>you have been found guilty of smirking while white how do you plead?
You have been found guilty of smirking while white how do you plead?
good thing i have my smirking license
Wasn't he saying racist shit or something like that? I doubt people are this angry at someone for just smiling, there has to be more to it than that.
>Wasn't he saying racist shit or something like that?
Literally no
>I doubt people are this angry at someone for just smiling
it's literally that
I'm actually 50% oppressed indigenous minority in Europe, Your Honor. We were sterilized and had our children taken away from us until the 1980s, Your Honor. I see your last name is Jornsen, Your Honor. You owe me reparations, Your Honor.
>more pol shit of the same story repeated posted
fuck offffffff already.
woo-woo-woo-woo-woo your honor
He literally just stood there smiling awkwardly because the native guy was getting in his face screaming and beating his drum. You've been duped.
They where being cunts tho. If this was some feminist doing this to some trump shit most you fags would be crying
Damn white people and their *shuffles deck* *draws card* facial expressions.
If you watch the full video you'll see that it was actually the protesters throwing the insults and racial slurs, not the students. The media automatically assumed it was the MAGA white people at fault
>Your honor, it was my privilege.
i fucking thought you said Worm your honor
even CNN admits they got it wrong
>Wear retard hat in public
>Be surprised when people think you're a retard
But le MAGA rite guys?
I bought and wear a MAGA hat and nobody ever calls me names or tries to pick a fight with me. It's upsetting because I bought it specifically so that would happen, but all I get are compliments.
>be smartass
>apparently I smirk a lot
>sometimes people ask if I have something to say
America is still majority white now. Just watch what happens the second whites are a majority and non-whites start controlling positions of power. Whites will be lynched. And they'll say we deserve it. The future of white people will be death and rape.
Proof that people are racist towards whites and ageist as they will automatically assume when a baby boomer gets into a teenagers face that the boomer is innocent.
>he unironically believes white genocide is real
>while white
I mean how are we determining this because crime statistics say I'm white but Jow Forums says I'm not.
It's because I was watching this guy make brown.
Never seen a more punchable face than his. I want this subhuman child to live a painful life.
He's already in the US, and he's the face of a controversial topic. That's 2 great kickstarters.
Can't wait for America to burn down along with everyone in it.
this is just what happens when three insane groups of people come to the same place at the same time
That kids class went on a field trip to DC and to the March for Life. How are they insane?
>whites aren't allowed to smile anymore
honestly the whole racism meme is just petty now
>Taitano said the whole incident started when the teens and four young African-Americans, who'd been preaching about the Bible nearby, started yelling and calling each other names. It got pretty intense, Taitano said, so Nathan Phillips, an elder with the Omaha tribe, started playing his drum and chanting what he was told was a healing prayer, to help defuse the situation. Phillips walked through the crowd, and Taitano said things were starting to calm down until he got to the grinning boy seen in the video. "This one kid just refused to move and he just got in Nathan's face," she said. Other boys circled around, she said. "They just surrounded him and they were mocking him and mocking the chant. We really didn't know what was going to happen there."
in what world is kids surrounding native americans chanting and badly chanting back not mocking? Or when they started to jump around again and continue their school chants drowning out the native americans while they were still in the middle of them?
trumptard detected
>who'd been preaching about the Bible nearby
lol these are the Black Hebrew Israelites, they outright say things like "khazar rats" in reference to jews and such. funny how the media focused on some kid just standing around
Black Hebrew Israelites are fucking hilarious bro
>in what world is kids surrounding native americans chanting and badly chanting back not mocking? Or when they started to jump around again and continue their school chants drowning out the native americans while they were still in the middle of them?
more importantly, who gives a fuck? None of this is a crime or even hateful, it's just annoying. None of this matters whatsoever. This is all one giant non-issue. Fuck native Americans and fuck you.
>preaching bible
Those were 4 black Israelites. They preach about black supremacy and how white people are animals and deserve death. They were yelling at the white kids and so the kids decided to do their school chant at them in response. The native Americans approached the kids and then confronted them, they could have walked around but they approached the kids. The kids literally dindu nuffin. Everyone is only mad because it was a group of young white boys wearing MAGA hats. That's literally it.
lmao they also mocked the Indians for worshipping totem polls
>Black Hebrew Israelites are fucking hilarious bro
I agree but I also don't have my panties in a bunch because of some smirking 17-year-old like the fag to whom I'm responding
watch the video
you can hear the black guys shouting in the background
that's who they are trying to drown out
all the MAGA kid did was stand and stare awkwardly at the dude while he drummed
Is there an existence more cucked than being a wh*tey in America right now? Fucking cumskins getting rekt from all sides
>people always bother me asking what's wrong when i have my normal expression
>try to fake smile in public
>people get mad and say i'm smirking
what in the fuck is wrong with these faggots?
>some kid just standing around
>all the MAGA kid did was stand and stare awkwardly at the dude while he drummed
Are you guys retarded? If a kid deliberately stands in your way like that with a smirking face and doesn't move or attempt to communicate in any way, he's there only to block your path. It's a show of force at that point.
and europe and white africa, they're getting cucked too. gd ruskis are the last bastion of whiteness.
your interpretation is stupid but even then it doesn't matter, nothing is happening here one way or the other, this is one giant non-issue
basically fuck off you dumb shitskin
naah, Russia actually has the highest number of illegal workers and they dominate Russian organized crime.
How is he blocking his path?
Where was he going?
Slav here, I don't think you realise how many shitskins are there. White race is definitively over.
Its because you and other low IQ tards have a woe is me caucocillus victim complex because of personal failures you want to attribute to external sources.
>I bought and wear a MAGA hat
america needs a second civil war whoever wins is the rightfully winner and the other should shut up for ever. enough with this passive-agresive attitide from both sides if you want to kill crackers males do it if want to kill faggots, niggers, beaners and feminists do it.
might makes right might makes rightmight makes rightmight makes rightmight makes right
Why are they here and why are they wearing the hat? He and his friends look nowhere near old enough to be able to form coherent opinions and beliefs, let alone old enough to vote
>Literally no
They were chanting "build the wall"
Fucking hell this guy is delusional.
>even CNN admits they got it wrong
CNN always admits when they get it wrong, unlike Fox News, Breitbart and most conservative talk radio show hosts around the country.
there's no evidence of that
we only have evidence the native man walked up to them for wearing a hat
There is, there is a video on Twitter of them doing it
>Natives start shit
>Blame and try to piss of whitey
>News automatically assume its whites being evil and not natives being shit heads
It's just like living in Canada.
They only admit its wrong cause a) the story got way to big and b) Almost nobody looks up the "we're sorry we got this wrong" report. All of the MSM needs to burn.
Am I the only one who sees that the smirking kid is a fucking literal Jew?
as much as being white and privileged gets memed i am so fucking glad i dont have to deal with this shit
Yeah, except the entirety of mass media news and 70% of social media wants those kids, their families, the school, and the town to be punished. They want the kids to never be able to work in their lives, they want their families to be homeless and near death. Celebrities, journalists, and news people were openly calling for the deaths of those white kids.
This is all happening while whites are a majority. Once whites are a minority, they will have the government follow through on those calls.
>wah wah, I'm/whites are victims
This is revenge for thousands of years of genocide, slavery, mass rape, and colonization. Might makes right, right? Well deal with the future that you wrought.
Revenge solves nothing, you act like you retards never did any of that shit, revenge on people who had nothing to do with that, we could of genocided all of you if we wanted to but we didn't, you act like you would be better off without whites, blaming common people and not politicians who really push for this kind of shit and wanting this revenge is how hundred year blood wars start solving nothing because you are always angry at how pathetic you are needing to blame others for falling behind.
You are nothing but dust and you fall perfectly into being just another pawn letting emotions control you like a puppet. You are just another slave to the elites and don't even know it.
That rightwing propaganda you're slinging isn't going to help fix your county's problems.
How am I being rightwing? Being right wing or even left wing is saying that this news outlet is good cause it confirms my bias but this news place is bad for telling me fake news. No, all of the news outlets are bias and in some ways working together cause the age of the internet is threatening their existence. Just because we are living in north america doesn't mean we are free from corruption (unless of course that corruption comes from a place you hate). Oh yeah Asia and the Russians have propaganda news but we are so free here even though 8 different corporations essentially own all the news outlets around here and corporations are so trustworthy.
great deflection, user, now no one can tell you're retarded
>build the wall is racist
Hahahahaha you literally typed "could of" like come on kid that ruins your entire argument
No, it's literally the fucking smile. Don't underestimate these people.
I've always loved Native Americans. They are the nicest people.
Why do you still get your news from cnn?
He's got a punchable face but that's all.
Totally shouldn't have been doxxed, but he looks like a huge cunt that i'd like to beat up. Every one of those fucks are just echoing what their daddy tells them.
>Blacks who also happen to be Jews for the extreme right to shit on.
>Maga wearing white male kid for the extreme left to shit on
the conditions are almost too comically perfect for a socio-political circus act to bait the public masses
It's just not normal behavior to stand in front of someone smiling at them like that. It's just inappropriate.
and a random Native to bang a drum for a hot, spicy headline to be made.
Pro-life rally of school students -> Black Israelites yelling at them -> Students chanting school/pro-Christian/life stuff back to drown them out -> Some Native comes to the face of one of the students -> Student doesn't want to make a scene or back off just because the guy's in his face, Native doesn't want to stop banging his fucking drum -> Smirk + Drum off.
Complete circus.
they're kids you corn-fed retard, of course they're going to repeat slogans and shit, don't lie on the internet and pretend your fat ass could beat one of them up.
>looking at girls
equilibrium was not a film but a warning.
What a punchable face. I wish someone knocked this zoomer out
Why would I enter a plea if I have already been found guilty? That isnt how it works
Orwell predicted this.
End times are a coming.
Happening soon, or all is lost.
This kid looks like my friend.
People actually want this kid dead too so it fits so fucking well. Terrifying.
The people on Twitter are such pussies. The only thing different this kid is doing is not dancing around with a drum. I hope the president puts these lefty pussies in time out.
No there isn't.
If you're referring to the like 8 second long video some roastie posted, that has nothing to do with this (and is no doubt some roastie just trying to stir the pot and get attention).
Jesus christ the black fragility on this nigger.
I hope that nigger got his dipshit face blown off. Same with you, nigger.
It doesn't ruin any part of his argument, you illiterate sped. You have nothing to back yours up so you resort to x box live taunts. It's pathetic, just like revenge is pathetic. Go sort yourself out, bucko.
More like overestimate. They just can't help themselves from going lower.
Black Israelites and kemets are right wing. They just ascribe to identity politics that benefit their tribe.
Tell me how you really feel originally
Is this an example of what envy is like?
Let the whites and blacks fight themselves, while we BEAN rise. We already took Cali next, Nevada after that all the east.
Anyone calling white people "racist" is the enemy and must be destroyed. Forget the Indian and the twisted Negroes... they are not the enemy. THE MEDIA IS. CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and their ilk will destroy us unless they are destroyed first. And I do mean utterly.
>Taking over Florida
Good luck wading through the Puerto Rican tide.
Fuck those island niggers
The legacy media is called so for a reason. They're already on their way out.
These racial hatreds will exist long after they're gone.
God punished them so they could learn their lesson. It is up to God to finish them off.
How were they cunts if the old guy pushed himself into the crowd to try to get a reaction?