Would it be a bad idea to date my trans sister? She is 16 and I'm 19. She has been a tranny since she was 14 and I think she's really cute. She's made it no secret that she likes me but I've been too wary to actually do things with her. I'm scared she'll find a boyfriend before I make a move.
Would it be a bad idea to date my trans sister? She is 16 and I'm 19...
God this board's fucking retarded now.
That's a dude and if your gay that's still incest uhh go for it man but it still mega weird
Honestly, if you want to, you might as well as long as you are prepared for the consequences.
It's better to regret acting than regret non acting, as a person who has done the latter.
Fuck that freak while you can.
This is really weird OP.
I'm still aroused though.
whats is wrong with you people seriously
She has no womb, she can't reproduce so in this case there is literally nothing wrong with incest. But wait until she reaches the age of consent.
psyops and larpers from discord/tumblr/other mental health havens, mostly. Don't worry. The world isn't THAT fucked up, even if they try so very hard to make it look that way.
For your safety and his pls leave him alone
>age of consent
When you're fucking your sister/brother/creature, the law doesn't matter anymore.
Still, even if you're unconcerned for the law, you should still be concerned for your sibling's sexual autonomy. I would wait a couple years.
you're a horrible person.
You'd fuck a transgirl like they're an actual girl, but they're still a freak?
You sound like you're ashamed of your attraction/love for transgirls. If anybody is gay, it's you.
>fuck that disgusting faggot while you still can
>kiss that nigger before you hang him
>suck his dick before he cuts it off and dies
This is why i come here. I gather up my problems or degenerate thoughts and think "yeah, atleast im not user" and it gets better. Thanks.
Lol. It's a mental health issue, bud. Not my problem to try and "save" them, or whatever white knight faggetry you're trying for.
Fuck em before they neck themselves. Best use for them.
I'd fuck transgirls and traps, even fapped to 'em before
But they are mentally ill, they'll kick the chair before they reach thirty.
There are several things very wrong with your post.
you're disgusting and mentally ill, yourself.
You just want to use people in your life. I didn't say anything about "saving" them so I don't know what you're talking about. But you just come across as a very vile person. You seem very unhappy with your life.
You sound more mentally ill than anybody else I've met. Something is deeply wrong with you on a level that probably upsets women and they want to stay away from you.
They aren't mentally ill because they are transgender, I hope you realize that.
Even gays have a high rate of suicide. Lots of marginalized demographics have a high rate of suicide. People are mentally ill for other reasons than what they are. It's because of how isolated they are.
it's a terrible idea and will likely ruin both of your lives but you should do it and post updates so i can jerk off.
>best use for them
Who used you?
If everything is about being used, then who used you? What is your use? What do you do for others?
Wow bigot much?
lol, god damn kid, can't wait for you to get out of highschool/college/other social/emotional babysitting so you can get fucking destroyed by reality.
> you just want to use people
Like everyone else in the god damn world, you weak little shit. Enjoy being walked on for the rest of your life until you realize this.
Also, I've rarely seen a trap that's actually attractive to me. The statistic works perfectly because they drop off HARD mid 20's, so you STILL have to get them while they're young, even if they don't kill themselves.
body dis-morphia and whatever the fuck propaganda tumbler and this board spews are mental health issues. Trannies are mentally ill. Period.
I see we're on baby's first reddit debate tactics today. At least you guys have gotten beyond "PrOjEcTiOn" and are actually trying to apply the idea to the topic at hand. I'm sure eventually you'll find someone that'll break down and sob and admit all their wrongs and ills because of your masterful evaluation of a few sentences of text.
Thats fine to me. Trannies can't reproduce so its really just fooling around with someone you're comfortable with.
>fucking your little gay brother
All of this is your fault, and you're trying to capitalize on it? I can't even pretend to not be mad. WTF OP
He's already a tranny user, why not make love to him?
You have a lot of issues.
You need to get them sorted out.
I like how you're implying like this is the lowest this thread you have experienced.
Fun fact, this board has always been retarded and will remain retarded.
She's not old enough yet. Wait a few years so you reach a similar level of maturity and see if she still wants.
>She's not old enough yet.
>the greatest risk factor for having a mental illness is already having a mental illness
>roughly half of transgender people have a mental illness
Would you like me to make the obvious conclusion from these two facts or can you figure it out
you want to fuck your little brother in the ass. fucking christ
Transgirls getting treated like actual women for once ("just pump and dump em") and they get all offended. Hilarious.
>Would it be a bad idea to date my trans sister?
No. Transgenderism and incest are both wrong but two wrongs make a right so go for it.
That's because the way you treat actual women still isn't very good.