Why do Asians worship whites? It's embarrassing

Why do Asians worship whites? It's embarrassing.

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stoppit you love it

Why do white girls worship niggers?

they dont, this post is a psyop, that girl is clearly a slut

Because asian masculinity incels like you are ugly manlets with bug eyes

that guy looks about as white as she does desu

na they dont



They don't worship all whites, they admire the really northern anglo/german/nordic types.
Asian culture has had a thing for pale skin for thousands of years, something about how rich people stayed inside all day so they never tanned.
Add to that European domination of the planet for the last three centuries and Hollywood and voila.
God I wish I was a Nord.

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lol. the rich people thing is a tall tale. they like pale skin because its a White feature.

guy in OP pic isn't white

Piss off, Storm

Nah they love pale skin since at least the 1200s royalty avoided the sun with carriages for transport and sun umbrellas when walking.

nah they love pale skin because its a White feature

point out which posts are me first

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kys stormshit

The History of the Umbrella started over 3500 years ago Ancient Egyptians where using a sun protecting umbrella. If you used an umbrella it was seen as a sign of royalty. Because of this noble culture it enforced a culture of pale skin. The Egyptian ruins depict royalty and gods who all had umbrellas.

Holy shit asian males are mentally ill. Kill yourself stormcuck.

no one cares u coping blackcel

What the fuck does "storm" mean in this context?

mad af. u a blackcel?

Asians in the West don't have any culture, we're just shitty knockoff versions of white people.

it means me.

When will you stop being an obsessed mentally ill freak? Just kill yourself if your life is shit, asian beta faggot

only applies to males*

Asian men are qt!! I'm dating one right now and they're much more polite and have cuter mannerisms than white men, of course it helps that they're generally smart too. Girls (especially black ones, since they're undesired too) should give Asian men some love

M A D blackcel!

storm is asian? that's embarrassing

asian guys are ugly and short tho nty

they're good for my tastes, and I find them generally attractive. And I'm not some amazon so height doesn't matter to me. Also they have really good food so your loss.

nobody asked out any black women, bro. this is embarassing for blackcels. not only do they have a problem with asian/white relations, they actually believe asians are into them.

Majority of them are severely mentally ill
His life is embarrassing. He's probably the most pathetic person on this board. Being an ugly mentally disturbed chink is truly suffering.

Is he related to Tenda?

Who the fuck is Storm?

He's about 80% as mentally ill as Tenda. He literally thinks about nothing else than wmaf couples and why they caused him to be an incel.

Wouldn't be surprised if he were. Insanity, internet addiction and being a pathetic subhuman piece of shit seems to run in the Spencer family.

project much, blackcel? go ahead, ill be here with a big smile

not related to him. blacks dont know how to be anything except angry and resentful to Whites and towards people that love and appreciate them.

4 centuries living with Whites and blacks still havent learned, while asians learned to love Whites in two generations after WW2.

>Why do Asians worship whites? It's embarrassing.
>he worships whites every single time

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>he doesnt worship Whites

cus youre a blackcel. 4 centuries living with Whites and blacks still cant show any appreciation. it takes asian two generations to "open their eyes" to what Whites are.

This is my absolute last post on this forum, ....

My opinion is that there simply is no solution.

There is no solution to biological inequality, where human beings simply do not find the Asian appearance physically appealing, on a male, for whatever reason.

A child's worth is not his race, and in the case of Eurasians, a child's worth is essentially how much he deviates from looking Asian. Asian-ness is a net negative, and is merely defined by how much a White man wants an Asian woman, that defines what it means to be Asian and part Asian.

The biggest pain in my life wasn't being Asian, it was being lied to that I had a chance on equal footing as whites, and since I was so close it hurt the most, and I think that will ultimately be the root behind a lot of extreme behavior of Hapas.

These are the only two things here, it's always white men - and putting hapa children in proximity to white maleness is completely unique to all other biracials.... and this will lead to some really disastrous results in general. The other thing is that Asianness will always be a uniform negative; "Asian" identity is specifically viewed now exclusively in and under the white male gaze. Anything else has been completely removed; "Asianness" is merely the sexual benefit to white males.

That's the difference. Asian guys don't chase down white women; some do, but most don't. (cont'd)

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At least I'm not an ugly beta chink retard who posts the same shit online all the time

Joke's on you.
I'm white and worship Asians.

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sure at least youre not asian, glad we agree.

cool post

Frankly I don't want to live in a world where I am treated better because of I'm half white. I'd rather just not be born at all. I don't want to live in a world where I have to deny half of myself, constantly, and this half is my Asian half, no matter what, it will always be my Asian half. I've spent almost three decades, running and hiding and trying to feel like I belong somewhere and that I have a place to call home, and that feeling never came. It was a terrible mistake of me to ever try to find my "Asian side," because my Asian side will always betray me as much as my white side will; because both sides are white supremacists.

I feel sorry for my future children and have no idea what to tell them where they have to grow up in a world where men who look like them aren't even given a shot at experiencing something that I've experienced by virtue of looking more on the white side, and hiding it.

I could've easily been a "happy hapa," and just coasted by life on my looks, but living with my brother who is a 35 year old virgin who looks very, very Asian, just takes such an emotional toll on me that I don't think that this is a life I want to live. Maybe it is my guilt in me, for having a life better simply because of how I looked - and maybe this is what Asian moms really intend to do; create life with only one basis - to be better than it would have been with an Asian lover, and to be frank, if I had to choose between being born simply to have a "better life," then I'd rather never have been born at all.

I have heard "no Asian guys," before, and when this happened it just became such a source of pain to me, that I would be judged poorly on my race as not just a lover, but a friend and a human being, that I can never ever recover.

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copy and paste everything from his blog

You're not alone. Most white guys prefer asian women nowadays. It's funny how they dethroned white women as the new trophy wife.

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replaced the lower rung of white women yeah, but White women are always Kween.

>because my Asian side will always betray me as much as my white side will; because both sides are white supremacists.

I feel bad for Tenda honestly. I look at his pics and even though he's half asian he tries as hard as he can to be a huge white normalfag. From the fashion, to only playing western games, to being obsessed with white roasties.

He should've become a weeb like Leffen. Half korean guy who's a smash bros champ, huge weeb that is crazy about japan and japanese fashion, proud to be half asian cause he can blend in with other asians and is mentally healthy and gets plenty of girls.

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I don't think so man. Asian women have cemented themselves as the new queens and imo are the only ones that can really have true 10/10s, but I'll be damned if white women ain't at least the heir to the throne.

asian women are the queens of a niche throne, White women are the Queens to the timeless, galatic throne.

>Why do asians worship whites so much?

Because white men are so dominant and demanding and I love it.

The other night I was closing my slanted eyes and it was like I could step outside myself and just look back at my own gook body. I saw this wide view of a narrow alley, the way someone would see it if they were looking from across the street. There was a small light over an old metal door and a naked figure in nothing except black thigh stockings and heels... just bobbing her head as she's giving a blowjob to a White security guard. He's wearing a dark cap and I can't see his face... but he's leaning back as he's getting his big Aryan cock sucked, his hand on her head as his fingers run through her silky black hair, her skin so clearly brown under the dim light as it flickers every now and then. Like nothing too rough or crazy yet... just this quiet scene on a moonlit night.

I see myself like this and I wonder how I got there. What led up to this moment in the alley? Like maybe he's not a guard... maybe he works for immigration. And maybe I was giving private shows or lapdances out of my own apartment because that's my only useful skill. But I don't have a license and so he shows me his badge before walking me down the stairs, having me step outside with only his parked car blocking the view of the alley, and he slaps one of my monkey whore tits and my brown slit as he tells me to give him a reason not to arrest me and have me deported back to my third world jungle asian shithole country.

I know how this goes and so I squat down and unzip his pants. This is just another night in the city for us as I try to live another day in a country that isn't filled with crime or war as he reminds me where I belong...

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I disagree user, but I will not shame you for your white woman fetish. We all have different tastes.

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>this is the future whites on Jow Forums want
Robots my ass, disgusting

okay im the one with the fetish, not you my lad.

asian women are the Queens of the East, from desert to the oceans they rule.

White women are the Queens of the Stars, and they travel with their companion Kings, bringing enlightenment to those willing to acknowledge it.

That's not a white user. That's an elf.

Oregano commento commander

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ls this what a cuck looks like?

>White women are the Queens of the Stars

this makes sense since they have their own orbit.

Now I see asian women are merely crude matter compared to these celestial goddesses...

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thought we agreed to leave my fetish alone?

They traded self respect for white acceptance and still don't get accepted.

Asians are the most common race in America. As a Mexican-Jew, every time I see a person of a different race than me (literally everyone) I feel like I'm an ancient merchant in a foreign land. I'm sure Asian women feel the same.

what does that even mean? Of course they're accepted. I see asian and white pairings fucking everywhere. I live in a major tech hub and I honestly see more white/asian couples than anything.

>words on her ribcage
that's a whore's tattoo.

Why do christians worship? Same thing.

They think we're awesome. Duh.

>White people bring Asians to America
>years later it's their way of saying thank you

>Mexican Jew
Are you ashkenazy or shepardic and why haven't you moved to NYE yet?
pic unrelated

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well whites and asians are the only civilized races so it makes sense that they love eachother

ashkenazi. I'm still in school, trying to become a financial engineer. I assume you mean NYC. Wall Street is the end goal though.

>but living with my brother who is a 35 year old virgin
Hasn't he been 35 for at least 2 years now?

If they were accepted it wouldn't be just the girls. The girls get second class citizenship acceptance as long as their bf is white beyond that no asians are not accepted.

only asian women are accepted

It's because we look like them. We're practically the masculine men they don't have.

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The pigskin didn't even consider the fact that asian men exist kek

My boyfriend is white, and this meme is actually true. Asians guys are just not that attractive to me unless they're a very fem that looks like a girl or in rare cases martial artist types.

im korean btw

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I'm 6'3 and athletic and I've been smashing Asian pussy for the last 20 years. I've fucked some white girls in my life but honestly I'm just not attracted to white girls at all. Asian girls love my pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. It takes very little effort on my part to get with Asian girls...they always seem to find a way to get close to me, talk to me, make themselves available to me. I'm only attracted to Asian girls and it seems like they are only attracted to me. When I'm out in public with one of my Asian girlfriends they other Asian girls in the room can't stop smiling and staring at me.

TLDR - I'm tall and white and I only like Asian girls and they really like me.

why do blacks stay in asian threads? is it cus nobody likes them

stop racebaiting,

blacks confirmed. blacks arent asian never wilp be

why did you @ me with that i literally said i was korean. maybe you're the nigger because of how stupid this post was

ok calm down jenny hyun

That's literally me wth.

She looks about as asian as he looks white, goddamn.

tfw im white and just want a white gf to date, marry and have kids with. Im openly rayciss all the time, yet I somehow am only attractive to mexican and SE asian women in the US even though there are way more white women. I even told my former mexican gf about this and thought she was going to be mad, but we just ended up having sex right when that conversation was done. damn you. damn you delicious thick latina devil women. whats the fucking deal

cus she understands completely. but she can manipulate you by offering the p