.
Any man who'd get married before 35 is probably not emotionally ready for the enormous hurdles of married life, and I am no exception.
I'm here for about 80 years, the first sexual act is naturally and logically the consummation of your marriage.
Why would I throw that away for some husk who just wants her happy girl parts to give her a dopamine rush to cut into all the existential misery and dread that is the rest of her life, or to make some hapless idiot her age a husband that will invariably end in divorce?
Have some self-worth, user.

Because I'm not a degenerate whose life revolves around sex. I'd much rather spend my time having fun playing with my toys or watching movies in my spare time than having to listen to a girl cry about someone not liking her instagram post, all to stick my pisser into her pisshole for a couple of mins.

no girl has expressed interest in me in that way, most of the girls I've known have said they see me as a brother. Also I don't go outside often, im selectively mute, and on the tism spectrum

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It's cool guys, I was just told that you can only lose your virginity to a girl so I still have mine.

>stick my pisser into her pisshole

Are you fucking kidding? Why would you do this?

I can't intereact in a normal way with people and the only girls who make the effort to go through my autism lose all their charm once they seem attracted to me. I hate myself and I hate these girls for liking me. So, I don't do anything to help them, except jumping on my dick, they couldn't do much more.

Im exceptionally uninteresting

Nothin else to do

You didn't consider a hobby?

I have a boring personality, almost no friends, average looks, and not much money to my name - thus I have little to offer most women.

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So basically you set yourself up for it by trusting your chucklefuck friends
None, also never had sex and I don't think I'll get any time soon. I don't need to cope because I've come to the rational conclusion that I don't really even care anymore.

I was homeschooled and lonely in my youth.

Waiting until marriage. My all my firsts will be with my future husband

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210lbs for 6'0

I have been balding since my mid teens, have a 1/10 face, and fell for the TRY HARD IN SCHOOL meme so I have poor social skills