bros i've fucked up and need criticism, help or advice. i've been dating this absolute korean qt3.141 for 5 months now, and we've been super tight, she's seemingly perfect, i've improved so much as a person because of her and i have done nothing but better myself. simply put, she saved me from NEETism and has done me all good. she's so pure and since we live a while away we send birthday gifts and christmas gifts and the like. enough about our relationship though, over the past few months i've always had this thought in my back of the head that i shouldn't continue with her, my reasoning was because well, she's asian, i'm white. i don't want hapa kids, i really don't, i want strong sons that will grow and develop into great men. i don't want to racemix, but she just seems so perfect for me. am i being a complete faggot for overthinking like this?
the past few weeks i've been super busy, so i haven't been able to check her messages as often, and i've also been semi-ghosting her because i've just been so worried and confused about the whole hapa kid thing. but last night she messaged me and seemed off, she was saying shes been having mixed feelings towards us and that she doesn't know if things will workout.
i know it may seem like i wanted this, but now that it's actually happening i fucking don't. i truly don't. maybe i just have oneitis or i'm just a fucking loser faggot, but i don't know what to do. it hurt seeing that message and i haven't stopped thinking about whether or not i've fucked up. maybe i'm just overthinking this whole thing? please give me some help bros, you're my last resort.
(pic is her stan of our favourite kpop girl group, TWICE)
I need advice
You done goofed my dude. Shoulda held onto that asian qt when you coul. If I was put in your shoes I would do everything nessesary to stay together with her.
what you should do is drench yourself with gasoline, go to the roof of a 20+ story building, light yourself on fire and then jump off the building
get the FUCK off my board you fucking normie, take your normie relationship problems to reddit or facebook or whatever other normie cesspool you fucking faggot, i dont want to hear your girl drama
but, isn't race mixing something your worried about? i don't want my kids to end up elliot rodgers
>dont talk to an LDR girl every second of the day
>i think we should break up
shes fucking someone else already my dude
I don't see a reason why you two can't just talk about the things that are bothering you. If you can't be honest with each other then you shouldn't be together.
i fucking hope not
i guess that's a good point, but won't discussing those kinds of things hurt her? i don't want to hurt her, i want to be with her
>i don't want to hurt her, i want to be with her
faaaaaaaaaggoottttttt. god i hate normies, honestly if a hell doesnt exist god is malevolent
like god is evil if a hell doesnt exist, because there is no justice in this world. dead serious op, i genuinely hope you burn in hell
If you keep your real feelings to yourselves, you'll just be suffering in the relationship. If you talk and break it off, you'll both hurt at first, but it'll eventually subside.
I'm not worried about racemixing because I'm already a disgusting mutt
oh, amerimutt i assume?
do you think that's what ultimately would be best?
Nah, nordic mixed with latin american
This. When they start sending those "mixed feelings" or "dont know if it will work out between us" messages they're already getting fucked by someone else. Gg senpai, move on.
ahh, sorry to hear that brother. but you could always choose to breed with either a nord or latina?
i really doubt it though, she is pretty fucking pure. on both sides it's our first proper relationship.
To save your relationship:
1. Admit that you have been feeling off about the relationship and having doubts. Say that you have resolved those doubts in your mind and are ready to be more attentive and committed.
2. Take her out and pay attention to her.
I can't help you with the race stuff, I'm just telling you how to save yourself if you actually want to.
>t. asian, but saved from incel status becoz musician
Dude, asian girls are fucking OBSESSED with purity.
They will lie about being virgins to every single guy they fuck because they know it increases their value and you wouldn't be able to tell, because they all have tiny tight vaginas.
You're definitely not her first boyfriend if she's as cute as you say she is.
I live in a nordic country so my hope is to find the palest girl out here in hopes that my kids become as white as possible.
I think so. If you find a way to work it out then you'll both be stronger together and be better equipped to handle any other problems in the future. If you can't, then it just didn't work out, but the important thing is that you were both open about your feelings.
i wish you the best of luck man, hopefully that works out and your kids take her genes.
i don't know about that, she is really naive and her friends have also told me to be careful with her as she is really new to dating.
thanks man, but from an asian perspective, would you ever mix with a white or non asian person??
Good. You don't deserve her anyway. Fucking retard. Go back to pol. Racemixing is not a bad thing. Hate this pol psuedoscience.
I wouldn't care about the race thing, it's about your love and honestly, nowadays almost everyone is some amount of mixed anyway. Humans aren't dogs, no one sane actually cares if your children are part asian
Thanks user, best of luck with saving the relationship or breaking it up, whatever you decide to do, good luck with it!
why isn't it a bad thing?
idk man, the two hapas i know come from dysfunctional families and are both social retarded pretty much, i just don't want that for my kids.
thanks dude, and also thanks for that beautiful helper family. i will add that to my collection.
Do you want to put another Eliot Rodgers in the world? Look Jow Forumsasianmasculinity, look incel forums, read about hapas and how miserable they are, and how asian man are miserable as a whole, is that what you want for your blood line? If you don't care about putting another child in this world that will go through a world of pain just so you can be with this woman, go for it. But let me ask you something, will you be able to be happy seeing that your son is weak and unhappy? Could you be happily married while watching your son being heavily bellied and an incel? How well would you cope with the fact that your son isn't as strong as a purebred white would be? Or good looking? Or sentimentality developed and humanized? Yes, I know not all hapas are losers like I said, but the great majority of them are, the average hapa is all I said and more, are you willing to take that enormous risk of your son being thrash? Will you be able to endure it? Again, I know its possible for hapas to be chads, but lets face the facts that thats not the norm, its the exception, your hapa son will almost certainly be genetic thrash and live on extreme suffering, abd that suffering will rub on you if you're a normal emphatic human being, thats that.
Think about what you're doing,think of your future. You're right, racemixed children are trash, always, make the rught choice.
>from an asian perspective, would you mix?
Yeah I spose so. Maybe I'm just 'culturally' white from growing up American. But I definitely used to prefer asian girls coz I felt unwanted by other grills. Also I had a samurai image in my head of asian superiority. My actual sex life though has been a mix of girls, and real life is hard enough without added restraints that are going to break your heart. My bandmates are white (and one latino that we tell ppl is indian) so in the end I just found it a bit hard to maintain the hate. Man is both the sculptor and they clay, my dude.
Trust your ape brain here, if shes attractive then that's because shes got good genetic material, you're definitely overthinking
you unoriginal fucking brainlet.
If you fuck this up for yourself then don't even dare to complain in here.
>being this concerned about hapa children
jesus christ get off of Jow Forums, not all hapas are elliot rodger. very autistic thing to worry about
Be with her user.
And also don't listen to Jow Forumstards.
i'll try. i am very confused about the whole situation.
so for you it's not really a factor you'd care about? the race part that is. also goodluck with your band, i hope it works out bro
but ape brain is easily manipulated, couldn't i of been manipulated through (((media))) to form an interest in asian women to "mix".
be with her? idk, maybe Jow Forums has affected me.
user, Elliot Rodger was only a sperglord because his mother was a manipulative piece of shit, remember that Tiger Woods is hapa and he's chad. Don't fuck this up user.
LOL. you never met her and you started thinking about mixed kids... sorry dude but you aint cut out for her
you never met her and you got premature cold feet about mixed kids, and never touched her let alone sealed the deed.
now she knows lol. now you realize way too late you goofed bad hahahahahahaha
i guess that's true, but is my craving for my children to have similar features to me reason enough to not want mixed kids? the asian genes would be prominent and i don't want my kids to look nothing like me.
obviously this is a larp. right? you didnt actually start ignoring somebody you liked because you were thinking about having kids with her, but never met her.
think what you must. we have met, and it is a concern of mine.
but you never fucked right. and while you were in the friendzone (yes you were), you were thinking about kids with her, you thought way too far ahead and thereby dropped the ball by letting your insecurities take the wheel
Not him but
>why isn't it a bad thing?
literally why would it be? stay off pol brainlet
>idk man, the two hapas i know come from dysfunctional families and are both social retarded pretty much, i just don't want that for my kids.
Then dont make a dysfunctional family and teach your kids right?
Do you unironically believe everyone who isnt pureblooded is at risk of being a mass murderer?
youre overthinking it
fuck you for knowing me and probably 90% of other fags on this board, i did and we were friends for months prior.
i guess i could be overthinking it, but a lot of mixed people do have tendencies and are socially awkward and have no race to associate themselves with, which can cause many issues.
i also want my kids to look like me. which i know may seem petty.
so you fucked once, got into the very early stages of a budding relationship, THEN everything i said in my prior post occurred.
ok you some action but same result. your relationship wont ever be the same now. now you get to carry this failure at your chance at happiness with you for the end of your days
oh how i hope you're wrong.
people of all races, pure or otherwise, have sperg tendencies, do you know how much of this board and pol are pure white?
Granted the only proof i have of that is polls but i doubt its far fetched
>i also want my kids to look like me.
Theyre still youre kids and will take half of your genes.
please tell me youre larping at this point
>you know how much of this board and pol are pure white?
That's exactly why we're telling op to not do it and not race mix
i wrote alotta shit but desu it was very depressing. So! i deleted it.
dont worry, youll get another shot at Love. dont let it go next time when ya do
i'm not, i've seen and know mixed kids, they never look like the white parent.
no, i'd like to read it, if you can retrieve it post.
user its 430 am and i cant put together the right words to tell you how dumb youre being right now. just, dont fuck it up? youre going to love your kids regardless of how white they turn out
>youre going to love your kids regardless of how white they turn out
Yet as a matter of experience they can easily take the road of not loving you for bot giving the genes they deserve.
you've already tasted it, that crushing mental pain, wishing you could go back into time and fix it from ever happening.
wanna know why you got insecure over something like this? because youre soft and weak, and she dumped you because she arrived at the same conclusion.
now you will ache, until you dont notice it anymore. but you will always miss her even when you dont.
you will find other girls to replace her. maybe it will work. but when they leave you alone, the ache will find you. when you stop noticing the emptiness, your mind will hurt.
teach your kids not to put too much stock into race then
actually fuck it im going to sleep. Just flip a coin or something
Protip: you'll never have kids
No one gives enough of a shit about you to 'manipulate' you into liking Asian chicks. Just do what makes you happy and if someone is 'manipulating' you in some way who gives a fuck, you're happy with your love life and that's what matters.
If you're that scared of someone else influencing what makes you happy you might as well throw away all your possessions and join a Buddhist monastery.
Mate, wtf this might be your greatest shot at a good life,there's people wishing to be in your situation, do not overthink the racial thing,it has become pretty normal in some places mixrace Asian whites, there is almost no problem.
i know i'll love them regardless of how white they are, my concern is they may not love me. as said, they may dislike / hate me as i've placed the burden of being mixed race and not having a race to call your own upon them.
i needed that, thanks user.
i'll try.
fuck off faggot, speak for yourself.
that's kind of true, but i think Jow Forums has just had too much of an effect on me.
i'm going to go for it.
thank you everyone who has posted in this thread, it's been a good wake up call and help. i'm going to try my best to stay with her and hopefully she's the one. i'm off to bed and if someone this thread is still up tomorrow morning i'll respond. goodnight all anons, thank you.
thats what you get for trying to date asian whores fuck you both and everyone who idolizes them