Take the /fa/ pill Jow Forums

>take the /fa/ pill Jow Forums

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Now imagine a lanky scrawny dude wearing the same thing.

Literally all of /fa/

How do I get an /fa/ boyfriend to help me choose clothes?

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I got you homie.

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That all looks ridiculous

they look good but here's the thing: it's a boring look
i'd be happier walking around with a too big vest and my flip flop, fuck it if women don't like it

nobody on fit knows about /sex/ this wont work

Based, post ootd no homo

pls be in Australia
Didn't I see that pic yesterday?

>boys who can't find jeans that fit


6'5 here looking for twink

They don't look good. They are what proletarian nouveau rich think is fashionable. This is how football players here in Europe dress after getting loads of money in a very young age.

I didn't think Europeans played football, but based

Lold. Fkin burgers

Looks like an absolute faggot, everyone dresses like that in the town's here in the UK. All dress like they're in a boy band. Men in 30s walking about in black ripped skinny fit jeans, green bomber jackets & vans. Them and the cunts who don't wear socks.

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>blocks your path

What do?

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Can you give us some pic of what you consider good looking ?

Nah. My girl likes manly men(which I'm not), Gerard Butler type.

Don't UK fags wear tracksuits?

This. Attractive people look good no matter what they're wearing. A young Brad Pitt in a plain t-shirt and jeans would mog the OP's guy into oblivion.

Strip those terrible clothes off him and cover him in kisses before tender violating his boipussy.

Can someone point out whats wrong with 1 and 2 except unfitting jeans and feminine shoes?

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Here with the boys.

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It probably helps, but to me it feels gayer than sucking a giant dick. I only wear the most comfortable clothes. Does being /fa/ really attract women?

It's another form of cope only worse.

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People who don't work usually do, or the "roadman" outfit 3/4 zip north face top slim fit Adidas tracksuit pants and Nike trainers. Most cunts look like they're got a Topman gift card and went wild in the sales. Embarrassing stuff.

Do women ever know what the fuck they want? If they have some dandied up fuckboi, they want a big barbaric man. If they have a big man, they want some scrawny skinny jean hipster bitch. Don’t fall for it men, be whoever the fuck you want, and if you’re in decent shape, a woman will want you, at least temporarily.

take celibate pill, wear what you like, stop spending money and changing yourself for womyn

I lost 30lbs started wearing expensive clothes. Women started showing an interest my gf says it's because they think you have money. I went from wearing baggy fat guy clothes to decent stuff, got a nice watch too. Definitely helps.

I wouldn't dress like op pic as that's just meme boyband clothes. Just get a decent brand of clothes and stylish and conservative.

You want to look good not like a fashion victim faggot.

fuck there could litteraly fuck 100% of the woman on this gay ass earth and we couldn't do a single thing

fuck Depp looks so good here. Pitt looks best cerca de fight club era

this guy looks like an obnoxious faggot so no thanks
~femanon aka discord tranny

Post body or outfits.

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If you're fit just wear any pair of jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt
don't get a tryhard haircut, just make sure it doesn't look like a mess
and for the love of god wear fucking socks

where can i shop for clothes that fit athletic builds? i have a 40"chest and 27" waist so i look retarded in most things and pants never fit me

Why in damnation must I wear socks user

no-show socks are more /fa/ with some basic trainers/old schools

what is a try hard haircut


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A fade.



based and gopnikpilled

but /fa/ thinks dressing like they're in assassin's creed is cool

aaaalll thaaa
Smaaall theeengs

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Ive said it before, Ive said it a million times in every /fafit/ thread:
>slightly baggy shirt to show off gains in upper chest/traps/delts/forearms (no fags, women do not think skin tight tryhard clothing is hot)
>whatever the fuck jeans or shorts you feel like wearing
This is all you need to slay puss.
Why slightly baggy you ask? Because it shows that even in suboptimal clothing you have an excellent physique, and women can pick up on those things.

/fa/ has a lot of useful information and inspiration but it's more hidden than you'd think. Slip into any "What Are You Wearing Today" thread on /fa/ and you'll see the majority of posters dress like queers draped in unflattering clothing that makes them look like they just stumbled out of some AIDS treatment clinic.

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/fa/ knows as much about fashion as Jow Forums know about fitness

I'll work out until I look good in a fucking clown costume.

honk honk

I want to lick those thighs and bulge

Those clothes look cute on him though

He'd cuter naked, sweaty and trying to hold in his moans.

fags end youre lives

He'd be*
Can't type tonight

>wyn have him with an arched back and watch him bite the pillow as you push yourself into him

>coping fat boy
You dyel fatties always try to drag others down
If someone is built nice and has a v taper he shows off
>hurr he is le gay not manly fatman like me

Can't wait for summer to come up so I can wear basketball shorts and autistic death metal t shirts for months. I'd like to see some /fa/ggot try and start shit with me I'll mog his puny ass and fuck his girlfriend.

God that's so fucking hot. Going slow and gently, teasing him until he begs you to fuck him harder

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>actually wearing boot cut loose jeans

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What the fuck is this absolute projection?
Im saying if you wear a M and its tight bump up to a L.
If you have a good build it will make you look bigger.
The only cope is faggot twinks wearing a S when they should be wearing a M or L, like you.
Where did I say anything about JNCO jean fags?


The bottom half screams “streetwear” which no one over the age of 18 should be into. Jeans with sneakers? No socks? The shirt on the right two looks like some $5 H&M shit from 2012, the jackets aren’t much better.
It’s better than a t-shirt and basketball shorts like most people wear but you still look like a massive tool if you wear /sex/core, especially if you have someone take “candid” fit pics of you mid-stride.
From what I can tell it’s more of a meme in England and Straya, the obnoxious guys here mostly wear bad prep/fratcore stuff.

only use /fa/ for the frag, sneakers and/or skincare/hair generals. Everything else is BS gay

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So they know everything worth knowing but fail to apply it in their personal lives?


cyka blieat

>Now imagine a lanky scrawny dude wearing the same thing.
You're right. A lanky dude would immediately look better than this short-legged incel.


People look better when they're younger? No way! you dumb faggot

>implying I haven't

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Vegas fag here. Working a liquor store on the strip, I saw so many of these faggots. All with posh accents and effeminate bearing buying bottles of vodka and fruit juice. My favorite brits were a squat cockney and his Jamaican friend. Both of them were somehow uglier than their mate. The Cockney chap had scars across his scalp from getting glassed. He asked me my favorite tourist question. "Like to try some American whiskey. Wha' you fink?" IIRC, sent him off with some Jim Beam double oak. If I ever find myself visiting England, I'd rather drink with his ilk than the pretty boys.

>gay dyel

someone ps that COD gamer head onto the trench coat outfit

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what kind of t-shirt are the middle and right ones wearing pls

They might even take the bait tho

Post body :)

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what the fuck are you wearing on your feet? also is that a fucking baseball jacket lmfaoo and a fucking gay vegan bag oh no no no no

those are my "comfy" shoes, I have had them for like 5-6 years because they're simply very comfortable, but definitely worn out af now. otherwise I wear "high" black converse. I bought the jacket because I OD'd on Drive and Hotline Miami and the bag was from some kind of Body Shop - imagine unironically being a vegan.
I enjoy your rating or criticism though, so what do you think of this?

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how the fuck do you just know what clothes to get when looks are different from person to person and any style does not work on everyone?

>Them and the cunts who don't wear socks
Came here to say this. Don't know why it bugs me, but it brings out all of my rage. I think it is just another feminization tool.

No homo but i would let the three of them fuck me in the ass.

you go in shops and try them on
you seem to have some issues user

lmao you're right. I was wondering why he's looking like this. His legs are stumpy and funny.

>I think it is just another feminization tool.
based schizo poster

>I wear "high" black converse
>black jeans
>fisherman's black sweater
>gold iphone

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Trying on clothes does not tell me what works and what doesn't. I could think this black leather jacket from the 80s looks good on me when it doesn't and I wouldn't know since I am looking through my perspective. Or like if someone says I should wear this certain thing when I think it looks objectively faggy on me. Fashion makes no sense to me and it's interpreted differently from person to person like how one appreciates art.

Drift king

I hate shopping for pants
>thighs at 24"
>seat is 41"
>waist is 33"
I want off this ride. And some decent fucking pants.

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Unironically are you guys by any chance gay ?
Or gay and in denial ?
Because you seem so insecure and angry at everything that makes you question your sexuality maybe it’s time to stand in for your feelings

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Now imagine a rolly Polly boy wearing the same thing.

Good fashion emphasizes good figure. It doesn't need to be ultra-tight, but it says "I am not you. I am not common. I am not prole."

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>Posh skeleton-mode detected

the fact that all three of them are divorced is both troubling and calming. I could be sexyness personified and I could still fuck up or a woman might reject me after years of our relationship

What the fuck happened I mean really, 30-40yo men dress like 16 yo fuckbois. I see old peiple with that bright sneakers fashion shit, like are you serious? But its none of my buisness. If being a fly faggot your thing, good for you.

How do I dress if I’m ruggedly handsome? Jason statham type where you’re not ass ugly but not a pretty boy either? I could not pull off OPs look and look natural.

Those feet are terribly flat
Enjoy osteoarthritis at 45