>be NEET
>want to buy item for $3000
>been saving for a few months but needed to buy other stuff
>getting frustrated
>be today
>check on item cause daydreaming
>item is on sale
>item is $2700
>only need 100 bucks more to buy
>get NEETBUX at end of month
>"sale lasts till we empty inventory"
What is the chance people will buy my beloved item before month ends?
Post the item so I can buy it
What is the item, I'll send you 100bux if it's something good.
Ask mommy for money
this is fake the neetbux system doesn't even let you save up money as soon as you have any money at all they stop giving you shit
Why don't you get a job? Then you could just buy it.
I assume it's a pc.
If you knew what it was you would buy it just for the resale value, I can't trust anyone, not even myself.
I take it out of the bank account lmao, is this something new?
I already have a $2500 PC, the item is electrically powered, I'll only say this much
I doubt it's a PC. If it was user prob would've said it was. Guessing it is something sex related
It's definitely the limited edition bunny girl asuka blue eyed moe moe kyun edition original run signed by director ching chung yang yong
Fair enough.
But again, seriously. Just get a job. Even part time and you could have bought it.
Do postmates food delivery for a day or some odd job that only needs to be done once. Stop being a lazy faggot OP
But I'll buy it in any case, this or next month. I preplanned my expenses to the upmost detail. Why would I want to be a wagecuck, the amount of expenses I'll have on keeping the job will cancel out any extra money I'll get, plus I'll need to work, ew.
Or just sell some weed or some ingame items.
Because work isn't just about finances?
It's about a sense of being, meeting people, achieving shit.
Do you realize on what board you are right now? Society failed me, I don't feel indebted to it and i don't believe in the wagie memes about "sense of being". You guys work to keep yourself occupied and make yourself believe this is the "right" way to live, while you have millionaires lighting their cigars with $100 bills this very moment. Miss me with that cuck shit.
Are you gonna fuck it or get fucked by it?
What can you buy for $3000 that you can fuck/be fucked by it?
Do you not have credit? Or get one of those 100 for 20 things
its a nice tv
Maybe a sexdoll? State of art onahole? I don't know.
Link me, just incase, for plan B.
I can go like $500 in the negative, however idk, need to sleep it off.
Turns out they don't exist, or my googling skills have failed me.
Those sexbot companies need to step up their game if they want my NEETBUX.
>Investing 2700$ on an item i don't know much about to resell it for 3000$
Just tell us what it is and stop fagging around
>It's about a sense of being, meeting people, achieving shit.
imo you failed as a person if you need a job to have any of this
I told you earlier, I'm not risking some asshole buys it to spite me, it's an electrical device, it's interactive and you can use it to express yourself.
Now stop fucking asking, I gave you all the info you need.
Honestly user I feel a lot better now that I'm working than when I was a neet. Although I'm making decent money at $28/Hour and its physical so it's like getting paid to work out. It has nothing to do with giving back to society but my own well being. I also get a sense of accomplishment that I didnt before.
>thinking anyone on this fucking board has enough money to pay 3000 bucks just to spite some robot
You're a drone to some souless company, congrats dude, if I want to work out I'll clean my apartment and I'll feel just as accomplished.
Sorry user, not falling for the bait.
I'm self employed, though. $28 is what I pay myself and the rest is taxes/reinvested.
So you own a small time repair company or something and I shitpost on Jow Forums and get paid. Something for everyone.
>user wants to play VRchat
this is what credit cards are for, autist
then how the fuck are you gonna order it with physical cash you dumb ass
Pay with delivery.
what kind of instrument are you thinking of buying with neetbux, son?
It's not a musical instrument, that's for sure.
So, why do you want to buy an apple product, dear user?
Society isn't indebted to you either then, dumbass. Get some self awareness, Mr. Self-righteous
It's not an Apple product, however you're thinking in the right direction.
Yes it is, if we were still berrypickers I would at least be dead by now, take responsibility.
you would have learned the necessary skills or died, but probably you would have learned
you can do the same now but you choose not to because you're a weak willed, fearful faggot, you have no excuse
Its a cintiq isnt it
Should've said you're a woman OP. You'd have it by now.
Better luck next time.
I have the freedom to choose.
This user won the guessing game. I'm not getting it from Amazon tho, so I suppose you'd have to strike major luck to buy the one I have in mind.
> Wasting $3000
> Bitches on Jow Forums
> Plays the guessing game
> Refuses to better themselves
It's like they say, user: Faggots can't be robots. Now GTFO.
>"You're not allowed to do literally anything"
Just wait till you hear I'm not a virgin either.