Who is your favorite Bionicle?
Who is your favorite Bionicle?
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What the fucks a nuparu
a bionicle
Jamie Lee Curtis
Very based and redpilled
Any bionicle is based desu
I don't remember his name but I liked the green fag with the Two Face thing going on from this same branch of bionicles
fuck trannies this should become a bionicle board
I liked the Visorak line. Four legged beetle like things with huge mandibles in front and a disc shooting thing on their backs. I have a few blue ones, a red one, and a green one.
did any of you have that book with all the bionicles in it? there was a fan made one in it. that was my favourite.
Best set and you can't argue me on this. Just look at the motherfucker
Which Krana do you have?
This line's style honestly perfectly matched what the early 2000's was like at the time
This was the only one I could never tear back down and use for parts, I just added on stuff to make him look cooler as new sets came out.
This fucking commercial
I swear that was my favorite song as a kid. When I finally heard the full thing for the first time years later it was disappointing though.
I thought it was pretty cool that Pohatu kicked, and thought his mask was the coolest. Kopaka second best doe.
I orignialigially forgot to post my image.
Kopaka is bestpaka
>Piraka ad plays sorta hip hop/rap beat throughout it
>Toa Inkia ad plays fucking All American Rejects
I miss the days when both genres were just as popular and had their own little scenes. Now it's ALL just soundcloud rap bullshit
gadunka because it glows
>tfw you'll never get a little McBionicle with your chicken nuggets ever again
I used to be able to stuff my hand into a 15lb storage bin of bionicle pieces and just idly build like 4 generations of bionicles to spec from memory to play with while I was watching TV, just studying google images for most of it
I wish I had that free time now
I still keep this guy on my shelf.
fucking hoverbike mode, do you still have the original worm that came with?
Still think this one is pretty cool, not my favorite but it's the first one that pops in my mind
i liked to create unique bionicles rather than keeping it as it original was created. but i bet most kids did that
Yup... I thought they were waaaay cooler than all the masks, idk why tho...
>Just fucking around looking at advertisements and find this fucking vid from when I was a kid
Jesus fuck that's too much
Thank you for sharing that vid, it really made me remember all the good times i had playing with toa's
Here have some more, bud
So did me and my buddies, we would have all kinds of ridiculous games centered around bionicles, when the worms came out they had all kinds of lore attached to them and each one had some kind of effect it would give you if you had a way to put it in your bionicle and have it stay there, one of the things i did to the bionicle I mostly used () was change the legs into something more like 's mount and put different colored rakshi back pieces somewhere around his back, they kinda added to the pauldrons iirc, then depending on which 3 worms I had my dude would be at various power levels.
Me and the two kids I hung out with for most of my time growing up had a huge community tub of parts we kept at one kids house, in addition to our standing squad of assembled guys we liked to play with or just look at, maybe you had a powered up version of your guy that was bigger you could use or whatever.
It was serious business, all the three of us asked our parent(s) for at any occasion we could get gifts were bionicles, even if it was just cheap shit we already had because they knew about the tub and our hunger for parts
This made me smile for the first time in a week
I had forgotten about these. Very based.
I always played the bad guys, and used to build upgrades and mounts for them... I had no one to play with tho. Too retarded to make friends at school
Yo yo piraka
Yo yo piraka
Also did the bionicle story ever finish up or did they just leave it
Fug dude, I remember this.
Same, but thankfully my mom was an addict so she would just take me to the kids house and leave me there while they sat around to smoke pot or leave and do funner drugs while we fucked around with all of our bionicles and stuff.
Pretty sure it finished but the last line of bionicle before that hero factory stuff was pretty shitty and forgettable
I'm amazed of the impact Bionicle had and the number of people that still remember them fondly... One of the best things (if not the best) of my childhood.
I legit pity any child that was born after 2007 because they probably never got to experience the coolest fucking toy ever to exist next to transformers and the basically music videos that they produced
Any particular reason they all sound like New Zealand place names?
Where the fuck did the guys who made this and Hero go?
You posted him
This one is my favorite bionicle.
Original bro
Kopak master race, my patrician OP
Matoro was dope as hell. Especially because he was a McDonald's toy.
The Bohrok were pretty sweet.
If I recall correctly, robo jesus died to save robo god, and then robo god had a big fight with robo Satan and they threw planets at each other and at one point the mask of light guy got merged with robo satan but he was just such a great guy that he only turned into an asshole instead of a badguy. There was also a rap at some point.
first set toa: the most sensible answer
That guy was cool as shit.
Too bad his toa nuva look was complete garbage. The Jason mask was the way to go.
I know this isn't bionicle but this is all I could think of after watching that video
He may or may not technically be a toa, but God damn was he a mean motherfucker.
I liked his skis
It's heavily based on maori culture, to the point that lego got sued and lost a legal battle
Based. Brutaka and Axon were by far the best titans, hydraxon and maxilos are 2 close seconds.
Ah, yes. My niggers
You can get sued for cultural appropriation?
Yeah, Axon's hands were big af.
Bionicles are my culture
>tfw the only active bionicle group on facebook, which revived my childhood love of the lore is full of trannies and fags that won't allow even jokes about their faggotry
These anons are all correct.
There's your problem originally
bump for my bionic brothers
This is probably my favorite Bionicle
Like user in pic related, I too prefered the blue one with the hook hands until Iearned it was female.
This guy was my first one back in the day, though I also had and the original blue one. Green was always my favorite though.
Why the fuck am I tearing up seeing that commercial
It fucking cracked me up when I saw Moana and the village was just called Moto Nui
Like that triggered some flashbacks ngl
Slightly off topic, but did anyone else get some Riddick vibes from this guy?
this has to be the best set of bionicles
Lego literally just gave them revolvers. They gave no fucks for that series. It was definitely the best possible followup to the Inika line.
Any cryoshell fans in here?
Also best chapter in Bionicle history, edgy 2006 when Bionicle went punk/emo
This is the woman who sings 'creeps from the deep'
If you were a Bionicle fan you must look this band up now
All top tier choices here. My personal fave was Toa Nuva Lewa. I kinda want to start buying these again, but I don't want be seen as any more of a manchild than I already am. Plus, the older ones
you know in retrospect the blue and red guys didn't really do much in that ad except cut a random piece of metal
unironically have this on my bookmark for well over... MY GOD TEN YEARS
I really loved this dude in particular as a kid for some reason, but really I loved all the designs from this line. I used to run around the house with him holding him in the air
pretty based bro, i was an OG bionicle fan from the day i saw the first advertisement in the lego magazine. they looked so freaking different exotic and cool
Yoooo I have that one!
And all these too
You already posted the best one OP.
This is the first one I got, used to pose it in my grandmas garden and take pictures like it was in a forest
beside your choice OP i'd have to go with Gresh
First shit-tier choice ITT. The Glatorian line was terrible.
>You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Holy hell bionicle lore is so deep you could do a degree in it
one of the deepest lore out there
i blame bionicle for making me autistic. i literally spent hours upon hours building MOCs, posting on BZPower and writing/learning about lore. 2001-2007 was a timeskip for me.
basically everyone from le-metru or le-koro was straight up autism incarnate
I love this one, he was my first bionicle, I still remember how my mom hid him in the christmas tree!
Axon is one of the best, such a cool and complex design!
axon is a manlet
Fuck off he looks cool
>this is what manlets actually believe
apparently that comment wasn't original
Oh I remember the one in the pic. My mom and I went to toys'r'us one day and she bought me this, I think it was very expensive and it came in such a big box. I was too young to build it on my self so my dad helped me.
That's my only happy memory with my father.
I always liked pic related and the bohroks but my favourite toa was the water one. I have many memories playing with bionicle at my friends house. The first generation was the best and I really liked the two first movies. After that I got too old to play with toys.
I've never seen any kids play with bionicle now that I'm grown up even though they are still around. Guess kids don't play with toys anymore
the black one
>unsurprisingly unoriginal
I thought this was a full length movie when I saw that commercial in a toy store. I waited for so long but it never came out
Fuck he totally is.
Not even just compared to brutaka.That arm to rest-of-limb ratio is fucked.. even if most toa and shit aren't that really humanly proportionate perfectly.
my niggest
>really like bonding with anons in these threads about bionicles and shit
>also causes a huge spike in my depression because I know I'm never gonna get it back and eventually we're all gonna basically get kicked out of the bar we're talking in when the thread 404's never to knowingly hang out again
Its been fun though