How do these things affect gains, brahs?
What was your experience after quitting? Less mood swings and better breathing?
How do these things affect gains, brahs?
What was your experience after quitting? Less mood swings and better breathing?
all hipster shit aside i'm actually curious about this. Been thinking of getting one as even the occasional smoke does have a minor but unpleasant effect on my breathing. Anti-smoke shills need not apply, i know the risks, i chose to smoke 1 cig a day on average.
>willingly becoming addicted to nicotine in 2019
there we go... Can you go pollute another thread please you lonely turd?
>hurmrrmrmmm I'm an addict AND THAT'S A GOOD THING, now help me feed my addiction you fucking pansy
Good way to start a thread, OP, you fucking retard.
Retard alert. Not gonna make it
What, a performance enhancing substance?
Yeah I'm going to keep on using it.
At some point I feel like it restricts my breathing when working out but I still get the urge to hit it while working out. I guess so it relaxes me or something. I'm planning on quitting it though(I vape 30mg nic) cuz I don't see much of a point anymore since I barely get a buzz, etc. Last time I quit was for 4 days and I only remember feeling very irritable for the first 2 mornings.
I bet you fags drink, eat junk food and fap to fucking porn. But you guys are still cool and badass though for talking down on people taking nicotine
>fucking your shit up with the nicotine jew
>not taking good ol roids instead
Water, yes.
>junk food
Gyros, yes.
I have sex, unlike you.
It's always the nicotine slaves that get this defensive about their drug.
>dude everything is a drug lmao xD
Alright, since you're so committed-here's one last (you)
I'm not a child, I know the risks and enjoy the occasional smoke. Keep your fucking opinion to yourself. No-one asked you to come to this thread like a soccer-mom.
I just want to know if any anons have experience switching from smoking to vaping and if it helped their breathing. Is it worth the monetary investment?
>performance enhancing
How so?
i play D3 football and pretty much everyone in the locker rooms got one, not too bad honestly
They curb your appetite so a potential help to fat fucks. I know three people who got addicted to juuls and they all dropped weight like it was nothing. They stopped eating like fat fucks because they replaced it with nicotine.
It probably is better for breathing and what-not. I mean, at least your breath, clothes and fucking fingers won't smell like shit. However, if you just smoke like once a day as you say then you're better off with cigarettes because there's no such thing as an "occasional smoke" once you own a vape. You're gonna be hitting that bitch 24/7.
He’s talking out of his ass. Don’t stoop to his level. We can look down upon him and his soul sucking addiction. Literally anyone who smokes always says they wish they never started.
Based straight answer
The appetite suppression is fucking real. DO NOT JUUL/VAPE IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO BULK UP.
It clears your head and also acts as a stimulant. Nicotine is considered a nootropic. However, my problem with it is during bedtime. That shit keeps me up at night and I can't just stop hitting it. And then I'd wake up feeling groggy as shit.
fucks up your sleep, just like caffeine or any other stimulant that increases your cortisol levels
I've been smoking one pack a day for three years
Decided to quit on Sunday
Day 3 today, I have slight cravings but they're easy as fuck to manage.
>30mg nic
you're actually fucking retarded. You should be at 3mg if your vaping all fucking day. You know nic is a pesticide right?
When you factor out the carcinogens, inhaling hot plant matter, and excessively high nicotine-dosage of tobacco, it's just a mild/moderate stimulant like caffeine.
>The appetite suppression is real
This man is probably a skeleton we should all laugh at him. Stupid fucking juul poster.
what about the damage done to the lungs from the actual nic? cmon man use your brain. nic is not supposed to be misted on your lungs. if you want to feel that way just take caffine pills