ITT: post only the most Jow Forums approved Chads

ITT: post only the most Jow Forums approved Chads

I’ll start

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I don't think posting my face here would be a good idea

what about mel gibson? he got his hands literally nailed to the cross in passion of the christ.

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Is this bait?

Sawyer is one of the most high ranking chads in history.


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Based and Sawyerpilled

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>Jow Forums approved Chad
>not even the biggest Chad in the series

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love this guy

my [dad] figure

>wife gets BLACKED


are you retarded?

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he is also very ourguy in a polspective

I can smell the Jewishness from this post

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His fight with the honey monster is insane

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I don’t remember this, did that actually happen in the show? It’s been many years

aww heck boy can fight too

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No it’s just baboon cope

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>MMA people can actually fight


Sage Northcutt
Goal body, goal athleticism, goal attitude

>husband is literally sterile
>him and wife are always fighting
>wifey always "happen to" bump into the black dude
>suddenly preggo
>"it was le island i no lie to you husbando"


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Extremely based boomerchad

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She got preggod by that baldcel back in Chong Hong

Chad unrelated

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there was a lad at my gym who was a exactly like him, 1.90 lean as fuck even tho not very big who was a super supportive chad. I remember he used to help me spotting in bench when i just started lifting and about a year later i saw him again and he was so happy to see me gettin big. Chads are our friends after all

I'd like to see you go toe to toe with sage. He'd toss you around like a wee babe

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someone should shop a sips into his hand

For the life of me, I do not get the fascination with these pan-faced gooks. Even the "pretty" ones look fucked up.

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Yeah I doubt it. Only if its in a scripted cage.

I mean go check out how strong and athletic he is outside of mma, not to mention the fact that he's won dozens of big martial arts tournaments for his entire life. And watch his fights- he's pretty robust. Unless you have a very extensive background in fighting, organized or otherwise, and are also quite large, you probably don't stand literally any chance. I've interacted with some of these guys and even the bad pros are freaks.

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only next to jesus christ

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i refuse to beliefe that this is his gf/wife, it just cant be.

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So glad Men Gibson died for our sins. Now it makes sense why he hates Jews so much...

Idk, my grandfather used to burn them, maybe that is what you smell

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Anyone got that picture of the really aesthetic looking dude, looked like an old picture, black and white with really good shadow contrast.

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Nah, its an Aryan looking dude. He's looking away from the camera upwards iirc.

You must be gay

Tim Kennedy
-UFC fighter
-Special Forces
He also works out with the passion of 1000 autistic children

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Pick one

Yeah I use Psyllium Husks to enhance my Keto diet, how did you know?

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Incredibly based and redpilled

>At the end of shooting the Lost pilot in Oahu, Hawaii, Holloway proposed to his long-time girlfriend, Yessica Kumala, a native of Indonesia of Chinese descent.[1][14] The couple married on October 1, 2004. They have two children: daughter Java Kumala (born 2009)[15] and son Hunter Lee (born 2014).[16]

All of that chad genetics just lost. We truly live in a clown world.

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what the fuck man, it's real

Surprised no ones posted him yet

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is this dolf?

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the definition of a Chad Thundercock

>Those shoulders

fuck thats jay? lol


Maybe the literal character indiana jones but harrison ford is a dick head


No need to post anymore guys, I got y'all covered.

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you never wanna fight this guy in any scenario

Based and trailer pilled

He is a good fighter but not as good as he thinks better than me so I probably have no right saying it.

Never seen it; told to never mention it in the interview for bouncing jobs which I want in the future.
Pic related is my ideal, both for style and doggie.

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He's ourguy I reckon. Pic related.
Also my doggie would know better than to step on me.

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Fuck this dude when it comes to his thoughts on gun control though.
Every culture has its chads.

>you want sum fly lice?

>damn gooks in my town

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Yea nice cope there bud

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>tfw there's never gonna be another show as wholesome as lost

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wtf imagine being his son and thinking "damn if my dad hadn't fucked some flatfaced gook I could have been a chad too"

fucking this, i'm terrible or i'd do it

Chads are almost always based friends

I dont want to be the guy holding shoes..

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That pic literally sums it all up, doesn't it?

How wet was her pussy?

the ground was dry before


Wanted to be him when I was a kid
>Still do

This pic sums fit up but not in the way you think it does

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that show 12 reasons why, i think

Enlighten us faglord

all of you incels try to lift for women and looksmaxing to the point of absurdity, while in reality it does not really matter.
In this picture the fit "chad" may be in the role of the protector but the "beta" still has a family and his happy.
If you lift lift for yourself.

It was by the alpha rich gook back in fishtown. She was stressed thinking it was his and not Changs. But it’s hard to take a lot that happened in this series serious with the way it ended. Was basically just “And it was all a dream the end”

I literally wish I could look anything like Mel Gibson when I'm older.
He's definitely chad status and red pilled.

Dunno, the "beta" buy doesn't look happy at all. And what's the point of having a family if you can't protect them? It must be fucking horrible living in constant fear of losing them

Fucks sake man, it's not fair.

Literally doing the chad pose

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>hover-handing Mad Max

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People who take the yellowpill get the rope first.

The one, the only...

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>Fucked Kate, Juliet, Charlotte and many other women off the Island
>In the process, cucked Jack, Ben and Daniel

Gigachads will never compare
>Model-tier face

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