>be me
>training for 5 months
>never skip a day
>hit all macros with diet, over 3k kcal bulk
>don't smoke, drink alcohol, sleep 8-8:30 hours every night
>fail to squat 92,5kg and deadlift 105kg for reps
should i just kill myself or maybe try roiding first and then kill myself? i dont really see the point anymore my life is one big joke
Be me
>5 months
actually try lifting for a while
>lifting is all about numbers and le pl8s
that's a bad mindset, numbers is meaningless unless you're trying to impress people and shit
lift for improvement, and for your long term health etc
not everyone can be larry wheels or ronnie but will always be you
mirin quints homie
you see the problem is that i got to pretty much same numbers in 4 months, then got stuck, changed programs, got to the same point and got fucking stuck again
not everyone can be larry wheels but if u fail to meet even the average despite trying your best then what is even the point? no matter how hard i try or what i try i always fucking suck all that bullshit about just be better than you were yesterday bro when u get fucking beaten and mogged by people who dont fucking work as hard but just happened to be better how can u even keep going like this i know i sound like a little bitch maybe i am one but i honeslty dont know what to do anymore
Get a coach.
This extremely based
Did you sleep 8 hours everyday faggot?
>hes still running a linear progression program at 6 months
can you even read
i dont have the money
Well, what program are you doing? And are you respecting your rest time?
Personally, I stagnated while doing the PHUL. Because it's a shit program for roidheads with a boatload of different exercises, I was taking 1:30 pauses, and my strength was dropping.
As soon as I started doing a proper 5x5 with 5 minutes rest again my strength skyrocketed. Diddlies went from 130 to 170 and squats from 100 to 135 in 2,5 months.
sl 5x5, rest time was 4 minutes 15 seconds on squats and i took 5 minutes break after warming up on deadlifts before the 105kg, i was planning to up rest time by 15 seconds every session so i get to 5 minutes on 2pl8 and then drop the number of sets but now i honestly dont know
I'd advise switching to a GPP hypertrophy routine for a little bit.
Let your nervous system rest, build up some potential with hypertrophy, come back to strength in 8 weeks.
You might be fried, do you deload periodically/ after plateauing?
>200lb DL for reps 5 months in
I unironically hate you, that took me a year and I didnt even deadlift for several either
Why do you fucking care for those numbers
do you have progress pictures? maybe look at those
also maybe stop bulking and cut to look better
dont be, i used to lift like in 2015-2016, it took me over a year to reach 110kg dl/squat for one rep back then
i havent really plateaued 3 times in a row yet, its just i failed 90kg 2 workouts before, managed to get 90kg next workout and failed on set 3 on 92,5kg and it just didnt make sense to me, also i have not deloaded nor have i seen a mention of periodically deloading in sl description could u elaborate?
i dont care about looking good i just want to be big and strong
Are you me? I got memed into PHUL for 6 months with 0 progress.
I've swapped to nSuns 4 day now looking for strength might switch to a 5x5 if I see nothing
>thosw lifts
You'll still look like shit. Get a good coach
>I can't be as strong as the average powerlifter so i'll just be weaker than the average dyel faggot
How do you lift for a long term health without raising numbers?
Why would you do an advanced program if you aren't an advanced lifter?
The greater number of exercises is there to break plateaus when you can't increase your intensity by just piling on more weight and volume
You're just a sissy American. It figures you lot don't have the spirit and willpower of Europeans and based South East Asians to push beyond lmao2pl8 on squat and deadlift.
im an euro u retard, why do u think i use kg?
>>lifting is all about numbers
mogs with 5x4 quint quads
Then make us proud and push through 2pl8, you little weakling. How much do you weigh?
Also, check'd.
quints of truth
just fuckin lift weights you dumb nigger youll eventually hit your goals
keep your arteries flowin niggga
Checking based quints, disagree with unbased opinin.
t. hapa subhuman
get micropl8s and stop being a faggot. I can hear the hesitation and uncertainty in your posts. Don't go in the gym thinking "I can't push past this" or "Can I do it today?" you have to MOG the weights, lad.
user have you improved? Why do you want to rush your lifts so much? Enjoy the ride man, keep doing what you are doing and the results will come. You seem to have a solid work ethic, so keep at it. You will do great things buddy.
thanks user, i guess i have to work harder. i wanna make it, make it and prove to myself that im not worthless sack of meat and deserve my respect and deserve to live. its just its been a failure after failure and this got me a bit too emotional.
>numbers are meaningless
>gets quints
Don't be a fucking retard like I was, and switch program. See this Strength obsessed faggots will tell you that plateauing is your fault for not sleeping/eating well enough, and that you should keep doing their program but that's bs.
based and quint pilled
I might be pushing pseudo science (someone feel free to correct me) but you acquire fatigue when you lift that doesn't go away with the standard 48-72 hour rest period. It builds up very slowly, but it's there.
Every month/ month and a half I like to have a rest week and knock 10-20% off my working weight for just that week (I pick up where I left off the following week). Alternatively, if I wasn't happy with my lifts for whatever reason, I'll deload some or all of my lifts and then incrementally progress back up from the deload over time.
It seems like you've been running at max for awhile and might benefit from taking it easy for a week.
t. Phone poster