Itt: being the only Anglo in the gym

Anyone feel this? And can anyone tell me why vaguely middle eastern bros love the gym so much. They're so fucking annoying. I'm surrounded by them, Mexicans, and skinny Asians. They all look at me like I'm some zoo animal. I'm fairly fit.

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>Anyone feel this? And can anyone tell me why vaguely middle eastern bros love the gym so much. They're so fucking annoying. I'm surrounded by them, Mexicans, and skinny Asians. They all look at me like I'm some zoo animal. I'm fairly fit.

Because you soicucks are too busy being in the cuckshed

Trannies out in force today huh

cope more dyel

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I live in Korea so yes,I am the only whitey there


I'm a 300lb 6'3 titan peak hairy male
Unless you wanna get fucked in the ass, you better shut up faggot

Post body.

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I live in a relatively shitty area I. So Cal so it’s mostly blacks and mexicans at the gym. They’re all cool though but there’s this 1 Asian guy who always tries to mog me and fails.

shut your fucking faggot cunt

Can relate, OP. It's me and one other buzzpilled boomer lifting the only heavy weights in the gym while the children of the 3rd world play grabass and hoot across the gym

I think I'm the only guy between 20 and 30 in my gym.

Humble bragging - I make a large amount of money and I have minimal expenses (debt paid off and I have a roommate), so I go to the nicest gym in town (city of around 500k). Turns out no one else in my age group can afford this place.

I'm thinking about dropping it just because I can't stare at qt booties.

sounds based

>t. 5’6” Mediterranean “white” boy

Imagine being a bastion of learning and civilization, and then getting cucked first by Jewish religion, then by illiterate savages from your north, and finally by filthy Muslims.

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I'm used to being the only whitie lots of places. Ain't no thing. Wife is black. Neighborhood is Mexican. Shop at a carniceria. Just got a job with a moving company, so I'll probably be working with a bunch of buff blacks and Mexicans.

Live in Britain but not in a big city so there's poles, Greeks, and Bulgarians in my Anglo space. Like one Indian guy who occasionally comes

Get used to being the only one of your kind around. Glare at them like you are willing and able to kill them all if they give you shit. Mind your own business otherwise. I say this as a "shitskin" you retards would post le 56% memes at. Do you think that stopped me from l doing my thing when surrounded by whites or asians? Fuck no. It's always fucking race war with you bucket crabs

>coal burner with dead end injury ridden low paying manual labor job that lives in poverty and eats shit
youre not bragging about this, are you?

>Do you think that stopped me from l doing my thing when surrounded by whites or asians?
Why would you need to? Both those groups don't act like animals.

t. blackanon

Imagine buying into the larpagan meme

A mob of whites is comfy. A mob of shitskins is the end of decent civilization. That's why I care. I really don't want war.

based blackboy

If you weren't a larping tranny you would have posted body by now. Have fun dilating tonight.

QT girls are very cheap. Or like they love a good deal and get off that shit. Youll always find more chicks at bargain gyms

Sounds to me like youre just saving money. Go to a premium or specialized gym. Even crossfit. All the white people

>last name is of english origin
>face doesn't look that bad
>teeth aren't fucked
>have never done a DNA test
is there really the possibility that I am an ok Anglo?

yeah, my gym is 100% indians, i am always the only white person there

they're so fucking retarded and annoying that i've taken to just outright jumping on their sets and shoving them out of my way, they're third world animals and deserve to be treated as such

holy crap did you faggots completely and utterly miss the point. maybe whites deserve genocide after all

Hope you wear gloves if you touch them
Curry will permeate through anything

Apparently you can't read if you somehow think that my post as a black guy makes you think that whites deserve genocide.

My community is 98% white, I haven't even seen a black person in 3 years.

I used to see mexicans a lot when I worked in hog barns, but now I only see them at the family owned restaurant.

It's most white moms doing cardio here.

Maybe you shouldn't have gone to Korea if you hate being the only white guy around this much

Where did he say that he hated being the only white guy around?

Bragging? Only about the functional strength gains I'll be getting at my Jow Forums job.

Lucky. Were the Mexicans sleeping in hog shit?

they truly are

>yeah, my gym is 100% indians, i am always the only white person there
What the fuck are you doing in India
You can't even write larps that make sense

Why would you think he's just LARPing? I'm from Canada and where I used to go was like 90% Indian (Google "Brampton, Ontario"). If someone told me that their gym was all Chinese I wouldn't even think they're lying, I'd just ask if they're from Vancouver.

you know why you deal with that shit? because your anglo kinfolk are fucking cucks

>Why would you think he's just LARPing?
because this entire thread reeks of off-topic racebait. it's DAE HATE MEXICANS AND NIGGERS AT THE GYM

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>a picture of europeans living in a Christian society being used to further gay pagan memes

I hate being the only white guy at the gyn

everywhere else its a super power

Reminder that Italians Irish Scots Russians slavs and Spanish are not white and will be eradicated in the coming race war

Anglo-Saxon's need to all burn in hell

Nice, I remember working for a moving company for like 5 months... when I was 19. Faggot

We treated the token white guy at my black gym just fine until we saw him take one of our women with him outside. Fucking cracker.

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hey i worked for a moving company for like 5 months when i was 19 as well

Lame b8. You're too articulate to be black.

Who cares, sounds like they’re not even doing anything bad

Hey, fellow white guy in Korea. Feels ggod mogging 95% of the male gym going population just because they refuse to bulk above 165 lbs.

I look more like the guy on the right and I've been doing athletics since middle school. That pic is pure incel cope.

I'm 100 percent nigga.

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>t.larping pagan
Imagine idolizing a religion that got so utterly BTFO that it doesn't even exist anymoreand is only ever 'practiced' by a bunch of single feminists

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I noticed there are a shit ton of buff Arabs at my gym despite them being a minor percentage of the population. Their culture seems to promote lifting. They have good manners and are pretty based to be honest.

You realize for hundreds of years there were still practicing, traditional pagans living in most of those "Christian" societies?

>I will never be spotted by the Persian Hulk.

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yeah i'm the guy with the indians in his gym and i'm from BC, every single small town in this province had a trillion indians dumped in it and all of BC looks like brampton now

That fat weak photoshoping nutjob would drop the weight on you.

Anglos are being taught that liking masculine stuff is wrong. All the other ethnic groups still value physical masculine traits.

My community college is majority nonwhite. I'm constantly surrounded by darkies at the gym, although there's a polish kid and another white dude that swing by every so often which is nice.

It's possible you're only partially anglo. I thought my dad was just about totally german, but he was actually like

>walk into changing rooms
>shit just left out everywhere
>fucks sake who's is this I wonder
>foreign grunting coming from showers
>every time

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> anglo
> amerimut
Why the fuck do you losers care so much?

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Is there any possibility that it doesn't fucking matter, fucking state of americunts

Yeah, making me think about changing gym. It's actually the most expensive one in town but it's full of hordes of arabs all throughout the day (don't know how they have the money). They spend 40 minutes on one piece of kit with every cousin, brother and all that's both taking a turn and honestly a good proportion have hideous physical deformities. So much cerebral palsy and odd shaped heads, i often think i should go and tell them that trying to OHP with scoliosis and club foot is a terrible idea, but then reason if they paralyze themselves it just makes the eventual purge of them from the country easier. Their women are also the worst thots too. At my past gym there were a lot of hot young students, tight leggings but that was about it. Here there are arab girls in literal ripped effect swimsuits gyrating with unbroken eye contact at you. They all have these odd large nosed, hair lipped faces that make it hard to really establish their age and their assless, flat chested bodies make them look like the worms from men in black. Pic related.

Just typing this out is making me dread going along later.

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Women dont like blonde Guys

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Kill them.

Unironically this is true, every girl i've ever talked to said her type was dark haired w/ blue or brown eyes. Never had one say blonde, meanwhile pretty much every guy i've talked to including myself prefer blondes.

>Be blond guy
>Literally get blow job just for having blond hair

Blonde girls love me. Ethnics blow me. Best of both worlds. Your post is pure cope. Blondlords straight 10/10 brunettelets on suicide watch.

>move to a big city
>sign up for local gym
>nothing but niggers and arabs
>they act like you expect shitskins to act

Home gym master race

Is this pussy farmer carrying 7 1/2kg weights?

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Based and paganpilled

I prefer women with dark hair. I think people are too obsessed with blonde hair. I see a bunch of people dying their hair blonde especially non-whites, it’s gross to see that desu.

Keep cuckposting, faggot. I’ve seen you in every thread

You’re around a lot of blacks because you’re poor, idiot

Shut up kike nigger.

You’re the one seething, shithead.


i've heard of brampton being little india but jesus you aren't kidding.

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When my aunt lived there like 12 years ago people used to call the city "Bramladesh". Even back then you could play "Spot the white person" and it would take awhile.

It's cause you're a lesser being really. Everyone's just trying to get a good workout and you're over here focused on race and letting your inner neanderthal shine through. Never gonna make it.

Yes, No, No,No,No, Oh hell fucking yes.
The Spanish are literal neanderthals. Actual real life barbarians and that whole peninsula realistically needs to get nuked. Sorry not sorry Portugal.

Ok dude. Whatever ya male bimbo.

You're an evil piece of shit trying to gaslight OP.

I think dark hair is a preference for the majority, but it’s not so much of an issue as looksmax fags would have you believe. Plus there’s a couple of ways it can work in your favour, which is probably what this guy was alluding to. There aren’t as many girls who prefer it, but when you find a girl who does (they do exist) the ball is in your court, especially if you have strikingly blonde hair, because it’s less common (in most places). Also agreeing with the previous guy, it seems to be b8 for some ethnic groups (in my experience, particular Asians, Mediterraneans, and Nordics IF they have a good relationship with their nationality and/or fathers).

On a large scale, statistically speaking, it’s less desirable than a darker colour (although anecdotally, I get the feeling dark with some colour is preferred to near black); but it’s not the end of the world. Work with what you’ve got, plenty of blonde dudes are from reasonably tall ethnic groups, and if you’ve a lucky blonde with masculine facial structure, you can be pretty striking. Novelty factor in some settings and being eye catching can get you the perks that talked about.

t. Blonde “ugly duckling” babyface to angular with good jawline who has dealt with both sides of this coin.