Is she speaking the truth? Is there no harm to processed food and do candy bars contain nutritional value...

Is she speaking the truth? Is there no harm to processed food and do candy bars contain nutritional value? Most importantly, is eating healthy food cheaper or not?

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1,2, and 9 are mostly true but don't give her the excuse to be a fat tub of shit like she thinks they do.

She sounds fat.

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Guaranteed HAES activist

That’s why i got my diet from a nutritionist and not from some random blog on the internet
If you want a good diet go to a professionist

She's right about the GMOs. GMOs and pesticides are the saviors of our species.

Almost all shitty food technically has some nutrients and is, in a very technically sense "nutritious", but using such a definition then, having nutrients isn't sufficient to make something good for you.

"OMG ice cream has calcium, calcium is a nutrient, ice cream is nutritious, eat your ice cream goyim!"

I bet she could pay for the healthy stuff if she ate less junk food.
You spend way less if you shop at grocery and make your own food as opposed to buying pre-prepared stuff at the store or getting delivery/fast food.

As for nutrients in candy or fattening foods, any nutrients in them is outweighed by the fat/sugar/carbs.

Most of it is true. Especially overpriced "organic" food. It is not necessary for a healthy diet, there are much more important aspects in food health than the bullshit organic/processed dichotomy.

Led paint chips, zero calories, eat a bag.

Fuck fat "people"

bet ya 10k she's looks like a fucking whale

just a whale. doubt she's fucking.

"Organic" food is indeed bullshit.
Doesn't excuse this bitch from being a fat pig though.

She has a point on all of them except 4

eating healthy doesn't cost more and eating animals is disgusting and wretched. she is a stupid fat pig that is slightly less judgemental than other fools but that doesn't make her right and her liberal attitude toward judging others who eat disgusting diets is laughable levels of virtue signaling.

she is right in one thing though, being a wretched flesh eater she is no better than the other disgusting animals that eat faces, fingers, and genitals to get their fix, and she is in no place to judge others for their diets, because she after all is a disgusting pig.

someone like me is in a position to judge her though, and all others like her. she is stupid, gluttonous, moronic, and shockingly foolish and the best part is, she is convinced she is the opposite and that what she says has value.

Where do you guys even find retards like these?

yes, she's totally right.

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'Organic' food probably isn't better for you in general. Some specific non-organic food may be polluted with stuff which is bad for you, depending on where you live. It probably is a little better for the environment, but not much.

I don't know much about the whole slave labour thing, but it seems like an exaggeration.

All food is nutritious in some sense, but most of those things are short on things most Western people are short of and have too many things which they eat too much of. Even candy can be a good food to eat in the right situation, but most people who eat candy do not eat it in a healthy way and there are a lot of ways in which those foods encourage unhealthy eating. This does not apply to fried chicken, which is fine.

Eating healthy isn't super expensive. If you can afford a kitchen, you can probably afford to eat healthily. If you are willing to make the effort, you will spend less cooking meat and vegetables than you waste on convenience food. The real obstacle to eating healthily is that it requires slightly more effort and isn't quite as fun as eating crap. Still, protein isn't as cheap as carbs and fat, not everyone has a kitchen, or the skills to make their own food, or the time to spare.

Everything else seems to check out.

Basically, there's nothing glaringly wrong about what she says, but for some reason that style of writing makes me want to disagree with her. I imagine that she is a terrible obesity-apologist.

>Is there no harm to processed food
People forget "processing" means things like pasteurizing milk and talking parasites out of your fish

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Everything she said is fine except for that eating healthy is expensive.

>do candy bars contain nutritional value?

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some parts are close to the truth.
but she has no idea what she's talking about.

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She's mostly right yea, main bullshit point is the "eating healthy is expensive" part

>I bet she could pay for the healthy stuff if she ate less junk food.

She lists pizza, fried chicken, french fries, fast food, and candy bars. Let's assume she's eating out (few people make these at home). You're looking at like 75 dollars for all that.

75 bucks buys you a LOT of frozen veggies, oats, and proper chicken. You can eat clean and SAVE money. Whole foods are cheap.

I have smoothies and protein shakes with cocoa. Is that good?

Scooby told me to do it.

>the "eating healthy is expensive" part
No, that's true.

care to provide your anecdote?

>care to provide your anecdote?
I live in Canada. I don't think any further elaboration is required.

That sucks bro. I work for a Canadian company so I spend some time up there. Fucking garlic costs twice as much and its grown in fucking China. Fresh food costs are insane compared to NJ.

She had me until the part about pizza and french fries being nutritious. Can it fit your macros? Possibly. Is it nutritionally dense? Can you build a diet around that kind of food and be healthy? Is it anywhere near ideal? Fuck no. Yes it's real food but poor amino acid profiles, low protein, extreme caloric density, and almost no presence of micronutrients disqualifies it from being "nutrition". Also, eating healthy is not costly. I'm a poor college kid and I eat great. Beans, frozen vegetables, eggs, chicken thighs, oats, protein supplements etc are abundant and cheap in America. I think it's weird that she talked about how "organic" and "unprocessed" food isn't actually more nutritious and then went on to describe cage free eggs and fresh produce as healthy. Like 90% of the veggies I eat are frozen and they are just as nutritionally dense as fresh ones.

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I used to believe that when I thought that organic fruits and vegetables and grass fed beef were the definition of healthy food. Now I eat frozen vegetables, dry beans etc which are cheap and never go bad and I'm healthier than ever.

I hate "processed" as a meaningless buzzword. Depends on what the process is. Grinding meat down and soaking it in maltodextrin and corn syrup? Bad. Removing parasites and keeping food from going bad? Good.

I don't know who is paying her to say this shit but shes going to hell

MSG causes addiction, bipolar syndrome, adhd, insomnia and many other problems

Just by reading her say shit like "classist" you know she's a leftist cunt that hates humanity

>Go to McDonalds
>Get greasy McCombo with a soda for $7.99+tax
>No micronutrients, shit macros, insane amounts of salt and more calories than most people should have in a single meal
>Go to Grocery Outlet
>Get 24 eggs for $2.50
>Get 2lbs of frozen mixed vegetables for $2.00
>Get 2lbs of bone-in chicken thighs for $3.00
>Get 1lb of dried black beans for fucking $0.50
>Not even subject to sales tax
Same money, more nutrition. Fatties who make this argument are literal retards who don't know how to cook and have never set foot in a grocery store.

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>MSG causes bipolar disorder
Nigga I'm going to need some fucking sources on that STAT because I don't fucking believe you.

> eating animals is disgusting and wretched.

I just drinked 6 raw eggs to piss you off you fucking vegan cunt, go supplement your artificial taurine because you're probably deficient in it, among other nutrients

The good part of veganism is that you're sterilizing yourselves and cleaning the human gene of one more stupidity that is veganism

That fucking whale doesn't even know what happens when you heat oils to fry anything

If you don't believe start by studying what glutamate is

You can also read this if you want

The person that wrote the OP pic is so fucking evil, I don't know if it's just ignorance or malice, but at this point its criminal either wau

2 has some major issues. Most natural foods have a time limit so I have diffuculty with the idea of a third world country making a lot of “organic” foods in first world countries through slave labor. Unless she’s talking about beaners, but those aren’t slaves either

1. True
2. Probably, who cares
3. True, not an excuse for your fatass
4. False af
5. Eh it depends
6. True
7. True
8. Dunno
9. True
10. Dunno, probably unsafe because jews

Think salt is safe?
It's sodium chloride. Look up "chloride" that shit will kill you

My reading on this was the big haciendas in central america that grow pretty much everything. Not an excuse, even if every piece of healthy organic food was fertilized with the dead beaners who couldn't keep up.

>muh nutritious JUNK food
>muh eating healthy costs
>just because processed food could mean X or Y we'll just assume it's X i.e. the better kind
>all chemicals are equal therefore eating apples is the same as eating chemicals that are known to be carcinogenic
She's a fullblown retard and one should never EVER take advice from a retard, especially if they're a HAES cunt on a site for cunts like tumblr

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You shouldn't listen women, period.

The chemicals part is right though. Not that all food additives are innocent but people who freak out about every "chemical" they can't identify or pronounce without looking it up to see if it's harmful are braindead hippies.
>P-potassium chloride? I'm being fed CHLORINE? I'M GONNA DIE!!!


8,9, and 10 are actually kind of solid points.

MSG is perfectly fine in moderate amounts, just like literally ANYTHING.

Sometimes "scraps" can be good. I haven't had much of it but people down south LOVE head cheese, tongue, etc.

GMOs and intelligent pesticide use is one of the saving graces of our species being able to survive in such numbers.

cunt is still prolly insufferable tho

I'm not bothered by the idea that scraps, entrails, hearts etc go into hotdogs, but I still don't eat them because most of them are raped into oblivion by food additives like corn syrup.

The parts about "organic", chemicals and MSG are true. The rest is mongoloid tier.

Did you mean chlorine or chloride?

Why do you think anything she said about MSG is true?

>Eating healthier costs more
Fuck anyone that thinks this. As soon as I hear this I know they are fat and stupid. I stopped going out to save money and started cooking 100% of my food at home. Not only did I save money, but my body fat % went down.

These retards can't make a recipe and can't count macros and micros. Fucking Cronometer is free, and there are others. Shit drives me up a fucking wall. A pound of lentils and a pound of brown rice will cost you $2 at most. Frozen vegetables are also around $1/lb. I cut out meat, but there are even cheap cuts of meat and eggs. Fuck them. These obese faggots are the best argument against universal health care.

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You are dumb for even considering this faggot.

She's right about most things actually except for

>fast food is nutritious and loaded with good things
while partially true, the nutrients you get do not at all compensate for the amount of sugar, fat and salt you get
>eathing healthy is more expensive
it's literally not. Meal preppping and simple dishes (like chicken + rice + broccoli) is super cheap, way cheaper than McDrive
>ingredient label
they do not list every carbon atom that goes in an apple. A long label means a lot of conservatives, aditives and such. Most are harmless and generally should be avoided

I generally think this, but food deserts are a thing. Especially in extremely poor areas.

Meh, I call bullshit. I buy my lentils and rice at the 99 cent store. They have them all over the shitty sides of town. I also go to farmer's markets and flea markets for vegetables, which again are on the shitty side of town at the fair grounds. Food deserts do not happen in urban environments. In sub urban environments you can have a garden and save even more money.

>A pound of lentils and a pound of brown rice will cost you $2 at most. Frozen vegetables are also around $1/lb.
None of that is healthy.

> I cut out meat
You cut out something that's actually healthy. Good job.

Hey Frank. Tell me more how plants have anti nutrients.

Here's my cronometer. I cooked all the vegetables because eating raw vegetables other than lettuce is retarded

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That's disgusting, user.

Yeah, too much iron and folate. I eat nutritional yest every other day for B12 and I get Vitamin D from the sun. I'll probably eat more olive oil to get vitamin E.

But again, all of that is cheap as shit. Steel cut oats are $1/lb at the 99 cent store. As are ground flax seeds.

Flax seeds might be cheap in money, but they're rich in estrogen.

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