Army robot thread

Ask a robot in the Army Reserves anything. Great thing about it is you can be in the reserves and be on welfare in my country and the money you make is tax free. Basically I do 200 days a year, $180 a day with an extra 40 if I go out field, get a massive tax return and get neet bux on top of it. Whats also great is if I dont like it or they treat me like shit I can just not turn up because your under no contract unlike the regular army.

Attached: Army 1.jpg (3579x2272, 730K)

what country are you in brudduh

Picture m8.

Thats awesome. Sounds like you tapped into a good edge on the game. As far as I ware you had to declare income when on welfare.

Austria? The AUG gives it away. Can you tell some more details? I'm from there too and this sounds like just the comfy NEET scheme I've been waiting for.

Probably not. The camouflage in the pic heavily resembles Australian camo.

Joining royal engineers if the next 9 months, got my medical in 3 months.
Should be an easy way to learn a trade, then leave.

Noice, you go para or commandos?

youre gonna get bullied, freak

Haha I doubt it, OP here Im a raging incel and Ive been in nearly 10 years. Never been bullied once. Although it did help being super fit.

I'm an American, and I'm considering the Air Force. I'm just so sick of living this shitty humiliating life.

Once I finish engineers I'd be a combat engineer with a trade, after that I can further specialise into commando (paras or marines) diving (what I want to do) or EOD (what I don't want to do).
Nice bait.

Become a commando diver with a para qual. That would be bad ass. Im actually thinking of quitting the Aus army and coming over now that they have lifted the ban on commonwealth citizens.

Goodluck man. What job? TACP?

As user said Australia,
they use AUGs.

The fffffaggot pussy side of me wants to apply for security forces, but the opposite side of me wants to go full TACP.

Also, I had asthma as a kid and basically have no symptoms anymore. However, I had an inhaler past 13. I understand that the requirements for waivers have been loosened up, BUT to what degree have they been?

I don't think they'd let you specialise that far, best thing you could do was be a royal marine but then get your jump wings, then be a diver. Can't wear a maroon and green beret, but you can wear a green one with wings.

Dont tell them. Just sneak your puffer in and keep it on and take heaps of it before you do long marches and PT. Thats what I do.

SECFOR is comfy as fuck but youll be ridiculed by the Army. TACP is badass but hard.

Yeah they would. If you go commando then chances are theyve end up giving you the para qual. And any engineer can become a diver.

Did an ex with 12/16 Lancers, fellow UK Reserve robot here.

>Can't wear a maroon and green beret,
Wear a green one with wings. Also chances are youll go from commando squadrons to para squadrons if you stay in long enough.

Are you in the yeomanry? 12/16 are one of our sister regiments.

LOLWUT. Dude, how fucking easy was it to just sneak it in??? Also how common is this for people to do? Also, does the USAF have the same chemical training portion of basic/BMT that the army has? (the part where they put you in a room and gas you)

I literally just put it in my shaving bag. They dont strip search you when you join, well not here anyway.
>Also, does the USAF have the same chemical training portion of basic/BMT that the army has?
Fuck knows but SECFOR and TACP defs would.

Indeed mate, both small regiments, but good times - wouldn't recommend coming on an exchange to the UK though.

Hmmmm. How common do you think it is to lie about that? I'm honestly really tempted, because fuck it

Pretty common but I dont know how it works in the US. Here they go off your questionnaire.

There's talk of them combining both paras and marines anyway.
Doesn't really affect me, I want to wear green and get paid to exercise, but I also want a trade just in case I have to leave or want to.

We had a yeomanry guy from the Northern Ireland regiment at our unit for a while. Im actually of coming over there and joining your military full time lol.

Theyve been saying that years, itll never happen.

>Active Duty
>Stationed in Europe

Can't complain. No motor pool, CQ, or mandatory morning PEET. Comfy as fuck.

What are you on from Centrelink? DSP? Surely jobseeker benefits would clash with employment like that?

Regardless, I'm planning to join the reserves this year.
It'll be a bit of a joke turning down $120/hour shifts so I can make $180/day but I really just want to larp with live rounds.

What age did you join? Thinking of signing up too if mid-20s isn't too late

Not OP, but there were IET soldiers at my BCT and AIT who were 25-35+ and weren't OCS or green-to-gold as far I know. Not as uncommon as you may be lead to believe.

>Surely jobseeker benefits would clash with employment like that?
Reserves doesnt count towards NEWSTART I triple checked with them in person. I still need to go in and report and apply for civvy jobs. Dole bludging is an art. Thing is I legit apply for jobs and get no offers anyway.
>$120/hour shifts
umm....wut?! Why would you turn that down?!

I was 20 when I originally joined.

Huh. Trust the gov to come up with a welfare payment for the unemployed that you can hold while employed.
Good on ya for making it work I guess.

>Why would you turn that down?!
Depression mostly. There's not all that much I'm particularly interested in spending money on these days.

It only applies to reservists, literally no one else. They think that as a reservist you only do one night a week, one weekend a month and one bish trip a yeart. They dont realise you can do a maximum of 200 days of year. There literally odd jobs all over the place that you can volunteer for a reservist. A day here, week there, month here. We call it super chocing.

>Depression mostly. There's not all that much I'm particularly interested in spending money on these days.
Its $120 an hour! Dude thats $720 a day! What are you a doctor?! Just keep the job and do reserves on top of it. All jobs have to release you to do reserves days.

>Dude thats $720 a day!
$1200 with the usual 10h shift.
>Just keep the job and do reserves on top of it.
Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do. It's just that if I've got the spare time to go innawoods with the ADF then I could equally easily text HR and fill that spare time with much better paid work from my primary employer.
Obviously there are reasons other than money to serve in the reserves though.
>Super chocing
Didn't know that.

Since I'm already posting in this thread
What do you y'all actually do on that one night a week? Can't imagine you'd have the time for anything practical.
You a rifleman or what? I've always liked preferred the sound of being 'cavalry' but it sounds like most people basically just end up joining whatever unit is closest.