do any of these people look like they even lift?
hint: they supposedly do
do any of these people look like they even lift?
hint: they supposedly do
Look like lift? No.
my standarts for people who look like lift:Arnold and above.
The guy on the left. The guy on the right too but not for the last 10 years.
>it's not hard to impress normies
news at 11
the 2 guys at the ends certainly look like they lift
The guys on the end are fit to normies
Guy on the left has too big chest and arms to not lift, also awesome calves.
Dude on the right looks like an absolute unit, good chance that he lifts too.
Anyone else? Doesn't really look like it, in the case of females, you never know. Could always be genetics and not eating like a piggy.
>do any of these people look like they even lift?
>hint: they supposedly do
Hint: these are the obnoxious faggots that upload shit about fitness every single day with 47 hashtags .... yeah crossfiters
These guys are just fat. But they can probably bench 2pl8 for reps which is pretty much body weight so it’s basically a complete joke to anyone who’s legitimately strong.
Both far left and right obviously lift breh. Given that they both look to be well above average height that's some pretty good mass on them.
They just like they also like to drink too much, so they don't look that great, at least for Jow Forums standards.
They lift and then drink it all away the next night.
>do any of these people look like they even lift?
I dunno OP, but those completely blank expressions they all seem to have is kinda creeping me out. Did you get this pic from or something?
Post body
Guy on the left looks like a gym bro who has no idea wtf he's doing and just does arms while having good calves from genetics
Everyone looks like shit desu
t. Muscle dysmorphia faggot
The guy on the left looks bigger and stronger than most people on Jow Forums.
Is this SS victims thread?
You do know that besides Alan, none of the other people have lifted or have claimed to, right? Those are just random family members. Alan is the only person in the photo that has ever lifted a barbell (not that it shows cause he is a fat pig)
fucking retard
fella on the left does but he just chugs protein drinks and dont actually count anything
T autist with no sarcasm detector
>all those fridgebody spic women
Lmao "muh hawt lateenuhs" is such a fucking meme.
I wanted to call you a retard, but youre actually right, everyone asking to post body should post their first. But then again, no one will ever respect animu posters opinion anyway
That's the joke. Alan is supposed to be a coach and he looks just like them.
They all are unironically fitter than 80% of this site
no the one making a retarded claim similar to "lmao thats easily achievable natty in 1 year" should post body and support their claim
The guys on far left and far right look like they lift. Left would look great if he cut
>do any of these people look like they even lift?
>hint: they supposedly do
>Hint: these are the obnoxious faggots that upload shit about fitness every single day with 47 hashtags .... yeah crossfiters