If you had to train 15 year old you what would you make him do? What bad habits would you make him stop?
If you had to train 15 year old you what would you make him do? What bad habits would you make him stop?
Do SS and stop eating like a bird
she would diet exclusively on my cum and the only exercise she would do is dickups
No not the picture like a regular 15 year old
That's quite a specific question OP, asking for a friend i presume?
same as before
I guess I gotta say the line...
531 for beginners and lots of swimming/conditioning.
I'd stop him doing stupid isolations and just do compound lifts to start with because lifting heavy at that age will increase bone density among a myriad of other benefits.
I'd also tell him to stop using Jow Forums because it'll completely distort his perception of his body and make him feel like shit down the line
>15 year old you
>What bad habits would you make him stop?
Stop chasing after girls
Arnie said that doing those power lifting competitions helped him overall with his physique once he matured. Power cleans, jerks, and other heavy compounds are essential when developing but absolutely detrimental once you're old
>haha what would you say to a hypothetical 15 yo to make him Jow Forums
>purely hypothetical situation, I'm not 2 kids stacked on top of each other with a trenchcoat, haha
Just exercise more and do it regularly, eat good food and eat more.
Even calisthenics is alright, you don't need (or close to none) equipment, no gym memberships to pay, you can even do it in your room. You might not get super buff, but it's enjoyable and good for you and you will look better.
>stop eating like a bird
Don't get me started, I'm still fixing this shit.
learn to english shitskin
>'15 year old you'
Yeah yeah, I read that, zoomy.
>This incredibly aggressive reply isn't meant to hide anything!
I get you, calm down.
I'd make him train in the first place.
And also eat more and sleep more I guess.
Get a job in retail because I hear that can somewhat remedy autist tendencies, even if it's soul crushing.
Similarly- actually complete my driver's license at a reasonable time to foster some kind of independence instead of spiraling further into basement dweller mode.
>that reddit banter
No joke a 15 year old trained me when I first started lifting
Just cadio and light weights.
Working out at a young age stunts your vertical growth.
Wouldn't look to actually work out til 18
Eat more
Sleep more
Stick with it, stop smoking (anything)
Stop drinking lol
>start olympic weightlifting, you have great basis but no direction
>sell your motorbike, you'll break your collarbone in a year
>eat more
>disregard people, they don't care about you
>quit Jow Forums
I'd get him to start climbing, keep up the cycling and lay off the cheap cider/drugs as this will just prolong the depression. I'd also tell him he's being a dickhead to his family and needs to be honest with himself. This will start the recovery earlier.
Better cardio routine with a heart rate monitor.
Forearm muscle fascia stretches.
Stop looking at porn, ask out a fucking girl, and take up jogging, because you have an undiagnosed heart problem that would benefit from light cardio. Btw, those 10 pound dumbbells in your closet aren't doing shit. Do some push ups, faggot.
Stop relying on friends and family to go to the gym with you. They won't ever be consistent for more than a few sessions. Work out on your own and just be consistent. Those goofy fucking t shirts that say "hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard" have some truth to them.
Don't quit the wrestling team because of your bacne. You can wear underarmor under your singlet. You can go to to get your bacne cleaned up and it will only take 6-12 months.
who is she OP?
>15 year old (you)
Make him take lifting seriously as he would be a god compared to his peers in several years, when they start taking up lifting like normalfags in their late teens early twenties
Heavy compound movements: squat bench deadlift pullups dips - plenty of information out there on youtube etc
Eat lots, sleep lots, plenty of protein and calories
Ah yes, the one way to manlettown technique.
you dont wanna go down that spiral user just forget about her and hide this thread
fuck are you talking about?
This thread is depressing man.
Everyone is just typing their regrets
Also some idiots saying that weight lifting at young age will make you a manlet
Consistantly going to the gym.
>pyramid running routine
>add curls/,hammerheads
>do torso and an workouts
>do fore arm
>remember this workout routine that your HS football coaches teach you cuz why not it's easy to remember
Most of all get off that peer evaluation. That shit is bad. Just keep going to the gym for 2 years until you lose all the weight then go to college.
Take your vacations and spend your days off resting in the woods.
Immediately put your bonus in your savings and use some of your income to buy a tone of steady stocks.
No R&D stocks, no speculating, invest huge sums in steady stock and compound your dividends
1. You’re delusional if you think you’re eating “so little”.
2. Watch what your skinny twins friends eat in a given day. Every day. It’s like a slice of toast and a chocolate bar. Do that.
3. Get into swimming laps now. It’s fun as fuck.
4. Get running and also learn how to climb a rope.
5. Start fasting for longer periods. You can do it.
6. Change your workout every 6 weeks to prevent stalling.
7. Don’t chase numbers. You don’t care about “muh strength”. You just want to be happy with how you look.
8. Your legs are big enough from carrying all the excess weight tubby, just train upper body and core.
9. Drink more water buddeh
nice hogs op