Post aesthetic females. Not tranny freaks

Post aesthetic females. Not tranny freaks.

Attached: mami.jpg (850x850, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

genderlets when will they learn

she needs to eat more

too thin? Thinking more meat like this one.

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Post them boys

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>pic related

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are you forgetting the Goddess of Jow Forums

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>Not tranny freaks
>Posts a tranny freak
Sasuga OP

Go back to /lgbt/ faggot tranny. You'll never look like this and you'll never pass

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What anime is this?


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Name of this semen demon?

I'm insanely attracted to women with kinda square jaws like this

An ugly cosplay whore with no muscle definition or ass? Lmaoing at your taste bro.

This Katie Sonier?
Fuck she's legit perfect

This fucking bitch with the fucking face

>tfw no centaur succubus gf

top1 butterface worldwide
also every top bodybuilder would take those calves

her hands are more masculine than my 53 year old mechanic dad

For those guessing how to achieve maximus jaw gainz, just go Auschwitz.

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>Reika Saiki
You are a man of great taste

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wish i knew her name
sad pepperoni

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>tfw you will never spot her

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6'0 tall, 180lbs of pure muscle. Her body is perfect but face is kind of manly.

@abby on instagram

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Absolute UNIT

moar pls

>I'm looking for Amanda Hugginkiss

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

My oneitis MILFfu

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she's unironically interested only in niggers

What's wrong with saying black guys

You have shit taste

>those tattoos
They're niggers user.

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A few bad tattoos are a deal breaker for you?

What's wrong with saying niggers? She's not dating Cosby or Thomas Sowell.


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tatts ruin it

black guys are regular people like you and me, niggers are the ones who have sagging pants, they speak nigger language, do hand gestures, listen to nignog music and act like apes

so white trash are niggers ?


Same with cholos and all pajets

>listen to nignog music
I mean, I really only do that when lifting
Does that make me a half-nigger?


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Yes? The definition has not been race exclusive for awhile

>uhh, ye, uhhhgh, ahhuh, erwego, nigganigga fuckin wywimin swimmin in dolla let me holla at you weak ass bitch wyboi from my bugatti ye, ahhuh
Why would you want to listen to that when you're trying to work out?
Why would you listen to that at all unless you were a nigger?

>not showing soles
almost had me break nofap

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snu snu

she looks like a balloon animal

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Jenny is friends with a fucking tranny? /tv/ told me she's based

Alright, I am gonna say it.
All female bodies look bad. Lean, fat, thicc, sticc, doesn't matter. A female face on a twink's body would be the ideal.

Not all nigger music is bad

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dear god

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Holy shit I want to drag my tongue down her back all the way to her ass.

Me too, I read an article that says guys that went to all boy schools (which I was) are more attracted to women with strong jawlines

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for my stacy black fitfu

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Name one good album

Azrael Renee

Christ all mighty this is my 10/10 Christ I could cut diamond with my cock

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Whats this?

Rtj run the jewels


mistress tier

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Thanks brother

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My cock from seeing this hot ten ten

Hello Fellow Blacks

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A delusional nigger. If I call a white person a nigger they don't care, if I call a black nigger "person" a nigger they would chimp out and id have to put them down.


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Graduation - Kanye West

>every lyric is about being where the ho's be and about having dolla.
>that's that shit if you gonna do it do it just like this... You don't see how wild my style is

Why is the considered good? It's repetitive contrived shit with some low IQ cunt slobbering on the mic.

if you scroll down it looks like a man


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my sides

Wonder what her tattoo says

"Made in Europe, made for the black man"