To all bots fantasizing about combat, join the PKK...

To all bots fantasizing about combat, join the PKK. Western militaries are inactive these days and Syria has pretty much ended long ago, so this is the best option these days imo.

Attached: PKK poster.jpg (730x1095, 161K)

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looks like a you-know-what

The jews dont exist in that corner of the world because there is no wealth to leech off of. Its a poor mountain nation battling for existance against that powers that be. No profit to be made there.


not them, ((((())))))

too far away sorry

Fuck off you commie cock sucking trash.

Raqqa, Rojava, Tabqa and Manbij will return back to Syria

Attached: 1499739161353m.jpg (1024x680, 146K)

a) they stopped taking foreign volunteers two years ago
b) unless you are trained in combat and have the money to pay for your own gun and bullets, enjoy cleaning kurdish shit off of kurdish toilets
c) syria didn't end long ago, to the contrary, power is surely being brough back to the hands of assad thanks to his friends in russia and Iran

Attached: syria.png (516x312, 65K)


Thats one less t*rk

Attached: turk being exterminated.jpg (1000x667, 69K)

Im not talking about the YPG, as i said Syria is a dead conflict now.
Not sure where you are getting b from but i can tell you for a fact its not true and retarded to begin with. Not even true in the case of the YPG btw.

>Syria is a dead conflict now
I misunderstood syria has ended long ago to mean that the country has ended, easy mistake to make
and the point I made about training is true, they have no use for untrained, unarmed wannabe soldiers.

The training part is somewhat true, if you show up there looking completely clueless and out of your element then yeah they wont have much use for you. But if you look like you know what you're doing and now the basics of combat you'l get accepted. But the idea that you have to pay for your own gun and bullets is one you pulled out of your ass and retarded to begin with.

Btw, all of this is about the YPG, which is not really active anymore. The PKK is different. Because they get far less recruits they actually give you training even if you are a clueless tard.

>one you pulled out of your ass and retarded to begin with
just what I heard from a guy who tried to join the party.
I personally have no intention of going, I am happily serving a western military that could go hot in the near future and fighting for a small resistance group seems like it wouldn't be fun, considering the complete lack of arillery and air superiority

>air superiority
I meant anti aircraft capabilities

>tfw too late to help Assad
Well, I'm happy for him. God bless Assad and Syria!

Attached: 9459490-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 82K)

>complete lack of anti-air
how fucking poor are these guys? you can down a jet or helicopter with a manpad, if you can hit you can use a machinegun as anti-air. these guys don't have rockets or the means to make them? no helicopters? no howitzers?

as a random western bot: why do people wanna join this?

Might be because it's a active conflict.
Western militaries aren't really doing much nowadays, unless you're Tier 1 I guess.

Attached: Swedish_SOG_Training.jpg (800x514, 114K)

Its not true. There is a lot of disinfo being spread about the YPG, PKK and related groups. If you thought Chinese and Russian shilling was bad, then you havent seen t*rk shilling. Dont trust anything you hear on them unless the person saying it has concrete evidence for it.

I am just suggesting this as an option to those who already want to fight and do actual combat. But i will tell you, if you join a Western military with the expectation of doing combat, then dont join. The West has had no boots on the ground since like late 2000s and its basically guaranteed there wont be another war with boots on the ground before you get old. Infact, i'm personally of the opinion that we may NEVER see Western boots on the ground anymore because of the development of autonomous weapons.

As far as fighting for a conventional military compared to a resistance force, i think the latter is far more statisfying actually. If you're part of of a conventional military these days basically all you do is stand there and wait for the artillery and air force to bomb the shit out of the enemy and then you move in on the place they bombed, maybe finish off any survivors/wounded. Your individual contribution has next to no significance. In a resistance force, you are doing actual infantry fighting, going toe to toe with the enemy, and your individual contribution to the overall effort is pretty significant. If i was to fight i'd prefer that over basically watching airstrikes (though not to say that wouldnt be fun as well kek).

manpads don't work against high altitude bombers, machine guns hven't worked against aircraft since the 50s. and anything larger/less mobile (helicopters and howitzers) become a target for enemy aircraft/artillery
are you speaking from experience?

They do have manpads and they even hit a jet with it(!) which generally is impossible. The problem is generally jets fly above the reach of manpads, so the only way to down them with manpads is during takeoff or landing. Which means you have to basically be on the base. No idea how they pulled that off but whoever did it must know a thing or two about infiltration.

They also downed a helicopter with it

also, if you are captured, don't expect your country or the red cross to come running to help you. international laws are iffy on mercenaries and foreigners intruding in conflicts

>If i was to fight
So no. You could say im well read in the subject though.

>fighting for shitskins
>fighting for commies
>fighting for commie shitskins
>get droned by roaches in my sleep
Lmao, no.
Are you k(t)urds so imploded that you have to shill for recruits on the internet?

can you work out a deal so you help them a little and then in the future they help you with smuggling/information/training/weapons etc?