Why do you believe you deserve a girIfriend?
Why do you believe you deserve a girIfriend?
I don't think it's about deserving... Lot's of people get things they don't deserve, and also the opposite
I want a girlfriend but I'm not so entitled that I think I deserve one
I don't, but one can have their fantasies
Why do you believe you deserve rights?
>I'm white(subnordid)
>I'm young(er than 25)
>I'm not fat
>I'm 6'0"
>I'm not a dicklet(peepee is 7x5in)
>I'm a moral person
>I conduct myself honourably
>I adhere to a strict code of chivalry
>I have a favourable personality
>I come from good breeding stock
>I can protect my wife and offspring from predator
>I can provide resources and coverture for my wife and children
>I am good with children and would make a good father
>I can cook
>I have good taste in anime & manga
Because women think theyre entitled to a chad so men are entitled to what they want.
btfo larper
Are you actually the OP from that thread a week or two ago? God that guy was unironically retarded
I enjoyed this post, thanks weeb
I've made that thread multiple times since around the beginning of November.
ty based threadly subnordid poster
>>I have good taste in anime & manga
pic unrelated?
It's a bad adaption, but it's not a bad film.
>Why do you believe you deserve a girIfriend?
I have never actually felt entitled to one tobehonesto.
but if past experiences with women serve as any indication, I'm quite the catch kek.
Asuka is a massive ego-saturated normie
Asuka is just an average girl. She is admired by healthy males.
Rei is a characterless plot device. She is admired by insecure losers that just want to project whatever desires they have onto a blank canvas.
Im attractive, tall, nice smart and rich
Like the first poster said, it's really not about deserving.
Lots of people who don't "deserve" a girlfriend get one, and plenty of decent guys probably don't.
I don't think I'm entitled to a girlfriend or anything stupid like that, but I certainly don't think girls are entitled to my attention or affection either, I think I'm probably above average in a few categories though, even if I don't really go out much or try to find a girlfriend.
I've largely given up hope entirely, really, I pretty much expect to die an unloved virgin, it happens I guess.
>an average girl
an average girl with an unhealthy fixation on themself
Asuka is significantly more unstable and fucked than most normal girls, she builds everything up on her fragile ego to compensate for her pain and uncertainty.
Define "unhealthy fixation on themself" and then define what a healthy fixation on yourself is. Where do you draw the line?
Yes, Asuka has problems. One problem she doesn't have is being a characterless doll.
because i can have one, and do have one. Might is right, faggot.
>She is admired by insecure losers that just want to project whatever desires they have onto a blank canvas.
What irony. There's a reason the Rebuild version is more popular than the original ever was. Asukafag losers have always been infatuated with a masturbation fantasy version of her.
>One problem she doesn't have is being a characterless doll.
Except that was exactly what she was. She tried to deceive herself but that's all she was in the end.
Why do Asukafags not understand the character? It's practically memetic.
>What irony. There's a reason the Rebuild version is more popular than the original ever was
Yeah, because Rei Q has a personality, unlike all previous iterations.
>Except that was exactly what she was
Rewatch the anime.
>massive ego-saturated normie
She was a loser. She acted big because she had a massive inferiority complex. She flaunts how stronk and independent she is when she is the biggest tool of them all. There were no big moments for Asuka as with Shinji and Rei. She lived and died a NERV doll.
>blatant shitposting
>unironically defending Rebuild
>Rewatch the anime.
I'd tell you to do that, but you've shown you're incapable to understanding it. Par for the course for Asukafags.
See how Reifags always attack Asuka's character, but can never defend Rei's non-existent character? It's always "I don't like Asuka!" and that's fine, but why do they always ignore Rei?
Fellas, fellas.
They're both shit.
May I present to you the true best girl.
nobody deserves shit, but i know i'd be a good/better boyfriend with another chance. i learned a lot this past year of being mostly alone.
too bad i'm not attractive to the person i want to be attractive to.
I've already said this once today. Asuka and shinji were meant for each other, and they both chose to leave instrumentality for each other in EoE.
Why do I keep seeing this damn thread, I thought only original content got on this board.
>nobody deserves shit,
Why do so many normalfags believe this? Why do you personally believe this?