I gots ta know
Honestly, memes aside, how important is cock size to a woman's happiness?
>women's happiness
we are off to a bad start here
It's just part of the status thing.
Average dude's like 5.4 inches or some shit like that. Men care way more about it than women. Unless they're whores.
You can't keep a girl if she isn't happy. Obviously they will wander off and find a guy who can. Or are you an incel who's resigned himself to his cold, lonely destiny?
How is the first comment ALWAYS nailing it here.
Obviously you are a virgin, so you knowing how important cock size is for women is irrelevant
based and redpilled
Not a virgin, but I can't reconcile what I think women want with what the internet is constantly telling me what women want. There's something to be said about trusting the internet; anonymous people tend to be more honest than people you meet face to face.
You wouldn't ask this question if you weren't a virgin, or else you had sex once in your entire life or something
Still my point stands, you got no female attention so stop caring about this shit you incel and get your face off cucked porn
Women only care about getting fucked passionately. Kiss, lick, bite, slap and groan. The dicking is secondary.
It does matter, but it's minor. As long as you don't have a literal microdick you're big enough that it's not going to impair you during sex.
Think of the way men feel about boobs for a rough comparison. Large breasts are nice, but you're not gonna drop a girl you like because she has Cs instead of DDs.
Its easier to satisfy a girl if you got a big member. It's also harder to satisfy one that's been with big guys if youre a little guy
insecurity is the most unattractive quality a man can have.
Are you a big guy ?
just fuck voraciously. what's most important with most women is just that the whole encounter makes them feel sexy and desired. the actual skillful mechanics of sex are just things you get used to and learn.
Lol you are so right about me. I've never even held a girl's hand. I am lying because as an anonymous person, I have a reputation to protect! You are so wise and experienced. Thank you for enlightening me!
But not on the belly like bongo drums.
yep definite virgin lmao
For hugh
6.5in here never been a problem before a couple have even said I was big
All women are secretly whores that love big dicks.
you definitely got autism aswell
seems like your small dick isn't even the big problem anyway
You're 20% larger than average. Of course they're going to say that. I'm the same size and I hear the same, but it's really no big deal.
ive had sex one time (literally) and the girl made me stop because my dick was too big and it hurt. anyways sex is a meme i was drunk and going through a rough spot in life im back to focusing on the Lord
ITT: dicklets saying size isn't important