/fast/ #418 Post-Easter Guilt Edition

/fast/ discord
What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

Where do I get these?
>Amazon or walmart.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?
>Some people say no, some say yes. B/C vitamins are water soluble.

Prolonged fast FAQ: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ


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Previous Thread:

Broke my fast after 53 hours because it was distracting me too much from my finals, once finals pass i'll give another go.

Supposedly if you want to focus either you need to be deep into a longer fast (72h+), or not fasting at all

>tfw have to break fast at 48h instead of 72 because going to a celebratory lunch with gf and her family tomorrow and don't want diarrhea the whole time
is there any way to not get liquid poop after breaking

This was my PR for fasting so i'll go with the latter until finals are over, I don't want to risk being scatterbrained

funniest scene when dennis squeezes that egg

>48 hours into fast
>didn't eat much the day before
>drinking sj and around 4 liters of water each day
>pee is dark yellow and has a strong smell

the fuck do you need 4l of water a day for sir? are you exercising?

also the yellow is typical of transition into ketosis.

I do around 30 minutes of running most days, but I always drink 4 liters of water a day.

In one year, i went from slightly chubby to obese, put on some 25kg, and i fear i am borderline diabetic.
Is fasting safe for me?

damn, now I can pull off 36 hour fasts like it's nothing!

Anyone else doing EC with their fast?

I think its imperative for you.

I haven’t been able to complete my new workout load. Been pretty upset of not doing much now. I’ve been trying out a new workout that is strength orientated. To prepare myself for when I training strongmen, eating at maintenance. It’s curated by me and some parts from grey lp. All of them are 3x5. But I don’t think I’m strong enough for bench and overhead. Which is strange because curls, rows, lat downs, and flys have been fine so far. And I’ve been doing those for 2 years. While bench is barely 125lbs. I need suggestions and routines to change this one.
>Few key details to know
>I am losing weight while I do these lift. Went from 247lbs to 210 from new years of last year to now.
>I fast 20 hours from 8pm to 4pm
>I’ve been doing weightlifting for ~2 years.
>I can only go to the gym 2 times a week for 45 minutes. (Tuesday and Wednesday back to back. I do flag football on Thursday.) Hope after summer, it can be more days.
>started couch to 5k on tredmill everyday. Since early April at 3:50am.

My stats:
Gender: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: ~210lbs
BMI: 27.00
BMR: 2,815 Calories/day - 500 = 2,315 calories

>New workout (Tuesday is A, Wednesday is B):
FACE PULLS (Face Pull Downs) 20 reps
REAR DELT SETS (Rows, rear delt flys, delt pull down) 20 reps
* Bench Press 3x5
* Overhead barbell press 3x5
* Squat 3x5
* Deadlifts 3x5
* Dips/Tricep exercises 3x5
* 90 degree Dumbbell crunches 3x5
* Rear Delt Fly 3x5
* T-bar Row 3x5

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EXTRA ROTATOR CUFF EXERCISE. (Resistance bands Lateral raises.) 20 reps
OBLIQUE WORK (Single dumbbells tilts, SOH, 90 degree plates sit-ups). 20 reps
* Overhead Press 3x5
* Incline Bench 3x5
* Clean & Jerk 1x5
* Smith machine squat 3x5
* Deadlift 3x5
* T-bar Row 3x5
* Single dumbbell seated overhead 3x5

Back Squat: 275 lbs[Intermediate]
Deadlift: 370 lbs[Intermediate]
Bench Press: 145 lbs[Untrained]
Incline Bench Press: 145 lbs[Novice]
Overhead Press: 145 lbs[Intermediate]
Chin-up: 35 lbs added[Novice]

im trying omad. im worried about not getting my micro nutrients or vitamins daily needs. What are some goods multivitamins

Anyone else ever get grandiose ideas about how long and glorious your fast is gonna be when you're on a full stomach? I swear I used to feast then imagine 60 day water fasts and wax poetic about my ability to stay disciplined. Soon as the hunger hit I was scrolling through cheeseburger-dedicated instas and ordering takeout lel.

Thankfully I'm (mostly) not a fatty anymore and don't need to fast. But in a 3 month period I dropped 40 pounds by water fasting for as long as I could at a time. So did an 8 day, a few 5 days, etc. Shit was cash. Keep going brothers.

why the fuck cant i fast anymore? all i can do is omad now

Picked up some swag today, figured I should give back for all the free advice I've gotten.

Nice job, I'm sure I'll be there when I finally attempt a dry fast. Just been doing the Chad OMAD for a few months now, longest I've ever fasted is 48, never been super fat.

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please dont tell me you wear that outside

Not him but most people won't even recognize it so its just a cool design

> a fork with a snake wrapped around it
> cool design

let me guess, you wore wolf t shirts in high school virgin?

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Go ahead and wear your aeropostale shirts with the exact same design fuckboy

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nothing to be worried about for omad, just make sure your meal is more diverse then just a large pizza or something. get some protein, a few veges, have a glass of milk, and you are good to go

Can I get ripped with water fasting or is it smarter to do just OMAD 23/1 when you are already low bodyfat and trying to get really ripped and those veins etc. ???

Also do you get ripped with keto only or should I have carbs around my workout and still keep the calories low?

I know water fasting and keto is the best/fastest way for fat people to lose weight but it I just want to go from 12% bodyfat to 8% for the summer what should I do? I know most bodybuilders and fighters do not fast or keto, they usually just eat carbs around training and keep calories low. But they most often just don't know shit and are stuck in the old ways so I'm wondering what should I do???

>walking hole outs itself
opinion discarded

me in a shirt. post body in clothing you fat faggot

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>Lifting on and off for 2years
>bulk up 30lbs
>look good in tshirts
>cut down to 10%bf
>no even hint of abs
>look tiny
Guess I didnt gain much muscle, it was all just fat making me look strong :/

I guess my plan is to hit 8%bf and then do Coles muscle building omad or multiple 48h fasts strat

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Timestamp or gtfo

You're mocking other peoples outfit while wearing that?


no thanks, get mogged tho loser. You think a snake wrapped around a fork is a 'cool design' you fucking virgin.

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>That hairline
>Calling others virgin

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I'm the guy with the snakeforkshirt, not the guy you've been arguing with. It's just a T-shirt for the gym or trail running, it's NBD.

Your toiletries out you as a normie with devastatingly mediocre tastes, not sure why you're casting stones Mr. Glasshouse, chill dude lol

stop fighting

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>calls other people normie
>literally praises a fucking leaf manlet on a kikebook group
sure thing m8

I don't care what you wear, but that guy actively defending it as a "cool design" is a virgin, doesn't even lift most likely (hence hanging out in /fast/), and won't post body. Wear what you want m8

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I dont even pack a lunch at work and some random fat construction worker accused me of being on the snake diet. Seems like some normies might know about it.

-t. hydrationlet

I met some lady at a tech meetup who was doing Snake Diet, apparently the Ribbit and Faceberg groups are pretty big. I just watch the YouTube videos, but those seem to have a lot of female comments. Anything with sufficient female traction is normiecore or on it's way to becoming so.

weird thing about openly talking about your diet in public is that it is counterproductive
psychologically, going "im losing so much weight on this snake diet lol" gives gratification and is more likely to make the person cheat or at least slows it down
i guess the social flex is more important to people like that lady

I actually asked her if she's doing Snake Diet after she mentioned fasting and drinking electrolyte water, lol. She seemed surprised that I knew about it, so it's not mainstream normiecore yet. I hope she succeeds, she needs it. She also needs to work on her "I'm from Silicon Valley" attitude while she's at it to be fuckable.


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This dude is pathetic attention seeking. Pretty sad actually.

> actually backs up my claim, posts clothing picture/body
> attention seeking


i drink between 3-4l a day easily and i dont lift

You need more h2o bro

You'd can't really gain muscle on a fast. OMAD will be fine.

Yeah strong smell is ketones. But it's unusual for it to be strong given that you are drinking so much water.

Fasting is the most effective solution to type 2 diabetes.

Sounds counterproductive.

My training when fasted is just many sets of reps of three or less. I go by feel with the number of reps and sets.
As well as running, walking, cycling and yoga.

>and I don't lift
You probably drink so much water to match all your food.

That's why I didnt acknowledge that I even knew anything about fasting to that other worker, just told him I couldn't be fucked to pack a lunch and I sleep better just grabbing a breakfast sandwich after work on the way home (night shifts)

Counter productive in what way?

I always gain weight back on the weekend even when I don't eat that dirty. Motherfuck.

It's not part of a healthy lifestyle.

What will fasting do to someone with Hashimotos hypothyroidism?

I’m only 18 and this disease is killing me. I have at least a week before I can start treatment and I’m getting let go from my job because I can’t do it anymore. The least I can do is lose weight

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Being fat isnt healthy

Thoughts on wine fasting?

gonna break my 24hr fast with a bottle of citrus IPA, a bowl of chips ahoy with skimmed milk, and an episode of rick and morty

Unbelievably based.

not sure if basedtier or chadtier

haha trolled
I'm actually going to have a small bowl of noodles with sardines and hot sauce

Real fast hours. Recommend me anime to watch during my fast. Just finished Golden Kamuy and it was lit.

1. water
2. ginger
3. turmeric
4. lemon juice
5. mint leaves

Drink daily and win.

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for weebs, i recommend suicide
watch some kino, "the terror" is pretty comfy

51 hours in. Not feeling too good. will this pass?

its all uphill from now on user
t. 118 hours in

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currently on day 3 of my fast after Easter. planning to go 2 weeks or something. just want to drop 5 kg to be below 70kg again

anything in particular not feeling good? if you are more specific someone might have a remedy

Have no energy and feeling light headed

>My training when fasted is just many sets of reps of three or less. I go by feel with the number of reps and sets.
As well as running, walking, cycling and yoga.

Alright, I’ll keep it down to 3 reps. But what do I do about the apparent lack of upper body strength and the benching? I am using dumbbells for seated overheads & flys. I don’t want to have to lower the load.

depending on how strict you are with the fasting, one user recommended putting a small nob of butter into some black coffee, or you could put a swig of milk into some tea. i eat a single salted pistachio every day for a touch of fat and salt and vitamins, might be a meme though.

if you want to puritan it, put on a movie or play a game, keeping your mind busy works wonders

>one pistachio a day

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Liver, hearts, gizzards, and sardines

It's solid, I do the same. Works fine for me to get my sodium in, for potassium I drink banana milkshakes.


I have naturally high face fat, and I think I have a somewhat shit metabolism. Should I make fasting a permanent part of my diet?
Also, any manlets here? I'm 5'7 and 140 pounds, I'm wondering roughly how many calories Id need to maintain very low body fat, without factoring in excercise.

use a TDEE calculator, it has different settings for height weight activity etc

Anyone know how long it takes to stop getting cravings once you go permanently low calorie?

In my experience cravings are more rare but they never go away. It's getting weird too, haven't thought about pizzas and pasta and shit in months but just the other day I was thinking about eating oranges for over an hour.

Fasted from 2pm last night til 7 am this morning. Longest I've went without eating in years. Took an incredibly perfect poo. I finally made it.

I meant more craving food in general. My body craves far more food in physical volume than I need. I am constantly hungry, even yesterday I ate 1.22 POUNDS of ground beef and was hungry within a few hours. I have no idea how my body works.

You skipped ONE(1) meal? That's not fasting.

I've settled into ADF as a lifestyle.

Day 1: Lunch, Dinner(optional)
Day 2: No eat
Day 3: Lunch, Dinner(optional)
Day 4: No eat

How is it working for you? I’ve thought about doing this

does brushing teeth break fast? especially if toothpaste has flouride?

pretty good, it's much easier than daily calorie restriction and i'm losing weight


Can feel my abs through a thin layer of fat
We're all gonna make it lads


I could've sworn I read somewhere it did and you needed fluoride free toothpaste? baking soda?

108 hours and going strong

Gonna eat an ice cream waffle and a almond butter waffle now.

Fasting is literally the best and easiest weigh to cut that is also most muscle sparing. I’ll post my results in pic related

However I am wondering the best way to incorporate a fasting focused life style into bulking. Is it as easy as eating a calorie surplus in an IF eating with window? Or should I be eating 3 meals regularly across the day and then fasting on my off days?

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Bonus points to someone who can explain how to lift while fasting? Should you just focus on LISS while fasting or can you drop the weights and lift anyway or does cause muscle loss

Just finished my first fast ever for 24 hours.
Refeed menu is 150 grams of steak with salt and pepper, apples and some celery.
Next fast is a 72 hours water fast.

Snake Juice tastes like shit and it always made me nauseous to drink it on a empty stomach, I just do OMAD now

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>trusted a fart

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Nice! I'm right behind you at around 96 hours.