Any bros from south american? What's the gym culture there? Is there any truth that body image in south american women is more important than other parts of the world?
Also, how to get thick heavently latina gf like pic related? How would I fare as a 5'8 white guy barely above dyel?
Latinas like pic related do exist but they are 0.000001%. Most turn into hambeasts shortly after getting knocked up. Good luck
Ryder Flores
you've been around too many Mexicans my dude
Bentley Wilson
>What's the gym culture there? Hypertrophy and brosplits are king, people do it for the looks and looks alone. There is an ascending culture of Crossfit and related sports, but it is mostly higher middle class stuff.
>Is there any truth that body image in south american women is more important than other parts of the world? Only lived in the USA and Britain (besides my home country). To be honest, not that much of a given importance, but more of a given action. I thing brazillian girls in general care less about looks but do take a more proactive instance.
>Also, how to get thick heavently latina gf like pic related? How would I fare as a 5'8 white guy barely above dyel? You need to look anglo or nordic, you need to look good (and I mean good), you need to have loads of money. Being true here: if could get a this kind of girl you probably would already got one.
>Is there any truth that fitness is very important to latinas?
Well as a guy who lives in Puerto Rico I can tell you what PuertoRican latinas fuck.
When they are under 29 they fuck strong guys, they do not fuck guys that look like they could get beaten up easily. It's all about how you can "protect" them in public.
After 30 they fuck whoever makes money equal or over what they make. Its all about how you can help them pay for bills and pay for dates.
Exceptions are girls who are from the ghetto. They just fuck whoever is "dangerous". Like if a guy has a reputation because he did jail time of some retard shit like that then the ghetto girls see that as "strength"
Jason Rogers
There's those Eric Bugenhagen videos where he was lifting in Mexico
Robert Jones
Just curious: Do dark skinned PR girls hate on fair skinned, blonde haired Stacy types? I went to college with a Puerto Rican chick who basically looked like Hayden Panetierre and it seemed the other ethnic girls (read: the darkies) rather resented her good looks.
James Bell
Well I'm romanian but not one of those dirty gypsies. Got white skin and blue eyes. Will that be enough to pass as an anglo?
Cooper Turner
so theyre simple whores. got it.
Joseph Morales
No, the most important thing is money. If you're white european or american you have it easy. But yeah is not common to see ugly motherfuckers dating models. See narco culture.
My girlfriend is Mexican and she goes to the gym with me every other day. She isn't really hardcore into it. She just wants to prevent herself from getting flabby
Alexander Taylor
Brazilian here... If you're foreign from europe or north america you'll have the easiest time of your life hooking up with chicks here... I've been to Europe and can say that women in south america have a lot more ass and are thicker in general, but as far as looks go, I can't say women here are better looking.
Gym culture here is actually pretty good, a lot of people go to gyms but we don't have power lifting/oly lifting culture, it's pretty much just regular gyms with no bumper plates and lifting stations, you'll probably find one in larger cities if you look hard enough though, but they will be a lot more expensive as well....
All in all, it's pretty good
Kayden Ortiz
Is it true that all brazilian chicks do anal?
Ayden Foster
No one here wants to create anymore goblins. Fuck off JIDF.
depends on the girl, but chicks here are pretty open minded towards it
Jeremiah Jenkins
What happened is that's not her, just some cunt that stole her name. The GO Sofia Nix had big natty tits, while this one has obvious rock-hard fakes.
Kevin Ward
Most not break no porn breh.
William Gutierrez
>south american >ameritard units
never gonna make it here
Adrian Ortiz
Jordan Cruz
Thicker than a bowl of frijoles
Carter Adams
>only 7000 attractive latinas in the world
Blake Gonzalez
>that pornhub vidya of her with two old fucks the loads i busted
Jose White
> >B R A P >R >A >P
Nathaniel Clark
Latinas is the only race that just does nothing for me, the "hot" ones all look exactly the same and bland af, and the rest just look dirty. The only exception is that one thick ass chick from that dirtymaid video.
She took a plastic pill and went full barbie to attract rich boomers, that love such skanks or wanted to be like Sophia Vergara, and still continue doing porn. Can't blame her, lots of latinas do such shit.
Jack Gonzalez
With few exception, "hot latinas" are all just spanish by blood or almost all spanish by blood. The more native-blooded they are, the uglier they are. I don't think I've ever seen a mutt hispanic that's actually attractive.
And when people post these images of criollos/castizos who are attractive, all they're really saying is that med europeans are attractive. Not latin american mongrels.
David Nelson
Argie user here: I think that just by being from Europe/the states you will do good. If you are fit by normie standard you will have a bonus
Local fitness culture is more and more CrossFit oriented , but I haven't see yet any roided girl here.
Regarding the quality of the zone, I'll probably rank in first place Argentinian, Brazilian and Colombian women (close call for Venezuelan ). It will range from more skinny euro-decendant to more thick mulato (black+white). Just try to aim for something in the middle to be safe.
Be confident of yourself and don't sperg. You will do good user
Nolan Mitchell
Can confirm this. I've seen a lot of white tourists fuck like crazy. Like in Asia and probably the rest of the world having a white man is seen like a higher status symbol so due to women nature most guys will do fine.
The only problem white guys have is dancing, they suck at it and its really important here, not so much in Argentina but elsewhere is key. Most girls have the mentality that if you dance well and have chemistry dancing you'll fuck her good. It's a form of foreplay.
Aiden Lewis
I live in Chicago, which is basically just an extension of Mexico at this point. All of them are fucking fat. Literally not a single one is “normal weight”. They all scream and yell like violent fucking apes and are all repulsive to the eye. I have not seen a single attractive Latina in my 16 years of living in Mexico v2
Aaron Hughes
don't forget the black latinas
spanish + african can be a great combination, with european facial features and hair + thicc ass, muscle tone and tanned skin
add in a little bit of native for oriental eyes, a nice pussy and extra thiccness from their body being 'compressed' into a shorter frame
Isaac Campbell
mexicans are ugly goblins because they are mostly native
head further south and you will find a lot of beautiful european women with native/african mixed in giving them an exotic look
Nathaniel Thomas
Every Latin American country has a hierarchy like this; the mestizos resent the castizos with more European blood.
t. Fair skinned mutt with Puerto Rican mom
Ethan Moore
brazilian women are fucking disgusting just the white ones are kinda decent the rest are literal goblins and/or black
Levi King
Yeah, but that's not the Sofia Nix in the OP. That one had huge natty tits already. The plastic bimbo is a different girl.
the only decent women in south america are the ones with european decent with enphasis on the the upper classes from uruguay and argentina all the others are black or boliviANOS
Michael Hall
>After 30 they fuck
Who cares what old whores want? Women after a 30 who aren't married are damaged in some way.
Connor Fisher
As Donald Trump said before he got cucked by Jews, they’re not sending their best. For generations we have been getting their dirt poor goblinas while they keep the best for themselves.
Watch any Mexican TV program and you’ll see what type of woman they see as attractive. Light skinned European types. Hell go to Mexico if you dare and you’ll see plenty like that.
Chase Bailey
That's literally same person, actually. Look at facial features, tats in pics, and moles on her body.
David King
If that's true she completely ruined herself and went from a 10 to a 5.
Isaiah Ward
Who cares? The bugpeople should be purged without mercy.
I cant dance hombre but i have a lot of money and im 196cm 95kg lean Are they good for wives? To stay home and take care of the household.
Easton Lewis
>I cant dance hombre but i have a lot of money and im 196cm 95kg lean not a problem then, you'll do fine.
>Are they good for wives? To stay home and take care of the household. The more you get out of big cities the more chance you have at finding someone like this. Good thing is, away from big cities and the northern part, you'll find the most white girls.
I see so many fat Latinas on a daily basis it's not even funny. These aren't "thick" either. They're so fucking round I bet they'd roll if they fell over.
Maybe 1 in 100 Latinas avoid this fat.
Luis Gomez
I'm euro but I saw a cute Brazilian escort last month who had the best body I've ever seen on a woman, she's only 22, maybe 5'4'' and 60kg but body sculpted like a Greek statue, didn't even realise how good it was until she laid out on the bed in front of me stretching her arms over her head showing her lean taunt core and torso. Don't know her routine though I did see her jogging once and it was was pretty poor form
wow once again this website shows how fucking retarded the userbase is. the shirt, stumpy, goblina latinas are the ones mixed with native american and aztec. mostly central american. the latinas with European ancestry are the hot ones.
Better in person though. Only just read the Brazillian posters earlier in the thread and I laughed because she was pretty open about coming here for clean shaven blue eyed blond guys (which I am none of)
I live in a Latino place, they're pretty much 60+% of the local population The answer is, if you want a 16-20yo latina just get earrings, shave your legs, do your eyebrows, get some fashionable retard haircut, get a gay tattoo, wear streetwear and be an absolute dyel with abs. Also latinas are absolute whores and age like milk. Go for a normal white girl, they're much better and you don't have to go through the whole pseudoromantic bullshit on Instagram. Latinas are like a white girl on a permanent period. t. Dated one
Benjamin Martin
> the latinas with European ancestry are the hot ones. If they're spanish by blood then they're just whites, full stop. when people refer to hispanics/latinos/whatever, they're talking about the mongrel rapebaby peoples of mixed spanish/indio/negro blood
Aaron Wood
> Any bros from south american? Yes, from brazil here
> What's the gym culture there? Every male and female young adult do some exercise, a lot of them do weight training
> Is there any truth that body image in south american women is more important than other parts of the world?
Generally yes, butit depends on the guy, some men like sticc women
> how to get thick heavently latina gf like pic related
Be rich, that's the easier way
> How would I fare as a 5'8 white guy barely above dyel
Women here are xenowhores, you'd fare well even if you were a dyel provided you look european or american
Elijah James
they will stay home, take care of your house and cook for you but 99% chance you're getting cucked
latinas are for fucking only
Dominic Ortiz
>posts the hottest latinas he could find >they literally just look like basic white girls Nice bodies though ngl
You forgot to say to him the most hot girls here hit the wall very quickly because they're too dumb to know how to mantain health or simply don't care
Brayden Price
Who's the one on the right?
Jaxson Kelly
why is this so accurate
t. from socal
Camden Evans
>t. Dated one
Based on a sample size of one, you talk like you are an expert on the psychology of millions of hispanic women.
Noah Nelson
How do black guys do in Brazil, user?
Aaron Fisher
Average. Would get mogged by any scandinavian or other european
Ayden Watson
I'm from Argentina and girls here are sluts
Jose Cooper
Alexis Amore?
Kayden Williams
Average is fine.
We do average where I live.
I'm more interested in the chicks with dicks in brazil though, desu.
Joshua Morales
Easily, these bitches go crazy at the slightest "foreignism"
Ryder Allen
In Latin culture aesthetics is really important. Hence most will dye their hair and wear makeup. The media is very much indoctrinated to show only skinny light skin perfect angle type people
Jeremiah Ward
They don't fare well here except maybe with leftists
Oliver Price
So what would be the best countries/cities for an average white guy then? Cancun in Mexico? Buenos Aires in Argentina? Medellin in Columbia? Santiago in Chile? I just want a thick latina gf
Fucc wrong image I meant to post Mexichan with the swedish soccerteam
Adrian Carter
Even they prefer white or brown (light skinned niggas) dudes, I can speak from experience
Joshua Russell
Spanish people ain't white
Brody Perry
In the south they're basically arabs, but the further north and inland you get the more European they look. The times I've been in Spain I've seen people who looked straight up Scandinavian
most people are whales over here, girls definitely included - gym culture is almost none-existant, like in most parts of the world it depends on the socio-economic status of the individual to care mostly about their health a body image
Isaac Wilson
and body image
Josiah Richardson
What kind of guys do the chicks with dicks go for?
Justin Perez
Looking white doesn't mean you're white. Take the Irish for example. How the fuck is that jewish
Carson Scott
>Take the Irish for example. What the fuck
Cooper Bell
The Irish are the niggers of Europe
Adrian Allen
I thought that was the eastern Europeans now
Alexander Myers
No they gyppos are
Andrew King
There is dedicated page for 16yo edge lords, no need to be retarded here
Colton Harris
I'll be retarded wherever I feel like
Charles Morgan
It's their diet. Indigenous people were never meant to eat dairy and high fat diets.
Also Mexicans in particular believe there's no reason to change anything if you're happy. This definitely applies to their ideas on physical appearance.