About to eat 9 cans of ravioli ask me anything

about to eat 9 cans of ravioli ask me anything

Attached: RAVIOLI RAVILI GIVE ME THE FORMUOLI.jpg (308x467, 69K)

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Post pics and keep us up to date

Asking orignally of course

why are you eating 9 cans of ravioli

Lol up to date on what friend?

You projectile vomiting when you've overloaded your gut, silly

Thank you user for blessing my facehole with a smile, needed that so much

Are you going to cook it or eat it right out of the can?

I smell cum in the water

Post pics of you covered in the vomit user

what's in the pocketoli?


Originoli Ravioli

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had a hold up. bout to start now

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You're just gonna vom. What a waste of perfectly good food.

Oh shit he really finna do it

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At least Chef Boyardee tastes the same coming back out as coming in.


Ricky, where did my ravioli go?

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I am the liquor, randy.

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two down, seven to go. I don't think I'll make it boys. for one, the booze is running out faster than the raviolis.

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>yfw Australian
>yfw never tasted this

Fuck this gay earth.

I wanna see the shit after this

am I drunk enough to mail you my remaining ravilolis?

Godspeed user, I'm sending you all my energy.

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uh ok I'll post that tomorrow

Its not even worth it its just low quality sauce with a metal taste to it and soggy raviolis with fake meat in it that explodes in your cancerwave if you dont cover it

You're eating them cold too?...

the fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch...

that god damned julian is the one who is doing this
he drank your last bit of christmas liquor too, bubs

timestamp or it's fake

suprisingly not original

ravioIi ravioIi give me the formuoIi

keep it up user, dont let us down

what do you think of pic related
it's my lunch for tomorrow

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punk ass bitch frigg off

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Oh shit. How are you feeling OP?

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I'm rooting for you man, you can do it!

four down, it's not going too good. it's starting to taste so fucking salty.

Comon, I've done 6 and I'm not even obese. The problem is you drank before you ate. You can do 6 or 7, at least. I know you can.

don't do it user
what a fucking lame way to die

Imagine dying because you OD'd on fucking shitty cancer raviolis.

It's not that good. I ate one and today and totally forgot about it

OP are you dead yet?

Can you send me some raviolis? I'm kinda hungry.

nah I had 5 cans now Im going to bed

Damn. Finish the next four tomorrow

Keeping the thread alive, one Ricky post at a time. See you tomorrow OP.

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What a faggot.

This is why I use Jow Forums.

You could at least fucking heat them up.

Just put the cans in the microwave OP :^)

Yeah, make sure you get them all in there at once, they stack easily when unopened. It'll take a while though, maybe set it for 10 minutes and play some vidya while you wait.

A man gotta eat, ok?


based ricky poster