The three stages of looksmaxxing

The three stages of looksmaxxing

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Or just start getting laid regularly

three stages of incel body dysmorphia

daily reminder that if you have to looksmaxx, you'll never make it.

Threadly reminder that looksmaxxing/blackpill is an r9k tier mindset and you will never make it if you subject yourself to these things.

Yeah these fucking losers should stop making it so complicated

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>"Just get laid, bro."

>"Yes, just stay in your shitty situation, bro. Don't ever improve. Don't get that surgery, bro, then you won't be able to cry and make threads about how sorry you feel for yourself like me, dude. Just stay a kissless virgin forever, man."

Why are you people so vehemently against other men finally breaking out of the self-pity cycle and making a concerted effort to improve their face?

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There's a thin line between optimistic delusion and destitute realism where ascension lies. To suffer fully, working as hard as you can to succeed knowing you are battling nature with every step is the true test of a man.

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>making a concerted effort to improve their face
They're just bitching about esoteric stuff w/o doing anything to improve their lives

People have fucked with faces like these shitty incel strawmen memes. They will continue to. You have a mental disorder called Body Dysmorphic Disorder. There is nothing wrong with you. You don't need to cut your face up.

>Bruh you just have BDD what's wrong with you for not liking the way you look don't worry you'll get laid just keep doing nothing about the biggest hurdle to social and romantic success

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I'm 23 and have never had a girlfriend or a second date.
I've had several girls tell me "Oh user you're the funniest guy I know, I really like talking to you, you'll be such a catch for a lucky girl some day"
And I literally asked all these girls out
"Oh user I don't think of you that way"
What the fuck else could it be?

So you have had first dates (aka she's into you based on looks) but not a second? That unironically sounds like you project a platonic aura to women; in other words, it seriously does sound like your personality.

The point of BDD is that surgery regret and trust issues soon follow. If your mentality is rotten, you might *gasp* have sex, but will you be able to keep her if all you can think of is 'you fucking degenerate femoid slut you wouldn't have fucked me before REEEEEE!'

I would never regret surgery if it propells me from generally unattractive to generally attractive. Would you implore someone to not get cleft palate surgery since he would afterwards be concerned that people judged him earlier unfairly on his appearance? Would you tell a person to never work out or try to lose weight using the same logic? Would you recommend that a socially awkward person never try to improve his personality?

Also post body with timestamp

They all say that until they get surgery. I'm not saying YOU personally have BDD but a lot of people that these memes get preached to are just normal, regular people (5/10s if you're going to be autistic and do the numbers shit) that need therapy, not invasive surgical procedures.

Why? If my body is shit, you'll accuse me of cope. If my body is good, you'll accuse me of not being able to relate. What's the point of playing kafka trap with you?

You overestimate how much thought I put into the body request. I just gathered from your writing style you were a lurking Twitter feminist. Like, how is rating someone using numbers autistic, how else are you going to give a summary of one's physical appearance, a tone poem?

Recommending therapy as a fix all crutch? Using "*gasp*" unironically? What's the matter with you?

It is autistic to rate someone using numbers. Looks have a degree of subjectivity and your 5/10 may not be everyone's 5/10. Plus it's unironically shallow; if all you're going to do is reduce someone to a number you're probably not ready for a LTR. That's whom'st these memes target, guys that tend to be a bit immature and just want the validation of smashing.

They're kind of like the male version of borderline personality disorder thots as well.

jesus christ if you don't look like a hideous monster yet you blame your face structure for all your problems then you really need some therapy man

I'd be more worried about those dudes fucking tits than their faces. Some of them could wear a fucking bra lmao

Yeah i know

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well do you look like that? post face

I do agree there's a pervasively schizoid character to most people on fit, that's why you're bound to see far harsher critics of social norms, coupled with a desperate need for validation.

But come on, isn't calling rating people on a scale autistic a little ableist? Problematic much?

Therapy is the biggest meme imaginable for the non-traumatized. The way some people recommend it online makes it seem like a fix-all for any emotional problem. Some people can't reckon that some emotional issues stem from purely physical problems.

>But come on, isn't calling rating people on a scale autistic a little ableist? Problematic much?
And? Why are you strawmanning me as a leftist?

the thing is most people who post shit like this looks fine. I googled canthal tilt out of curiosity and the first picture that came was this good looking indian with slightly drooped left eye. but again on the off chance you look like then yeah you're fucked, goblino.

>just be yourself bro

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>obsess over every single one of your faults bro
>yeah bro that’s a really healthy outlook for yourself
There’s a difference between being comfortable with yourself whilst improving at the same time and obsessively trying to fix minor faults.

Are you ever gonna post your own body and or face?

>"Minor faults"
>The face: the first thing people look at and instantly get a judge of character from, the sole thing that makes relationships with women and determines whether or not you are attractive


this is some late night shitposting for me but according to yourself, what are your facial looks do you find to be bad

>caring about what other people think of you
>thinking your IQ is high because you harm yourself to get other's approval
>being this much of a faggot
you lost before started anons

oh my god elliot roger was reincarnated and is posting on 4channel

>the sole thing that makes you attractive
Woah dude careful, you’ll drown in those blackpills.
Get over yourself, face is important but it’s easily balanced by a good personality.
is that way, faggot. Go shit up someone else’s board.



I'm sure Jeremy Meeks had a "good personality" and that was why women all over the globe paid his bail, must have just had a really good "personality", hahaha.

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Tell me, why are you here on this board again? The board of self improvement, and yet you’re just trying to bring people down? Why are you here?

Jesus Christ you're like an NPC. Who gives a fuck if shit tier women like Meeks? I don't want those women. If my girl told me Meeks was hot I'd fucking mock the shit out of her. You really want the kind of girl that would ignore the fact a man is an ex-con? Why?

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"Looksmaxing" before the plastic surgery part is just "get fit, learn good hygiene, and adopt good masculine fashion."

I feel bad for whatever fucked up person made this picture, but the aesthetic of it is really nice. I especially like how the different fonts compliment each box. It's a very well-made image.

9 times out of 10 these fags posting looksmaxing stuff have had opportunities to date 6-7/10 girls and turn them down because they believe they'll get better. They probably could but are too lazy or unwilling.

Many such cases, sad!

Yeah, there's a good aspect and a bad aspect of the looksmax crowd. On one hand, it's absolutely true that there are objective measures of attractiveness and it's a good idea to study these things rather than just doing the mainstream shit of "just be urself bro, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!".
But on the other hand, you have the faggots who go off the deep end with it and think that anyone who's not as good looking as Gandy or Chico is destined to be a foreveralone wizard, and that literally anything you do besides bogpilled plastic surgery is a "cope"

hair >>> all

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