Why are Amerimutts making a big deal about this?

If "Native Americans" didn't want smug wh*toid kids making fun of them in the present day, maybe their ancestors should've fought harder and killed every single diseased pigskin who landed on their shores lmao.

Also lol@ going to Vietnam to fight based Asians for a country built on the genocided bones of your people. American Indians are the most cuck race on the planet, so cuck they're almost extinct now haha.

Attached: native.jpg (786x830, 156K)

Did you forget about the fucking Israelites calling them faggots?

why does pol shit keep showing up on this board

>le mutt

Good one, racist

This is a sockpuppet thread, go find the other one.

OP can't be over 18 or white

The whole thing is a distraction from the black Israelites who were there calling for blood.

youtube com/watch?v=t3EC1_gcr34

It's going to be great when Whites are the minority in 30 years and people on the internet will ask why they didn't put up more of a fight.

>tfw you sold 1000s of acres of resource rich land for a few shiny beads

muh reparations

They're making a big deal out of it because the retards on the left are blatantly lying about the kids and trying to harm them based on an obvious lie that has video evidence proving the leftists are lying.