I need to stop farting

I need to stop farting
how can I fucking stop farting so damn much
this has been ruining my sets because I need to go to the bathroom every time i need to fart pls help

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Torrent the Vertical Diet and follow instructions for FODMAP

Cut out beans, broccoli, onions, garlic, etc. from your diet. Or if you do eat any of these things, make sure to have a big helping of kombu (kelp seaweed) with the meal.

Have the same problem. Some user said it was probably the milk and protein powder since they have lactose and my guts can't really handle that.

Probiotics helped me, also drink a carbonated beverage like mineral water after meals to belch out the gas trapped inside of you.

whatever you're eating is not what you're supposed to be eating.

Lower the carbs, bonehead.
And zero out the sugar altogether.

Shave your bunghole. All the friction and internal normal force from each individual hair adds up, and it sort of props open your butthole. Sounds crazy, but since shaving my crack a few months ago I haven't let a single fart out I didn't intentionally and consciously let go, so that's what I'd recommend. Obviously all the dietary stuff everyone else has recommended too.

Don't eat a couple of hours before lifting. Eat yogurt before bed. Maybe go to the doctor if it doesn't improve. Turns out I was intolerant to sugar (sucrose, fructose, lactose) which was making me gassy my whole life.

keep your whey intake under 40 grams a day

Weird, I was just farting loads tonight out of nowhere (didn't eat anything out of the ordinary) and then I got up from my desk to go take a piss and as I was pulling down my pants I had to fart and ended up dropping a little shit pancake on the bathroom floor.

Am I gonna die?

Just fart to assert your dominance bruh

>he doesn't rip ass during squat because he feels like it and all the disgusted twinks cant say shit because you're bigger than them.The whole room filled with your manly pheromones showing to everybody who owns the gym territory.

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I know I shouldn't be laughing, but OP's post had me imagining a Jow Forumsizen just tooting with each rep, putting the dumbells down, then tooting with each step to the goddamn bathroom.

Christ, I think I'm burning calories from this and I might just shit myself from the giggles.

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I got my gas and bad smelling shit under control when I kept whey down

I have no advice I just wanted a chance to post this.

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faggot I will cut off my nuts before I cut BROccoli.

sounds like a food allergy, id bet whey, but could be anything. start an elimination diet.

Whey concentrate powders give me terrible gas. The worst one was infowars protein powder. Isolates like gold standard or even better, non dairy protein is the best for me personally. I use Living Fuel protein now.

Try to squeeze as much air out of your food before you swallow.

Chads fart anytime they please

Roll up 2 layers of toilet paper up your arse like a quark.
