Do you ever wish you could lower your IQ?

Do you ever wish you could lower your IQ?

Sometimes I envy how happy normals are

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I'm a sub-100 IQ brainlet and I want to commit seppuku because of it.
being stupid doesn't = happiness, everyone just treats you like the underdeveloped retard that you are

.Smoke pot. I've been getting "floaty" high every night for a couple months now. I felt memory and sharpness slipping at the start and now I'm just comfy.

you're still smart enough to know your stupid. We need to go deeper.

I used to, but I came to the conclusion that even if my IQ was lower I'd still be unhappy.
Being a retard=being happy is just as much of a meme as being intelligent=instant life success.

I think the actual wisdom lies in not reacting to everything and moving on instantly if your gut feeling tells you so.

i honestly dont understand the smart = miserable meme. i've come to the conclusion that its just another excuse for the mildly intelligent to jerk themselves off. i would say attractiveness has much more to do with happiness than intellect.

If you lowered your IQ any further you wouldn't even be able to write on Jow Forums.

No, then I would be ugly, mentally ill, AND dumb.

below 90, and you're getting into african territory

I guaran-fucking-tee you aren't as smart as you think you are.

ive never though to actually do it but i know its very easy. wasting away on Jow Forums all day is bad enough for me.

if anyone really wants to do it check out bambi sleep

I didn't say I was a fucking genius or anything, I said lowering my IQ wouldn't make me happier.
Try actually reading next time.

You mean that sissy hypnosis that everyone is freaking out about?

fuck yea thats why i moke deed, i can feel it working

Just do ecstasy every weekend and xanax everyday for 6 months and you'll be dumb as rocks

moke deed 420

I didn't say I was smart. But 10 points from average is definitely going to make a difference.

You're dumber than you think you are, failure

Being stupid won't stop you from being a loser. I met lots of braindead reclusive losers in highschool, and, in fact, being stupid just made it worse for them.

Already did it, from an officially tested 138 to an internet test 130(ish), which would probably be even lower if done officially. Drink more, take more drugs, get depression, and you'll find yours magically going down too.

This.. Fucking retards on here thinking they are some kind of rare intelligent misunderstood breed

I want a cute chad to pound my boipucci everynight and feed me drugs to make me retarded until I exist soley on his whim.

If you go lower you won't really be conscious and arguably not truly alive.

Low IQ != happiness

In fact its the opposite. If you were really smart you would figure out a way to be happy. It requires planning and hard work to set yourself up to be happy.

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my solution since 14 can't sleep with out it just too many thoughts plus no hangover, your just dumb now