How are my fellow fatbots holding up? I'm on day 2 of my fast and it feels like my body is shutting down

How are my fellow fatbots holding up? I'm on day 2 of my fast and it feels like my body is shutting down.

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You'll feel great after day 4-5.
Maybe even less time, if you're obese.

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I'm 5'8" and 230 pounds, I've stopped feeling hunger at this point, my shitty redneck family is saying that I can't lose weight this way because I'll just gain it all back. I've decided to say fuck them, I'm not stopping until I've lost at least 40 pounds.

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Ahahahaha...hahahqgaaaa...AAAAAA my sides

U smell verty bad

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>is saying that I can't lose weight this way because I'll just gain it all back.
I mean, that is a possibility if you don't understand the importance of lifestyle changes.

If you go back to binge-eating and being sedentary you'll definitely gain it back, and a lot faster than you lost the weight initially due to the laws of thermodynamics.

I know, I'm trying to change myself for the better and I thought I should start with my weight. Going to count my calories every day after I lose a good bit of weight.

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>I'm trying to change myself for the better and I thought I should start with my weight. Going to count my calories every day after I lose a good bit of weight.
Nice, I use myfitnesspal, it's a calorie counter, you can scan barcodes and shit.
Any calorie counter app will work, though. Myfitnesspal is just the most popular.

the trick is do it for say 30 days then slowly reintroduce food. When I did it I ate small amounts of veg to get my body back on food. if you try and do it much past 30 days you'll end up with gay shit like week bones. if you do it for 30 days wait 60 before you do a long fast again to give your body a chance to recover. DON'T eat shit food in the in between periods and eat less then 1600 calories a day

Food has massive amounts of energy.

>day 2
please end yourself immediately, you will not last more than a week

big ups Liquid Richard

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At one point its going to hurt alot.
There's a "hurtwall".

After that, you will feel like you won't even need to eat food.

fat people be like
with a side of fries

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rook here, risten!

Fasting is just an awful way to lose weight. Eat small meals, don't snack, and just walk everywhere and park at the end of the parking lot anywhere you go. I lost 80lbs like that.

You should start with 22-24 hour fasts, dont hurt yourself user

this you cant quit food like you can quit cigarettes

just manage what you eat and eat less

A couple of years ago I managed to get slim with a lot of struggle (i get fat really easily, so I couldn't eat anything). Then I realised that it didn't really matter that I lost weight, because I was still ugly as shit.

Now I have lost all hope and am starting to get fat again. Hopefully I will die of diabetes or some shit.

Saw your thread a couple days back, good on you. I did a 30 day fast myself, but had two hotdogs and a few vegetables every day to keep myself going. No veg with carbs, though. If you're about to break, just have half a hot dog, or a few bites of a carrot

You think youre ugly as shit but if youre in shape you have a far better chance of at least having someone find you attractive. And a lot of that is probably simple surface aesthetics. I got really thin myself but I was doing it in an unhealthy manner so I looked sickly - grey looking skin, thin ratty looking hair etc. Once you get at the weight you want eat foods an or take vitamins/supplements that are good for your skin and hair, maybe get a tan, a hair better haircut change everything

yeah im on day 2 of my pure water fast. i was drinking black tea yesterday, but i figured might as well go all out and do a pure water fast, no pills no vaping no tea no nothing, just water nothing else

im on day 2, the longest ive gone before was 3 full days and broke the fast on the 4th. my goal is 50 days, but historically ive never been able to get past the 3rd day. its actually pretty hard, but i only started fasting last month in december 2018

i wana pull off some jesus shit and fast for atleast 40 days, but i dont think that will be enough for me to reach the optimal weight

im 5'10.5 barefoot and 200~ pounds right now. my goal is like 140

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yeah fasting is a short term solution, changing your diet and working out not matter how long it takes is much better. i lost 100+lbs ages back and its made life so much better

you guys are behemoths
dont speak to me

literally calories in calories out and get your daily protein is the best way to lose weight. doing this extreme shit is only going to hurt you in the long run. and if you're fat enough that regular running puts to much strain on you joints go swim 2-3 times a week, or do whatever cardio. And for gods sake do not expect immediate results. It's going to take months to. otice a significant difference, but stick to it anyway

>obese pig has the fucking nerve to tell other people how to lose weight
>spouting this much objectively wrong ignorant garbage about a subject you obviously know nothing about

its impressive how incompetent and sure of yourself you are. its honestly impressive
disgusting obese pig fuck off my board you filthy normie your wife is a whore

alternatively sucking my fat cock for hours on end is a good exercise how about that?

Prove to me fasting to lose weight is healthy

Where was he wrong?
Why so angry out of the sudden,Becky didn't look your way incel?

I just get a lot of hate from betas here

Look up intermittent fasting. It makes your body break down and use your stored body fat, especially when you keeping away from carbs

like you are so genuinely stupid and ignorant its commendable. you should honestly receive an award or atleast a nomination of being one of the dumbest people on Jow Forums. ignorant and proud, proud cuck, obese, mocks virgins on a board designed for virgins

like you are the epitome of human cancer. fucking braindead retard, honestly, holy FUCK you are so stupid its almost not even worth it to reply to you

>Where was he wrong?
>assuming this ignorant obese pig knows anything about the medical benefits of fasting
oh look another ignorant retard
oh, you are a normie too, because only normies use disparaging language towards being a virgin

>from betas here
says the obese pig who married a whore LOL ahhahahahah id rather be a virgin than be you, you disgusting cuckold

>fasting for 30+ days like some of the idiots here are suggesting
One of these is not like the other.

Picture of my AASSS .jpg

Oh shit Kyler?

show me how extended periods of fasting, such as 7+ days of fasting are medically dangerous. PLEASE show me proof you fucking retard or otherwise shut your fucking mouth. stop pulling all this shit out your ass, where is your proof that shows that fasting is dangerous for your health?

PLEASE link me anything that shows the dangers of fasting you fucking retard, like can people be so fucking stupid and ignorant in 2019, i dont understand

fasting for over 2 weeks is one of single best thing you can do for your health. your body goes into ketosis and heals itself and you lose tons of weight, its a fucking miracle cure for so many diseases

PLEASE show me any medical literature or study that show that fasting is dangerous, dont just give me your opinion that you pulled out your ass or conjecture you fucking RETARD, holy FUCK ur so stupid

Since you feel so adamant go ahead and post proof of your claims
Convince me.

OP are you still here? I can give you great advice. Yes fasting is the right way. I lost 40kg in 2 months. I've tried practically all supplements, diets, etc., and I have a great wealth of knowledge I can share but I want to be sure I am not wasting my time.

disingenuous, ignorant and proud, fat, willing and proud cuck who marries a whore, and a tripfag

tripfags truly are the worst human beings

Losing weight that quickly is dangerous
Im just gonna leave this here

We literally have a Jow Forums board detailing the most effective way to lose weight in a way that will make you look like the best most attractive version of yourself possible. It's in the sticky. Just read it.

lmao bc fat people eat more than normal


5'7 and 165lbs

can i be in this thread?

OP that's bacteria that consume your junk food dying off, and trying desperately to control your brain.

eat fat, get your body used to using fat as fuel
don't start something you can't sustain over a long period of time
maintain a 6-18 fast
keep your self at 1200 calories

i did done it, but don't expect the social skills to just kick in. the effect of fat on your personality is permanent. at least in my case. i have lost all the weight. i have gained tons of muscle. i still go to the gym 5 days a week and my muscle mass is growing. still no friends. still no gf. nothing. i am fucked. hope you're younger than 30 bud. good luck.

i fucking hate it, i have been stuck at this weight for 3 months now, 87-89 kilo fuck man i just need to lose 10-15 kilo and then i'l probably finally see my benis again

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have u been having your daily dose of mountain dew?

The fuck are you on about? Eat a dick, falseflaggin cuck.

140 is way too thin, something like 170 is more than fine. You will need more nutrients than water can provide.

>5'10 170 is fat unless we're talking a decent amount of muscle mass, which he clearly doesn't have

ignore the greentext, typo

it normal its your blood glucose depleting you should be craving sugar and carbs like a crack head then that will fade

Wtf you mean fast? Why not just forego carbs and go keto? Did you even look this shit up before you started?

>used to be almost 400 lbs
>get down to 200 lbs
>realize I'll look like garbage
>surgery is 50k
>stop really caring

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based wingsofredemption poster

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Projecting your insecurities onto people wont get you anywhere lad.

>giving yourself gallstones

>but don't expect the social skills to just kick in. the effect of fat on your personality is permanent.
Fuck, this hurts so much. I will never be able to look at people and society differently after having been treated like trash my whole life just because im fat. I did everything by the book, im polite but not a pushover, i dont act like a retard, i shower regularly. Yet still i get treated like shit because im fat. I can just feel it in people wherever i go.

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Get urselves some metformin dudes