You are REQUIRED to post ITT if you have never seen a vagina IRL before.
Family members don't count.
You are REQUIRED to post ITT if you have never seen a vagina IRL before.
Family members don't count.
Holding on my 30 years old status.
one time at school fieldtrip where we spent like 4 days overnight i saw a girl's cameltoe when we were swimming in the lake, but i never seen a vagina. 28 here
Never seen one irl never really want to. They look pretty disgusting.
I have never seen a vagina irl before.
I just came here to comment
>cutting scars
Damn that makes me want to fucking ravage her pussy. I hope she's crazy that would be a plus
I like to pretend I'm volcel, because I've passed up some 2/10s before
I'm a fag though, you should have made exceptions.
I think those are stretch marks.
I think those are just stretch marks
>A vag is literally a patch of skin with a slit in it
LMAO people have killed over this. Fucking pathetic.
I haven't even seen a family member's vagina before. Furthermore, no woman that isn't related has ever touched my bare penis. Despite this, I still consider myself a normie.
21 years and not a single vagina.
I hate to break it to you user
also reporting in
If family doesn't count I've never seen a bare vagina
One time I hid under the bleachers at a football game when I was a freshman and got to see a girl's panties because she was wearing a skirt
In which case she's just a regular Stacy who should fucking die
In the 2nd grade, I walked into my classrooms bathroom unknowing that it was occupied. Saw a girl sitting on the toilet with her pants down. Didnt see anything explicit but its still the closest thing I got.
19 years old and nothing
Never seen it in all my years. what do I win?
This is not a very nice thread to make.
do getting pics from girls online count? ive seen vaginas in person and nudes but im just curious
I still have friends, I still hang out with them regularly, smoke with them. I've kissed girls before, been in relationships. By all accounts, I'm relatively normal.
Just...y'know, never gotten past the making out phase.
>They look pretty disgusting.
I'm not sure how OP's pic
is "disgusting". No flaps, no goo, no raw beef; it's just a nice smooth warm opening for your penis to enjoy.
So -- is it just the lack of penis and balls that's considered "disgusting"?
Seen two non female baginas IRL.
>girl I messed about with as a kid, we played sexually themed games like doctor/nurse roleplays. Her dad caught us in bed once lmao.
>escort I lost my virginity to in 2017
Why am I required?
What makes me have to?
Why am I doing so anyways?
21 never seen one, never even kissed a girl
im a lvl 35 wizard
>non female baginas
??? You mean boipucci?
OP calling a nigga out like this ;(
Damn that is a nice ring dang doo.
28 years and counting, never felt woman's mouth either
Ive seen my cats Vagina. You never specified human. EZ
>how's Op's pic
It reminds me of a claymation mouth. But quite frankly to me they're all flesh wounds essentially. Rather unappealing but I may just be a fag in general.
Just came here to say that my gf has the exact same smooth clean tight vag thats extremely comfy, warm and moist without a single hanging curtain or inch of meat out of place. And a lot more scars, but her giving me her virginity makes up for her crazyness and unstable mentality.
Thank you for listening. Bless you and good night.
also, NIGGERS.
C'mon man.
19 y/o kissless virgin reporting in
never. humans are disgusting
It was just a typo. I don't do the gay.
24 here and never seen one.
Thinking of going to all nude stripclub about an hour from where I live, but sort of scared to go alone.
hi m8s
Guess I gotta post
Reporting in.
My sister invited me to a luncheon with 5 other girls, and I was able to participate in the conversation somewhat, so maybe in a decade or two I'll make some progress??
I sucked a girl's clit once but I forget what it looked like
yes... thats me im cutie.
Why are you scared? It's no big deal.
Ok. I hate my life.
damn you got me
nice job op
Reporting in, 34 years old, never seen a vagina before.
Though when I was like 13 years old I got a younger girl to pull her panties away and let me peek at her slit.
just passing through originaldo
That counts. Get out of this thread.
23 here and I've seen maybe, 20 vaginas? Sort of lost count tbqh
Chad? when did you lose your virginity
23 year old khhv. Never did, probably never will.
pure wizard boi reporting for duty
Saw a vagina in real life. Rubbed my finger on a bootyhole in real life. Sucked a nipple in real life. But this all happened with a stripper so
Haha not only have I seen a vagina, I've seen more than one and I've reproduced.
Never seen one, but I've made it to second base so that counts for something
boobs are super comfy, btw
23 year old wizard in training reporting in
I have them and it doesn't make my a regular stacy. You're just jealous that I grew a foot in the 7th grade and you're still a manlet.
I've done second base and touched it from outside her clothes but never saw it. Not sure if I count.
Partial credit. You may stay.
I saw that user.
>Lost virginity at 20
>Got so much more action after that
All you have to do is make it over that first hump and suddenly girls will be permanently more attracted to you. There's something about fucking that makes a man change, and people notice that.
It's impossible for the chainsaw to actually run like this. Nothing will happen if you do pic related. So don't so it.
K bye.
How much? Sister Christian.
Guess I gotta post in here, only cause I'm gay.
>"Hey who here is a loser"
>I'm a loser
>also I'm literally a flaming faggot
Never seen a vagina before. Seen my friend's tits though.
New round these parts, what does itt mean
Does it count if I saw a vagina by accident once?
Well, we've got all this time not chasing pussy, what do we do now?
maybe one day
Hello. Idgaf though because fag
It means It's the truth
18 but lost hope 2 years ago. It's fine though, I don't need it.
Sorry. This post ^ was meant for meant: for:
"in this thread"
lurk more, newfag. also welcome and fuck off we're full
23 yesr old programmercel checking in, when do VR waifus become real?
VR waifus are real you just need to meet a female to rolepay for you first
>gave up hope already
Never irl no.One day aye guys...?
The only time I saw a vagina I was a fucking 7 years old kid. I teased this ugly little girl to the point she showed me her vagina and her non-existant boobs during class time.
I watched a naked bike ride at one point, does that count?
I fuck a vagina almost every night, and get to grope a vagina (and boobies) pretty much whenever I want.
I have been flashed on occasion but I don't know if it really counts because I didn't see the hole, I only saw hair (it was nice hair though). But maybe she didn't pull her pants down enough for me to possibly see it. I'm not good with anatomy.
But it was fucking surreal and shocking to me. I look back at it very fondly.
Is your father okay with your fucking your mom?
32 with no hope in sight
i dont like the way vaginas look
i want to see a bangeneeeeeeeeeeee
i'm pretty comfy with not being in a relationship I still have urges for sex but i can see it as just the urge for sex and not for a relationship
one day i might just go to thailand and bang as much poon as I can reasonably afford
do family members count if it's under the same circumstances you'd expect of seeing anyone else's vagina?
not asking because I like that, nor has it happened to me, I'm just that guy who goes "TECHNICALLY, x y z" in response to every claim.
...which is probably why I'm here
Thai are fucking insects, go to a poor European countries like Ukraine, they're still desperate for money but at least they look attractive.
Does it count if I saw my sister's vagina when my mom was changing her diaper when she was a baby? I was too young to know what sex was.
my parents are divorced, he dgaf
No family members.
>tfw only ever saw my mom's boobies when i was 7
I'm C-sectioned. So not only have I never seen one other than my mom's, I've never ever touched any pussy.
Right, it seems I'm too retarded to read the second line.
honestly don't know much about the sex tourism in either country but if the thai are insects all the better for me to have a chance at passing on my crap genes
I've never seen a vagina and I probably never will.