>be me
>at depressing walmart wage slave job
>boss upset with my workrate tries putting me in mid card
>have weeked off but then
>"Yeah user were ding-dong diddly gonna need you to work all weekend"
>Ok then
>have keys to electronic case locks
>start filling backpack with ipads and vidya
>they found out 2 week later when they did inventory oh no no no
>never found out it was me oh its tru its dam tru
Times you turend heal IRL
when i told my mom fuck you and stayed in the basement and started cutting myself and eating mustard and playing guitar hero.
Walmart sells ipads? I thought it was all mountain dew and camo sweatshirts
So educate me, user from Czechia.
The basement meme is like real?
Do people in US really live in basements of their parents house? Like really? For years?
Why? Why wouldn't they move out?
Crinfe u shouldve put mustard on ya ding-dong diddly dick and told her suck it
Only if u live in the south
>be me in 2005
>work at a grocery store for $5.75/hr
>they make me harass people to sign up for credit cards in exhange for $20 gift cards
>i forge all the apps and use the cards for gas
some people do some people don't
$5.75 jesus christ u couldve made more money sucking dick or begging on street corner
I never really understood the basement thing.
Like there is a basement underneath your house. Why would you let your fucking failure of a child live there and rot? Just kick them out, they will land on their feet, they just need the shove.
When I was a kid I locked my annoying cousin in her toy's chest and thrown her tricycle down 3 flight of stairs
no doubt. this was just for spare change in high school. but pretty miserable dealing with old womyn picky about their bagged groceries
She got what for
You sound based. Would drink a beer and watch and shit on Ram with.
Your an idiat
Based anons doing what's right
Do Americans really only make $5 an hour?
I don't know what basements are in your 3rd world country but a lot of them are based as fuck even in medium priced family homes.
Especially if you're working or in school, why would you want to move out on your own, spend all your dimes you make just to live, when you could live in a tiny house underneath your parents if they have no issue with it?
I'm doing the basement thing while I pay off 16k in medical bills. Interest is a sonnuvabitch.
>Cut a promo to a co-worker call him an asshole
>Had to get split up by the backstage midcarders
>Vince calls me in and tells me i can't call people assholes.
>The following night they try to lowball me by putting in the wrong type of work so i would make a mistake.
>i notice the evident montreal screwjob scenario playing out
>i write out WCW in the air and walk out mid shift, i then went on to be a big draw at my next company
This. I had to move because of my job, but one lives in the same town as their parents they'd have to be a huge money mark to get worked by the housing industry into needlessly burning your cash.
"Moving out" is a fucking meme. There's no reason to leave your parent's house until you get married and plan on starting your own family. People are literally being tricked into pissing away money for rent/mortgage because it gives them a false sense of financial independence. They are literally pissing away money for no reason other than to be able to say that they're financially independent adults.
>be highschool sophomore me
>at friends house party for his birthday
>his parents were cool and let us smoke in their basement and spend the night
>smoke approx 30-35 blunts throughout the day
>everybody is asleep or gone
>snag every single roach
>hide roaches in empty pill container that I had used for my weed
>sneak roaches out to car and make it back inside without waking anyone up
>go to sleep
>everybody’s up
>my buddy’s freaking out about the roaches
>blame fat lesbian bitch that was there who nobody likes
>everybody believes me
>come home from uni
>only 3 friends left in hometown, all introverted aspies
>one in particular is a self-loathing asian
>hang out with friends but they haven't grown or matured at all since high school, haven't acquired any new interests or hobbies or friends
>self-loathing asian friends sister has been mirin me hard for about a year
>ask him if i can ask her out
>he spergs out worse than i'd ever seen before
>i figure she's 23 and can make her own decisions
>ask her out anyways
>same night (new years eve) he passes out drunk in a chair in other friends apartment
>fuck her doggie style while she's leaning over the chair, my balls slapping her ass inches from his face
>this was her idea
part 2 if anyone cares how that """"""relationship""""""" ended up
based and redpilled. it really helps if you have cool parents tho, I wouldn't want to stay with them past 18 if they were dicks or something.
???? Medical bills don't accrue interest by law in the USA, where are you at?
Califag here I have never lived in a house that actually has a basement. Although I do love with my grandparents since it's so expensive here.
sorry, brother. I'm a career face
>skype with gf
>agrees to strip on cam
>on one condition, I'm not allowed to screenshot anything
>I totally could, she'd never know
>Jack off while she strips
>don't take any screenshots
>she also sent me booty pics once
>never shared them with anyone
>deleted them after we broke up
>hold no ill will toward her and hope she's living a happy life
Yeah ok, go on
People in the USA (and probably Canada too) move out on average much earlier than other countries in the Americas. Our society pressures us to move out before the age of twenty, but in Latin America it is viewed as normal for one to live with his parents well into his twenties. I think that is partly due to family being viewed as more important and also the higher cost of housing.
>be me
>Kansas City autoshow in town
>Stone cold is going to make an appearance
>Mom says I can't go because of the negative news about him at the time
>Find a better hero, user
>What would Stone cold do?
>I hit my mom in the head with a few swift smacks
>Run out door
>Get to autoshow
>Austin cancelled
>mfw mom never trusted me again and shipped me to grandma's where I got assaulted on a daily basis
My girlfriend has family in America. We stayed in there basement for a few days.
It was bigger than our flat, had a fucking bar, a bathroom, separate bedroom...I would have lived in that no shame.
this, my parents are based as fuck and moving out was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made.
Absolutely based
based as fuck
Canada too, yeah. If you "live at home" you're considered a fucking loser. Even if you are paying rent. You're expected to get your own place or live with other people, but not with family.
I'm disabled and living in shitty conditions because my family thinks that is better for me than living in one of the many empty rooms they have in much better conditions. If I lived with them I'd be a "loser", instead I am "making it on my own".
>be greasey ihop.. well just a waiter at an Applebee’s freshman year of college
>fat 45 year old lifer tells one of my tables I shouldn’t have done something (like put a glass on the table without a coaster or some shit) as he’s passing by becuse he’s like in charge that day or something
>follow him around the bend and cuss him out in front of all the tables
>he apologizes to me in the back like a bitch
>table gives me a $25 tip on $57 dollars
>few months later I work a lunch shift and he bitches to me that I can’t leave because the person relieving me isn’t coming in
>tell him to lick my balls this isn’t the military or a hospital
>fuck them good according to people in my stable who stayed working there
That fat fuck probably necked himself or went to the indies by this point. I’m making $110k and am a top face in my new job
Forgot to add that someone in my stable would do Togo orders on an open menu item, cancel the order with manager numbers and keep the cash, he would give me $150 a week not to tell anyone.
>bro likes girl
>girl turns him down multiple times
>he's super bummed and still likes her
>go out with girl
>things happen
>confess sins
>bro fucking mad
>been with her for 11 years now
>back to being bro's with bro
holy man children virgin dependants
GO on
This is mostly accurate.
Big difference between moving out and getting thrown out for being a leach.
t.rat wants his rent shekels
This but If you have a big house. My girlfriend literally moved in with me because of the extra space and we’ve been saving for two years now. I’m knocking her up in 2020 and we’re moving out.
>Move in with NEET friend
>He's a fucking slob and doesn't clean up anything
>My half of the apartment is always clean
>His bathroom clogs and I let him use mine
>He clogs mine too
>He tells me he only takes a shit every 4 days because his horrible diet
>Ask him if he called a plumber to unclog his bathroom to tell him the other one is clogged too
>He tells me he hasn't called anyone
>So frustrated at this point after all the shit his horrible lifestyle has impacted our stable
>Go to fridge, snag the two Coke bottles he always has and empty them in my toilet while he screeches helplessly
>"I heard it helps break down the shit. Now clean it up."
>Make him YouTube how to unclog a toilet and do it while I watch, making him clean the bowl after.
>Don't thank him, tell him to get the fuck out of the bathroom I need to take a shit 2 hours ago.
>Don't talk to him for 2 weeks
>Move out on my own
>Ask him to lend me some luggage since I had more stuff to move out than when I moved in
>He agrees meekly
>Feel kinda bad
>Gifted him my Jordan Peterson book
>Stole his luggage
He's still a slob but now he's an incel too.
based and grownassmanpilled
> Work for UPS
> One day realize the Iphones and Ipads come in the same box.
> Uh-Oh this box looks damaged.
> Take ipad out of box and put it behind my back brace.
> Walk out of work and set off alarms.
> They don't check me because I wear steel toed boots
> Rinse n repeat at least 30 times
> make about $700 and ipad because they just came out
15 years ago yeah. now they make $7.50 but everything costs 1.5x more
> Be Chris Kanyon gay
> Have a summer fling with a lad about two years younger than me.
> I start to feel bored and hate clubbing and gay shit that he likes to do
> Break up with him on New Years Day
> Drive away feeling like a weight has lifted off my chest
> ONE MONTH LATER he fucks some faggot that turned out to have the HIV
> He turns from a face to a dirty HIV heel.
> I say thatsucks and never talk to him again