
What did you have for lunch Jow Forums?

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>that green ring around your egg yolks

absolutely disgusting. you know Jow Forums food doesn't have to be repulsive right?

Had a nice steak with a garlic butter sauce and some steamed broccoli and carrots.

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I like my eggs boiled well done.

10 eggs and pickles.

>well done
what they're calling GMO franken eggs now?

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5oz turkey, lettuce, 1tbsp ranch dressing, 34g of almond butter, two 11inch celery stocks.

based dry faster
there's moisture in the air though, fatty, FAST LONGER

How unflavorful and bland was your lunch, OP?

Your sister

Your mother for dinner

8oz sugar snap pea stir fry mix with 12oz chunk chicken titty
couple slices of Genesis 1:29 bread

It's day 2

chicken looks like it has sauce on it, green beans taste good as they are, hard boiled eggs are good too but not well done like that

nice oxalate and phytate rich lunch OP
drop the greens

Brown rice, corn, carrots. About 1200 calories worth. Carb the fuck up loser


The chicken is just grilled in one of those like George foreman press grills.

It was so tasty

six glazed donuts and 16 oz kefir

Chicken breast, white rice, a tomato and some lettuce

fake news

a chicken caesar salad with no dressing (basically just greens, grilled chicken,grape tomatoes and a little cheese and a few croutons) and two foster farms chicken corndogs from the microwave.

rate my lunch, mates :)

salad sounds good, what kind of cheese?
go with something better than corndogs next time

post body

why dont white people like food with flavor?

thanks broseph, appreciate the feedback. as for the type of cheese i used, it was some
fresh parmesan i just picked up from the local formaggio. nothing beats actual fresh real organic cheese. as for the corndogs, i was feeling rather peckish still and decided, fuck it. i usually only eat them as a treat after my long runs on sunday's, but i have been amping up my mileage lately as it's finally spring out and the sun is so fine. especially after running on a treadmill inside all winter.

whoops. this ^

was meant for

why don't fat niggers understand that a lot of things have naturally occurring flavors that are good on their own or with spices that compliment them and don't need to be drowned in shit to taste good?

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This is fake. I'm from the countryside and have my own chicken.
You boil that eggs for long and keep it for more than 2 days the yoke gets green.

>t. brainlet

and this guy has right to vote
democracy was a mistake

so many of you here have tricked yourself into this fucking ass-backwards way of eating. it's amazing.

>yeah i have no energy at all, but at least I eat more protein than an olympic weightlifter!

5 eggs. Nothing else.

All you do is produce more iron(II)-sulfide that way. Enjoy your stinky farts.

Black coffee and pullups.

Discount Easter candy. I am weak and disgusting.

15g instant coffee in 300ml water
I feel like I just drunk battery acid and I feel high

200g of steak, cooked for 3 mins almost raw with copious black pepper

A protein bar, almonds, a yogurt, and water.

I eat 2 orangers a peanut butter samich and a meat and cheese samich

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Unironically chicken and rice.

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Have you seen the way they eat? Everything that is in the middle of the grocery store is made for them.

Omelette spinach wrap with chicken and onions

Parboil (kettle is enough) spinach, blanch, drain, chop
3 eggs, beat, 2 cloves garlic, add chopped spinach, pepper
Cooked medium heat in slightly greased pan, salt, fold in half when only center starts to firm and edges are dry
Heat up two oat flour wraps (I use the ones sold at Aldi's), though any wrap will do, just warm them, if toasted they harden significantly
8oz chicken bite sized chunks seared on medium-high, cumin, chili powder, ground corriander, crushed dry basil, salt and pepper, garlic powder
Deglaze fond with onions, mushrooms, bell peppers and cumin, add in tablespoon of sake and tablespoon of lime juice
Chop some cilantro and shallots and wrap everything together, add other fresh toppings like tomato or avocado if desired

I enjoyed it.