/SIG/ - Self improvement general

>No /sig/

Overall Guide
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy self help resource

Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Mindfulness in Plain English
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Revised

Rather than rolling in this thread, you can find a random number generator just right there:
> mathgoodies.com/calculators/random_no_custom

>What does "making it" mean to you?
>What did you do in the last week to improve your life?
>What will you do in the next week to improve your life?

“It should not be said that if the defeat is certain, that struggle is useless.”

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dumping some useful things I found in other threads. Thank you all for sharing these images.

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Not sure if anybody has ever done this, actually. It would be nice to hear know your experiences in dopamine fastings.

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Here are some YouTube channels that may interest you:








Been going through depression and anxiety. I've been seeing a therapist and meditating and that's helped but I still wake up feeling depressed and anxious over being a Jow Forums basement dwelling kissless virgin. Is there anymore I can do? How does Jow Forums handle depression and anxiety?

Clean your room

im watching the second channel and it's very good, i'm going to start sleeping on the floor tonight

Why do the jannies keep deleting /sig/ threads? It's getting on my nerves.

I've met a girl that keep pushing me upward in my med studies. I think I like her and she likes me.

Should I go for a relationship with her and expect to maybe destroy in a few years or weeks what we've build ? Or should I stay like a loyal friend to her and see other girls ?

I've never been in a relationship ever, but I've banged some woman.

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you can always be in a relationship without getting too attached

If you live close to a park/nature area go spend an hour wandering the woods.

Because they're very mental health oriented and as such they should go on Jow Forums

Which sucks since Jow Forums is a shit board.

Yeah I know, but I honestly think she's perfect for me. I have fear in every step I've done so far it never happened to me before, and she isn't even that hot. Just cute, crazy and hopeful.

I just fear everything will end up badly, it's the first year since I /SIG/ and be a better human bean.

How do actually improve my self esteem. I’m scared/attentive to everyone that walks by me. I’m 24, good looking and talented but feel weak and scared and literally can’t not give a fuck. I think I was raised to be submissive in that regard. I’m not a beta I’m still pretty out there but I have these FEELINGS

Sit in front of a white paper with a pen. Write a list with the things that make you feel like that and then try to attack each problem separately. Divide et impera! You can't fix your whole life in one day, but you can isolate each problem and eventually you'll get rid of every one of them.

If a problem doesn't have a solution, then there's is no use worrying about it. If a problem has a solution, you just have to find it.

It isn't about not giving a fuck, it's about realising that you're on a par with everyone else and have absolutely nothing to fear. I don't think it's something that can be taught I think you have to realise for yourself bud. Your life will be so much better if you just understand that.

In college every day
Turbo improvement.

College finished 2 weeks ago.
Lost all my improvements.
Was literally afraid to go outside.
Had to dress formal to feel confident. I usually dress like a gay fag.

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Will you be of value to her? Will she be of value to you?

I don't know about that

I certainly believe this: that it is better to be impetuous than cautious, because Fortune is a woman, and if you want to keep her under it is necessary to beat her and force her down. It is clear that she more often allows herself to be won over by impetuous men than by those who proceed coldly. And so, like a woman, Fortune is always the friend of young men, for they are less cautious, more ferocious, and command her with more audacity.

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Keep yourself busy. You need some real hobbies, not vidya and netflix.

Do it

Not sure if this is the right thread for it
I’m a newbie lifter, still in linear growth phase, doing SL 5x5. I’m having a real problem with deadlifts. I’m still sub 2pl8 (only 205 pounds) at the lift. I failed last time (only got 2 reps) but this time I couldn’t get any. I would get tight and ready to lift but I couldn’t get it off the ground. I deloaded 10 pounds and couldn’t get it. Deloaded 10 more and still couldn’t.
I think it’s some sort of mental thing. I’m starting to have a hard time with squats so I stand there for 30 seconds with the bar on my back before lifting because I’m worried about things.

made this thread on Jow Forums but maybe someone here can help

How do I deal with my anger? I already work out and have hobbies and stuff, but the second something ignites my temper I end up sitting and stewing in rage which is really bad for my health. What do I do? I try to avoid things that set me off like reading the news, clips of unjust things etc but I lurk here so I stumble across things that set me off and once they do I end up feeling it course through my veins to such an extent it gives me heartburn and makes me grind my teeth.

What do?

also how do I go to church? sounds stupid but i've never been before and I want to start going, I also want to get baptised if it resonates with me
I believe in a christian God but have never really gone full christian because I was raised in an atheist household

Try putting on a belt

keep a hierarchy of priorities and put her in the mix
also try to gauge where you are on her hierarchy of priorities and try to match up with how dedicated you two would be in a relationship
Me and my uni gf were pretty great at the time, but out life goals and priorities didn't match up so we ended up splitting because we couldn't put each other over family, career, etc. Also didn't help that we lived many hours away after uni.

Well /sig/, life is good.
>lost 90+ pounds
>put on 20 pounds of muscle
>look good
>credit from 525 to 666
>new new car
>Renting a home instead of apartment
>work hard to get salary over 50k a year
>wake up to pic related qt twitch streamer gf every day
I think I’ll get a dog next. What’s a good small dog that can be alone 9hours a day while I’m at work?

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fucking hell, I make 30k a year with working 22% part time in my country but I could never a fford a house and dog on 60k.
I guess that's were shit differs.

Posted near the end of the previous thread, would appreciate some advice and don't know a better place here to go (inb4 )

>Needs some help from financial bros.
>Does it make sense for me to just keep only my emergency fund (plus another 50 or 100%) in my savings account and the rest in a money market? I live with my parents, so no monthly rent as of now, I pay my insurance in full every 6 months (~$600), and I live quite frugally, so I don't spend that often.

More info:
>used car, no payment
>no job, but getting payed to go to comm. college (about $3200 a year)

Also savings is 0.75% and money market is at 1.75%


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>Lost 90 lbs
I need to lose like 40 right now. How did you do it? And how long did it take you?

Channel your rage into something. I'd go with exercise.
Rage can be a very productive force.
>Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles

>posting nudes of your gf online

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>ate outside in the sun with wife
>went on a run
>laid out for a tan
i love days off

thanks for reading my blog

dont get a dog if you're gonna leave it for 9 hrs, itll just shit on the carpet and bark all day
get a cat if you want a pet

I think I will.

Right now, I think she wants to validate her year. She's in med school like me, and go the same uni as me.
Only problem is, I won't see her for 2 months or 1 I think. Due to my family's plan and reunion in Scotland.

Be 30s, 5'10, 165, medium handsome...
Wife left me
>Counseling, nonviolent communication, self-improvement
>StartingStrength, then StrongLifts, now just BroSplit
>Gave up meat and alcohol
>Fulfilling nonprofit career, middle class salary
>Bought shitty house, renovated it with youtube tips, selling for $50k cash profit a year later
>Slutted around on Tinder for a while
>Met a hottie who was also slutting around
>Kinda like each other
>Kinda love each other
>She's kinky, bi, and makes amazing money
>Takes me on foreign vacations, pays
>Had first threesome, then weekly threesomes until they're just kinda the norm
>Shit is just good
>Plans to make it even better
Made it.
And you can too.

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small tits on fat chicks are the worst

Not entirely nude though, is it?

I have yard and garage. There has to be something. I don’t want another pet and feed me and I’ll reward you with scratches animal fren.

>Only problem is, I won't see her for 2 months or 1 I think. Due to my family's plan and reunion in Scotland.
That's fine.
Either it will strengthen the relationship, or it will break it, in which case it would never have lasted anyway.

I fasted. Snake juiced and did many 48 & 72 hour fasts, I did two 7 day fasts and finished it off with an 8 day fast. Fasting works, it’s fast, and easy. Ty /fast/

How is sharing someone you love with another person "making it". Commitment and fidelity to one person is true self improvement.

If you'd find something like that of your mother online, what'd you think?

So is coping when you have nothing. To each there own friend. I hope you find something and get away from your depression. Let me know if I can be of service with some advice.

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Ya I’m sure she has lots of belly pics online. Stop being a giant faggot?

How do you find a girlfriend?
I'm studying at an all-boys high school, and all my friends are male.

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I officially have erectile dysfunction

>inb4 nofap

I stopped masturbating a long time ago when I began losing my sex drive.

What do?

> go to job interview
> everything seemingly goes fine
> even get a hard copy of the menu to memorize
> "contact you today or tomorrow"
> two days pass, no respose
> decide to be assertive, ask what's up
> "not relevant anymore"

Feels like pic related. Hopefully you all had a /sig/gier day than me. Fuck ghosters.

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That isn't a belly pic and you damn well know it.

Ya is it a real saver? Is it saved ? Cmon dude, there’s white knighting, then there’s this. Find another fight, a worthy fight.

No, it's rather a matter of 'what kind of cuck would post nudes of his gf online'.


If you aren't poly and aren't secure enough to try an open relationship, at least work to get over the idea of romantic ownership.

If she's not choosing you every day, you've already lost.

FFMs so far, though we've done some BDSM scenes with other men working the rigging or holding the Hitachi. I ain't scared of a little MMF either.

>unironically being a cuck

unironically cumming in several women each week and also enjoying the trappings of a loving pair bond


You could do this without being a cuck, though. There's no need to associate with homosexuals.


Oh you got me based kiddo. I watch my girl take black pipes to the ham sandwich because i posted her belly on a Korean cat sweater knitting forum. How will I ever recover

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How long altogether did it take to you lose to the 90 lb?

Coping this hard. You’re doing good man, ignore the coping faggots who will stay mad.

Yikes. Looks like someone needs some /SIG/ re: the shit a cis-het man can learn from "associating" with LGBTQIA+ communities.

I was small-minded once too. I had a shitty squat and bench too. Then I decided to grow.

I look forward to welcoming you to the other side, bro.

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Relationship. In my experience, friendships with girls who like you don't last, and you end up not having her as a friend nor a gf.

About 5 months. Starting at 247 pounds I did 2 months of HIIT and clean eating at a 500 cal deficit (insanity work out). When I plateaued at 201 pounds, I switched to fasting and did that from 201-154. At 154 I started eating big (3100 cal, clean) and lifting weights, and have climbed to 177 in pure muscle gains. I look awesome.

>cis-het man
share the wisdom fag-bro

>associating with LGBTQIA+ communities
ha, thanks but no thanks

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> shit tattoos, dating a loser cam whore, proud of making 50-60k a year

these losers are like clockwork lmao

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How do I stop having gay urges? I want to be straight and know I wouldn't have a good time if I even try doing gay stuff, but I haven't been touched in years and the internet doesn't help.

I keep going on Grindr, setting up hookups, only to fap it off and delete the app. I wish I had control of my mind and my cock again.

Force yourself to go through with one, be disgusted and realize that you're just very overstimulated and bored.
Then pick up a hobby with a friend group, join a group or whatever and spend your time doing something engaging.
Check to see if you have a makerspace or something around you, lots of cool shit to do there.

That's not how having an open mind works. You can't just cross your arms, lean back, and wait for wisdom to be imparted.

When you're ready to be done living in fear and hatred, you'll have to decide to lean in and listen.

Good luck. Wokebro, out.

I don't think trying It would be a good idea. I might just like it and become a faggot overnight. I don't want to give into my urges.

I could try stimulation starvation. No internet, and always keeping busy with workouts, reading, and groups.

Only catch is detaching yourself from your phone long enough. Just got to distract myself with /sig/ approved shit.

There are two different anons that you (you)'d.

I'm honestly curious what you have to say and what you're woke to. That's the point of /SIG/ and why I'm here, to learn.

Thx user.

>I might just like it and be relieved to realize I always had some attraction to men, and then my life might open up for me with the possibility of finding fulfilling relationships that align with my natural sexuality.

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If it's weighing you down because you think you might be homosexual, it will never go away.

Maybe just set up a date with the intent of not being an aids spreading epidemic faggot and try out something softcore if it goes well. There are plenty of gays out there that aren't absolute degenerates, scoob is a good example.
That or just have an avoidable dilemma haunt you for years until you finally give in.

>Self improving strength. Posting here cause I haven’t been aware of owg or plg threads.
I haven’t been able to complete my new workout load. Been pretty upset of not doing much now. I’ve been trying out a new workout that strength orientated. To prepare myself for when I training strongmen, eating at maintenance. It’s curated by me and some parts from grey lp. All of them are 3x5. But I don’t think I’m strong enough for bench and overhead. Which is strange because curls, rows, lat downs, and flys have been fine so far. And I’ve been doing those for 2 years. While bench is barely 125lbs. I need suggestions and routines to change this one.
>Few key details to know
>I am losing weight while I do these lift. Went from 247lbs to 210 from new years of last year to now.
>I fast 20 hours from 8pm to 4pm (non religious).
>I’ve been doing weightlifting for ~3 years.
>I can only go to the gym 2 times a week for 45 minutes. (Tuesday and Wednesday back to back. I do flag football on Thursday.) Hope after summer, it can be more days.
>started couch to 5k on tredmill everyday. Since early April at 3:50am.

My stats:
Gender: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: ~210lbs
BMI: 27.00
BMR: 2,815 Calories/day - 500 = 2,315 calories
Body posted on Jow Forums before: imgur.com/a/qWxc4hh

>New workout (Tuesday is A, Wednesday is B):
FACE PULLS (Face Pull Downs) 20 reps
REAR DELT SETS (Rows, rear delt flys, delt pull down) 20 reps
* Bench Press 3x5
* Overhead barbell press 3x5
* Squat 3x5
* Deadlifts 3x5
* Dips/Tricep exercises 3x5
* 90 degree Dumbbell crunches 3x5
* Rear Delt Fly 3x5
* T-bar Row 3x5

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EXTRA ROTATOR CUFF EXERCISE. (Resistance bands Lateral raises.) 20 reps
OBLIQUE WORK (Single dumbbells tilts, SOH, 90 degree plates sit-ups). 20 reps
* Overhead Press 3x5
* Incline Bench 3x5
* Clean & Jerk 1x5
* Smith machine squat 3x5
* Deadlift 3x5
* T-bar Row 3x5
* Single dumbbell seated overhead 3x5

Back Squat: 275 lbs[Intermediate]
Deadlift: 370 lbs[Intermediate]
Bench Press: 145 lbs[Untrained]
Incline Bench Press: 145 lbs[Novice]
Overhead Press: 145 lbs[Intermediate]
Chin-up: 35 lbs added[Novice]

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OK... but I'm not trying to feed some Red/Black Pill trolls.

As far as the LGBTQIA+ stuff, it's easy to hate people you don't know. It's easy to minimize or even to hate the stereotypes and the anecdotes and the caricatures we have for people outside our own communities. Once you've spent time with marginalized people and gotten to know them and their plights from a position of shared humanity and openness, you learn real quick to stop aligning yourself with people who use terms like "faggot"--even "as a joke."

As far as the lessons one can learn from an open or polyamorous relationship:

1. You don't own anyone. Not their body. Not their heart. Not their future. Any illusion you have about owning someone is just that: illusion. You need to be the kind of man that your partner(s) choose to be with.

2. Love is infinite. Loving you mother doesn't take love from your father. Loving your dog doesn't take love away from your child. Loving one person doesn't take away from your love of another. [*Time and energy ARE finite, and taking one or both of those away to give to another can have the effect of depleting love.]

3. Compersion. The sheer, jealousy-free pride you feel for your child winning a prize is an available response to your partner sharing love with someone else. That shit is expert mode.

There's more, but I'm unsure where I'm casting these pearls.

If you really want to grow on in this area, try reading some Esther Perel, maybe "Sex at Dawn" and/or "The Ethical Slut," and try "The Jealousy Workbook."

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>your credit scores still shitty
>implying buying a new car,/o/ is fucking steaming rn
>renting a home is more expensive than an aprtment, and renting means your throwing your money down the shitter
>shitty job, but not if you enjoy it which im guessing you dont since you "work hard"
>sorry to bring this to your attention but your gf is fat
you can barely support/control yourself why would you ever even think of buying a dog,if youre not working towards a life goal or ambition youre wasting the time you have left on this earth, you still have a lot more to learn

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>This is totally me, when...
This one reminds me of all the facebook posts i used to relate back in 10. Is this, what this Mongolian underwater knitting forum has turned into?

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>jealous-free pride
where is the line between sharing love and realizing that they have fallen out of love with you and moved on?

I've come to understand that a committed relationship is expert mode (gay or het). You must learn to deal with someone else's feelings and work things out to a mutual compromise.

It's plausible that in a poly-amorous relationship that you could spend more time with another lover till things blow over or cool off with the other partner. Not saying that's what always happens but that option is not so readily available in a committed relationship with a single person. Just thoughts.

True bro for sharing your thoughts, this is how true growth is achieved.

That, and you'll probably end up with an std.

When I was a teenager I had gay urges, and I tried sticking a carrot up my ass. It hurt really bad, and made my ass bleed. I wouldn't reccomend it (you could end up with salmonilla.

That's how I found out I'm not gay. Or at least not a bottom, since I still jack off to gay porn once in a while.

Idk man, you're just obsessed with sex because you can't get any. I shouldn't be talking cuz I'm in the same boat as you, if you want to cure the gay I'm pretty sure getting laid/ making friends is the solution.

I have the most important exams of my life so far coming up and my chronic anxiety is ruining my performance in study and in the actual tests. Over tried everything from meditation, lifting, running, vitamin d and other supplements etc. Given up on trying to cure my anxiety, anyone gotta a quick fix so I can ignore it for two months?

Get some meds, just for this occasion

This is the problem with lumping homosexuals in with all the other nonsense.
Having an open mind doesn't mean you have to hang out around sick people. Not hanging out around sick people also doesn't imply that you fear or hate them.
>if you don't fraternize with heroin addicts and hobos youre living in fear and hatred

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Not bad advice, medicine is a tool that can be used and abused

I can be scary when someone you love loves someone new, but you already have practice loving people who love others--their parents, friends, children, pets.

Perhaps one day you and your lover will grow apart, but how is that different than any other relationship. "A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once." Your possessiveness and jealousy won't keep her. Not even your promises, plans, and vows. If you open the door of the cage, you'll learn to attract the kind of bird who want to be with you.

Pro tip: persons addicted to heroin and persons experiencing homelessness are people too.

Don't worry, baby bro: we all start with tiny minds like this, but then some of us decide to grow up.

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every person is a people. Ted bundy was a person too. Doesn't mean we need to be chums "for the wokeness". Obviously some homless are just in hard times, etc. Some spend their days screaming at the sky about the NSA trying to steal their feet, there isn't much to learn from the latter

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you're welcome, i liked it

People experience homelessness for a number of reasons, and trying to rank some as more noble than others misses the point that shelter and safety are human rights.

The day you realize that the man "screaming at the sky" didn't choose his situation--that he's experienced a traumatic brain injury or is experiencing an illness of the mind through no fault of his own--then you'll have to go through the painful process of actually TREATING every person as a person.

And that's hard work. It's easier to spit vitriolic snark on an anonymous message board.

No judgement, friend; for I have been you. But you are on the wrong side of this.

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>thought i found a cute girl who liked to tlak to me
>no, she starts ignoring me
>thought i was finally making some new friends
>no they dont actually like me that much and went out without me
>even mom is being mean to me
>hard times financially
>had surgery some months ago and nobody came to visit
im losing my will again guys, i really hate feeling like this, everything was going fine i was talking to people more, i wasnt even feeling that bad i dont wanna feel like this again

How do you find a girlfriend?
I'm studying at an all-boys high school, and all my friends are male.

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Can you be too young for a hair transplant?