> Cape-shit, comics, cosplay, comicons, anime, mangas, shitty movie franchises(mainly capeshit) and adults obsessing over shit like star wars, action-figures, toys...
>When the fuck will it end and people start criticizing this culture back into fucking oblivion again. It's like in 10 years all the degenerate activities for adults, which were only deemed okay for teenagers max, were overrun by neckbeards and 30-year old virgins not willing to contribute to society.
FUCK infatilism and manchildren
yep, they should all be living independently, awaiting a woman to move in a nest. complete strangers actually
how dare people enjoy things
>complete strangers actually
I don't get what you mean.
Fuckkkk OFF with that argument. We both know that's not what I meant.
who the fuck is it hurting you cunt?
>oh let's all live boring lives because
>so we can have a society where people are serous or whatever
yeah let's be very serious all our lives and then DIE yeah that sounds like an accomplishment
men should all be independent, in anticipation of complete strangers to nest with them. men are shirking their responsibilities to women by living at home as man children.
>expecting people to give any damn about growing up or society when having loyal pussy at home is made near impossible.
>thinking your criticizing is going to matter to me
Go bore yourself to dead in a museum.
like seriously IDGAF if every single person on this planet dies a childless manchild and then this civilization is over
let this civilization die when I die, I DONT CARE I wont fucking be conscious ill be dead
>men should all be independent, in anticipation of complete strangers to nest with them. men are shirking their responsibilities to women by living at home as man children.
and? so? What?? let us enjoy our lives ffs
let's say we all get our shit together...marry a girl...have white babies...and then what?? huh???
people who care about anything that happens beyond their death are RETARDS
FUCK you! I don't care about your "grand vision" for society! leave me the fuck alone!
hey what happened to freedom and liberty???
yeah right they go out the window when ti comes to your lil fantasy about what color people will be once you're long gone
guess what dumbass there's no spectator mode after you kick the bucket, it doesn't matter if ONE BIT if this whole things slowly rots and decomposes into nothing, you won't be alive to see it
it's the antithesis to explosive population growth really. And regardless of what the MSM Jews tell you about population booms being "good for the economy", their primary function is to devalue labor while at the same time adding more consumers, a direct mechanism to funnel money away from the poor and into the accounts of the super rich.
god damn it you autists who think life is a RTS game piss me the fuck off
have White babies, care for them and raise them well. then peacefully enter into the Afterlife
any reason you're single out the jews?
fact : most capitalists are white
>then peacefully enter into the Afterlife
care to provide any evidence for said after life? until you do I'd rather not burden myself with noisy, smelly parasites and cunt
they want you to work and raise white children to make life easier for their children, it's purely egoistic
just look at the Stars at night, when the sky is clear.
symptom not a cause brainlet
im like this because society failed me and i have no desire to improve myself for anyone elses sake
Why contribute to a society that hates you?
this. I've been ostracised since I was 5 simply for existing. why would I care?
Contribution to society is a lie.From the moment that you are not doing something amazing or something that will help humanity advance further(which is something only a few geniuses can do) it is pointless because your "contribution to society" is a job that many people can do making you and your effort expendable so you may as well enjoy life with shit like those you mentioned
That's right, robot. Support your roastie overlords. Move out, get a (((mortgage))) and pay your taxes. Stacies abortions, child support, child tax cuts, etc won't pay for themselves. So what if they don't like you. They're entitled to it, drone.
so in other words you don't have any evidence
no wonder white nationalists hate atheism and try tor idicule it
their entire fantasy about caring what the earth will look like a hundred years from now is based on the assumption that it can still be experienced beyond death
why care that my country will be 85% non-white in 2112 AD when I won't be alive to see it?
this desu
just live for yourself, don't force yourself to suffer
do you realize one what websitey you are?
ok destiny, btw youre not White
thank god he's not white that'd be gross
little pinche destiny
We don't owe you anything and we don't know you enough to hate you.
T. Normies everywhere.
>seething underaged high culture connoisseur
>blames others for being manchildren
>thinks he can gatekeep and define whats adult and whats not like some labeled toys
>has a "just kill everyone i dont like reee" tantrum on some imageboard
Like poultry
>any reason you're single out the jews?
he recognizes the problem but won't admit it because then he will be uncool by Jow Forums standards
Well what the fuck did you mean?
If you don't mean that people shouldn't enjoy whatever they want, what was the point of your post?
im posting this to reddit
I already posted it and sent it to Pew Pew Pew NEWS.
whatever go watch captain Marvel dipshit.
Infantalism is ok if you are a functioning adult otherwise. I'm into that myself. age regression is a coping mechanism for me. Kinda weird but ultimately harmless. I know when it has to end and whats appropriate. I could tolerate it in a partner (if they are also a switch) but it couldn't be in combination with him being a jobless neet. I couldn't respect that at all.