/bloodmoon/ chill

Waiting for the moonlight to bathe me in blood.
Drinking beer and vodka.

Whos howlin tonight?

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robots not interested in celestial events?

I'm going to fuck a trap tonight I met off Grindr out in the front yard it's clear sky tonight and not to cold for me she will hate it but that's the point lol

gonna get drunk and do nothing of worth again
god my life is pathetic

oh user, stop making fun of me you silly BOY!

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Hopefully in my area the clouds won't cover it. Even worse, I got a stomach virus today after making an alarm three weeks in advance. I'm gonna try to see anyways.

still waiting on my vampire gf

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>tfw no succ gf
you and me both, brother

Frenchfrog here, I'm going for a nightwalk in a few hours, hoping to see it.

It's completely overcast today. I'm not going to see it.

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same, the sky went pitch black

All I can fucking see is snow where I live

Wait user.

It will become visible later on tonight. What time zone are you in?

EST. i'm gonna stay up all night so maybe i can pray to it or something

I went outside and looked at it. It's bright like a damned second sun but it wasn't red, just had a strong halo around it. Bigger and brighter than usual but what's the big deal?

lolololol it doesnt start til 10 something, if you're on the east coast.

Partial eclipse starts at 10:33pm EST, Full eclipse begins at 11:41pm EST, and the maximum eclipse starts at 12:12am EST. I'm , supposedly the site I checked said it will be visible, I haven't seen the sky for myself because stomach virus, so I hope what the site says is true.

For other anons curious as to when the eclipse will happen in their time zone. Check out this site:

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>in terrible physical pain from minor medical procedure
>also sick
>took a bunch of ibuprofen, pretty sure I can't drink alcohol now
>still in pain anyway
>have to stay up late enough where i'll fall asleep from exhaustion because it's the only way to overcome pain to get to sleep at all
my life wasn't supposed to be like this.
hurry up and do something cool you stupid moon rrreeeeeeeeeee

thats the spirit. I hope you recover sooner than later user. Fuck being sick. Personally ive got this excruciating pain in my back from sleeping poorly, its twisting my neck up bad. Its gonna make it hard to look up tonight, but im just gonna have to disregard it.
>legit pissed im tensed up like this of all days

i may just go to bed early tonight.

dont do it bro. There arent many lunar eclipses to see. Times are coming to a close user. 2020 is when it all crumbles user. See this last moon before its too late.

even if this is LARP i feel like my life broke years ago already

not a LARP. Reality has been collapsing since at least 2014. If you ever visit /x/ you can share stories that coincide with other peoples lives falling apart, probably from a very familiar time as yours. The dimensions are merging together and its not going to be pretty when it all comes together.

>Reality has been collapsing since at least 2014
unironically i feel the same way. 2013 was the last good year of my life. god i'm pathetic

Well it's fucking eclipsing all right. Thanks for posting the thread, bro.

I wish I could take pictures but I don't have one of those hyper-telephoto things you need to shoot the moon.

I'm quite hyped for the eclipse l, but only my sister was on board for watching it with me.

It's cold as fuck.

you're not pathetic. The world is coming to an end and its going out with a whimper rather than a bang.

we're in totality now, breddy cool

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Could be cooler, tough. I still don't feel vampire werewolf powers.