anyone use kratom as sort of a workout enhancer? Ben using it last few months, this seems to good to be true. still feel great when I use it both for boxing and weightlifting. what dose do you guys run and how often? favorite strand?
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is it a drug? like ayahuasca?
Great for delaying ejaculation, i am able to last for 30 minutes easy,have to take cialis +l-citruline+longjack to be able to stay hard and cum tho ...
Not cheap and dont belive the shills saying that kraton ain't addictive ,it is ,just aint as much as cocaine .
yes I find my workouts kinda suffering when I don't take it. will go that extra round on it
Do you Google? It's not at all like ayahuasca. It's a very tame opioid.
Kratom was too addictive and really fucks with your digestive system. Instead I use phenibut to enhance my workouts. It really helps me break through those mental barriers of putting up a higher number. Takes away the anxiety
Under what name is it sold by in the US?
Kratom/mytragina speciosa. FYI, some states have banned it
20 grams 3 times a day
VERY addicted
thanks fit
does GNC sell it?
If you started shooting heroine you wouldn't have to take 20 grams 3x a day and it would probably be cheaper. Just sayin'
Was wondering about it and found out it's an opioid, can someone actually explain how that's safe for regular use, especially when even fucking adderall (which it's trying to be a non-rx version of) is even safer
try actual drugs if you’re that desperate
preferably fun ones
I don't use it as a workout enhancer, I just use it for fun. It's nice once in a while.
You like addiction, constipation, withdrawal that lasts a month?? I'm not memeing thid drug will fuck you up
how is kratom trying to be a non-rx version of adderall lmao, totally different type of substance. adderall is an amphetamine stimulant.
lol he'll no, kratom is a real addictive drug especially if you are opiate naive. it really helps you push in the gym tho
Kratom cause me to quit working out after 6 months of solid lifting. I just became addicted to it and I didn’t feel like I needed the gym. Finally trying to get back after several months doing kratom daily. Terrible idea op, kratom is only good for people in actual pain and opiate addicts.
yes I take a few grams 3 or 4 times a week. its a fantastic drug. the way big pharm companies are currently lobbying to get it scheduled is absolutely atrocious.
it's also minimally addictive... all the people saying it's very addictive in this thread are big pharma shills or retards. I've been taking it on and off for 5+ years and have never had a problem with dependence or tolerance even after dosing daily for weeks at a time.
It's an opioid. If someone said micrdosing heroin would make your anxiety go away would you be on here asking our opinion?
Its addictive, its slows bowel motility, and dosage is not reliably controllable.
Seriously, just deal with your issues and stop running away from them like a child. Figure out why you think you need kratom/weed/phenibut and then figure out a way to get similar results without being a fucking addict.
Dont bother replying if it's just going to be, "HURR muh natural remedy used by ancient societies." You dont need anyone's permission to be a failure.
I read the primary usage was essentially as an adderall alternative but I don't know how true that is
>i got addicted to a known opoid recommended by a random user duuuh thanks slashfitslash
>dosing weeks at a time for 5 years
>not addictive
I've got some bad news for you...
Being a functioning addict isn't the same as not being an addict. You can justify it however you want. Say it out loud when you justify it to yourself/someone, if when you hear it out loud it sounds like shit an addict would say then you know.
nah, people use it for anxiety relief and pain management mostly. I use it like twice a week tops on the weekends because it makes you last forever in bed lol...dont use it everyday or you might become dependent.
read the fucking post, it says "ON AND OFF" i've gone months without it... no problem at all. this shit is literally less addictive than coffee
same. I have had kratom lying around for months at a time, never had a single craving. this guy thinks it's in the same ballpark as heroin lol
kratom plant is more closely related to the coffee plant
just turn the anxiety off bro haha like just be chill man
haha why don't be in poverty just stop being poor? why don't north Koreans just eat more food and stop starving? haha they are ti weak willed am I right
you guys have some serious problems, don't you
Absolutely based post
Kratom is the fucking worst. I used it to quit opiatesz It makes you passive and emasculated. At first I was fucking for hours with a desensitized dick. After 10 months I couldn’t even get a hard dick. I do bjj and I would be less aggressive. I would have trouble looking people in the eyes. I was turning beta. Withdrawals were nothing compared to opiates but there were still small.
Quit that shit and am clean on Kratom and opiates. Yeah It does feel pretty good for cheap as fuck but no, it’s not worth it.
>20 grams 3 times a day
damn didnt know wannabe iggy pops browsed this shithole
I use it here and there. Used to do it every day, even twice a day (4 or 5 grams each dose), but realized I was relying on it a little too much. Now I take it on a day off just for the euphoria it gives, or if I have a good chunk of time to spend at the gym I'll take a teaspoon of it and go lift and enjoy the day.
As others have said, it is addictive. If you have issues with substance abuse I'd avoid it. I've never had much of a problem so I didnt have issues getting off it. The only withdrawal symptom I noticed was a lack of motivation for a day or two
I started it and now am a bit addicted. Now I take like 3tbps of it and barely feel anything
It's easy to take a lot since it comes in powder. Has a hard cap where you'll just get nausea instead of effect. But still sucks
>Animeposter is a complete retard
Every time.
Not only is 5 years of a habit textbook lowkey addiction, but different people are more acceptable to different drugs retard.
I've had 5-10 drinks of alcohol every single month for the past 14 years.
Yeah I'm more addicted to caffeine and jacking off than kratom. Pretty much in the same boat as you too. On and off using for years now
Equating heroin and booze is exactly the thing you'd expect from a drug addled brain.
It's cool, you're an addict, if you want to be an addict that's fine. If you can keep your shit together for now then that's great but, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, there will be a day in the future that this choice comes back to bite you.
sorry you don't have the mental capacity to be able to responsibly enjoy the benefits of drugs
I am full blown addicted to this shit t.b.h., I'm slamming 20g+ daily because otherwise I become a depressed faggot (which I have always been) so idk, it has pretty much changed my life for the better with no downsides unless I'm lowkey dying from kidney disease or something. Been doing this for a few years. It's just a mood enhancer for me, any effect it has on lifts is probably placebo, I don't even think about it that way. It just makes day to day existence mildly more enjoyable, that's it.
For what it's worth I got addicted to kratom for like a year straight, got up to 20g a day, only way I was able to get off was by going on a 5 day meth binge and have since been in the process of building myself back up from ground zero. I am also a recovering drug addict so my experience will not be everyone's.
none of you retards have read about the massive hair loss it causes? at least switch to phenibut good god
Alright I'm retarded and/or was lied to
No exaggeration, the best drug I have ever used, daily driver status for sure. Just don't tell normies, cuz they'll ruin it for us.
It's definitely addictive. I was on it for a few months for back pain. I slowly wound up taking more and more and it's not the safest thing to take large doses of.
Still like it, just need to be critically aware of your tolerance and when you need to break IMO.
oof nice try sorcerer
im not eating your poison dust
>fucking with your spinchter of oddi
>getting an ileus
>dying from obstructive megacolon and possibly shitting out of your mouth
Uhhh yeah.. I said in my post it's too addictive.
Not everyone lacks self control like you m80. As much as I support recovering addicts, they're so hard to tolerate since when they see someone doing something they cant anymore they automatically convince themself that they have the high road to reassure themselves of their life choice, which is ultimately the correct one since you have a mental health issue,
but you're not any better than anyone else.
You have a problem. The people around you might not have the same problem.
>tfw phenibut was made illegal by my government so now I have to drink to get over my autism
>tfw have pounds of phenibut stored away for the inevitable FDA ban
I took Kratom every day for 3 months on two separate occasions. I did get tolerance but never withdrawals at all.
I also don't see huge abuse potential. Anything over three tea spoons makes me feel sick, even if I have tolerance and don't get so much from it.
>Kratom is heroin
It's not even pharmacologically an opiate. The mechanism of action is quite different, although there are some similarities in impacts to opoid receptors.
I had the same experience with no withdrawals the first few bags I went through. But afterwards the withdrawals kicked in. That's what convinced me to never pick it up again.
Been taking 1kg per month for the past 6 years
quit cold turkey a few times to lower tolerance and the withdrawal was basically 3-4 days of restless legs and runny nose
How legal is this in Australia, anons? I assume it's "illegal" but cops don't seem to care, like with modafinil
This. I've been smoking cigarettes on and off for the last 10 years and I could quit anytime. I just choose not to.
I have dreams of opening a store that sells all types of opioids. Addicts are my fetish.
Illegality is a spook. Just do it, faggot.
How can you even afford that and why even bother at that point. You might as well just jump to actual heroine. Kratom in large doses like that makes you feel irritable and just shitty in general.
well, it fucks up your liver because of the toxins it holds, making a liver failure very likely if you take it o a regular, i would keep my hands away from it.
It's not the illegality that bothers me, I just want to know if this is something I'm gonna be buying from a clearnet site.
pseudopioid that also has an alkaloid in it that acts slightly stimulant like caffeine.
You use phenibut now because kratom was too addictive? You realize you can freebase phenibut in every kitchen making it stronger than valium?
>making freebase phenibut
wtf are you doing m8
Hah, 6th result: kratomonline org
Use duckduckgo. They don't censor results like this.
Me nothing I do kratom now and then and use my prescription xanax for job interviews. I`m just informed about alternatives and some basic chemistry.
lol fucking anything to mind control body builders? dude mcdonalds is good protein LMAO dude always lift heavy as possible LMAO dude kratom LMAO dude keto LMAO dude jeff cavalier's shitty advice LMAO anything to keep the herd from moving too quick, eh?
It's addictive and will most likely not improve your life in the long term therefor, it's degenerate
And that's a good thing