Boobs look hotter in a bra than when theyre naked. Do you agree?
Boobs look hotter in a bra than when theyre naked. Do you agree?
depends on the boob you boob
I've only seen big boobs and huge boobs. I need to see tiny boobs to know the difference
thats why ass is superior
I would tend to agree with this Mr. user.
>books looks better in bras designed to make boobs better
No shit Sherlock
asses look hotter in panties and thongs than naked
Dry humping in underwear is hotter than sex
Panties? Yes thongs? No
Thongs are disgusting and make me think of niggers.
I don't get the appeal of giant racks in general. They just look grotesque to me, like two cancer lumps attached to the body. Also, big tits are always the first to get smashed by the Wall. Men obsessed with giant tits are all secretly oedipal and want to suckle their mommies (not saying it's a bad thing, but you gotta face reality)
Smaller, firm tiddies is where it's at.
ok well my point still stands user, what about these?
They look better with no bra, just a loose shirt on over it
naked women in general look gross
i can literally draw two curved lines on a sheet of paper and be more aroused than looking at some thot's disgusting dinnerplate sized brown areolae flopping around
>fetish video themed around a specific outfit
>12 seconds of girl posing in said outfit
>she starts undressing and spends the rest of the video naked
why the fuck do they do this
>naked women in general look gross
exactly, I always get diamonds in a porn when she's undressing and just in bra and panties but when she's full on naked its a turn off, why the fuck am I like this?
except ass looks better in jeans and yoga pants and panties 95% of the time
perhaps on computer, but irl the scenario in which you would be seeing naked boobs will be more arousing
this on every level
ITT retards finally starting to understand why 2D is superior to 3D. Technically speaking, anime girls never "take off" their clothing, they don't have flawed, unappealing bodies underneath
I agree too, this is why I started hooking up with dudes,
why even watch porn when you can collect 2d lewds?
i've genuinely never gone to any of the big porn sites and watched the videos on the front page. do the majority of people actually like the stuff you see in sidebar ads on hentai sites with a bunch of gurning stupid faces and fluids splatting around?
hentai'd and 2d-pilled
Idk, but the older I've gotten the more I've appreciated the physiques of my male peers and scorned 3D roasts
Generally, the bigger the saggier they are. That's the case unless the girl has peak genetics.
For most people, the sweet spot is big enough to fill your hand but still be firm. My gf fits that description, especially with one boob which is bigger than the other. She also has inverted nipples, which are very cute.
I'd rather hook up with you than your gf
this gets into a part of human/animal behavior known as supernormal stimulus
if it's part of an animal's behavior to respond to a certain stimulus, they will respond even more strongly to an exaggerated version of that same stimulus, and there's no apparent upper limit to how much more you can make them respond.
i.e. if baby birds have a red throat that signals to their mom that they need to be fed, if you place a fake bird in the nest that has a throat which is an even more vibrant shade of red, the mother bird will continue feeding the fake bird and ignore the other chicks with throats that are not as vibrantly red.
football-sized 2D boobs that are still firm will be more arousing than firm normal-sized ones 100% of the time because of this principle.
it's also empirical proof for why 2D>3D
I honestly want a gf with an almost flat chest. Like the smallest possible chest that can still be called boobs. Where do I find these women?
I'm also heavily sexually aroused by pre-teens, so it isn't too shocking.
I'm a guy and I have a nice flat chest, I have a nice ass too
That's gay my friend.
All fair but you can't shove your face in pixels.
>That's gay my friend.
Idc, I'm bi and have recently realized hooking up with other guys is patrish tier
Bras are unaesthetic.
Yes, unless they're very small.