radio seethe edition
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What's happened with the radio now?
It's back with a 90% gayer host.
only 4 months until summer lids
Bong radio has a known IRA member on and hostlad is apparently crying on the other or summit
shite as usual
The great radio vs anti radio britfeel civil war
>user in thread earlier said he bought PUBG
>I attacked him and called him a paki
>on discord
>see Andrew is playing PUBG
....sorry Andy
This guy is making pancakes out of brown
i-i love the r-radio
Zeus would you go to a norf meet if cola went instead of poleslaw
Zeus is on about eating babies while being deadly serious
Ring ding ding daa baa
Baa aramba baa bom baa barooumba
>W-w-what's going on-on?
Ding, ding
>zeus happy to be a cannibal
but only if he eats it within 24hrs
Just wanted to talk about tv and whey protein.
Choke your own dumpster fire smoke pals.
>support and defend Poleslaw
>complain he has ruined the thread
I see you, you bloody thick lad.
>imagine commenting in radio youtube chat only to be constantly ignored
Don't worry lads, I'm reading them even if I'm not replying.
what you watching on tv lad?
>tv and whey protein.
both based topics
tveeeeeees not tv series. I think most of those are on my watch list or I've seen, apart from the shadow line
Vanilla is god tier, with some milk and banana and greek yoghurt it tastes so good. No pool or sauna but it has racks and benches for days, that's all I need. What weight are you at now? I've been stuck at the same weight for months
If you reply to Poley then you forfeit the right to complain about ruined threads 2bqh
Course the Chasers won't care and reply to it regardless but everyone else should strive to do better
Poley was thread entertainment you newfag mong, something to point and laugh at not give 10 plus (you)'s every post or to talk about for a half a thread because you're on some side in gay tripwar.
Go back to /brit/
What protein you use lad? I forked out the extra like 5 bong for a tub of Optimum Nutrition when it was on sale and I see now why it's so expensive, shit's delicious and mixes extremely easily, don't even need to shake it most of the time just pouring in the milk (skimmed) is enough
Just got 7 shirts out the washing machine. Hopefully one dries by tomorrow for work.
Just wanted to talk about children and grooming
>bong is already over
well that was shite
There's another show coming up
>There's another show coming up
Will the /britfeel/ civil war break out
Jesus who is this american bloke on bong radio.
Poleyradio would legit get 2 figure viewers, none of this 20something shit.
Hope everyone is enjoying some quality New Order
I'm probably the least equipped person for modern life in this thread
do you write with a quill on parchment paper or something?
Here's an idea: put the heating on and leave one of them on the radiator
That is two figures.
If you don't have all the tripfags and namefags filtered then you forfeit the right to complain
Got a promotion coming up lads. Will finally be earning 5 figures
I-I meant 3 figures lad
Fuck off you spakka, thought he was weird cunt for a long time. Have never agreed with feeding him attention positive or negative.
whey protein more like wahey protein
The normie invasion really did kill britfeel
>Cunts wanting to meetup all the time (normies)
>Radio mong normies
>Discord normies
I'm really relieved I read this, I was worried what "brown" was made out of
>Poleslaw Supporters
>all my youtube vids seem to involve food
>what you watching on tv lad?
britfeel unironcially but watching The Mayfair Set too
Bargains imo
Barely 90kg if you mean bench
Considering asking an acquaintance if he wants to come round and watch some Netflix but I'm aware it might come off as gay
Can't have a discussion about anything feels related, can you?
Either your post gets ignored for tranny/radio drama bollocks or some egotist normalfaggot insults you for being depressed.
Everyone attending a meet is a failed normie, no exceptions
Good girl, always find bargains there
I mean, are either of you gay?
Moni is not a failed normie he is something far far worse
>get a match on tinder
>her favourite serial killer is ian brady
what a pleb
>thought he was weird cunt for a long time.
always did too
>having a favourite serial killer
bit strange.
A right proper wrong un he is. Reading his blog makes for a fascinating character study.
I'm not. Not so sure about him though he never seems to have a gf
Maybe you could get her to dress up as Myra Hindley
I meant bodyweight but you're benching 90kg? Making me feel like a twink, I'm benching around 65kg.
Thanks for the links but those tvs are too big tbqh, probably looking around mid 30-35"
>Reading his blog
How are you lads enjoying Boomer Hour so far?
Go on, talk about your feelings to me you faggot
Ian Brady was a bit of a pseud but still a very fine choice as far as serial killers go.
Bet Becky is a right slut.
I'm listening to the ACTUAL radio, with zeus and host.
Ey, you do you lad
>tfw no bleached blonde hair wannabe aryan gf
It just seems like a cop out answer there are so many better choices. I only asked because she said she wanted to watch serial killer documentaries on netflix
C'mon Zeus, even without the trip that's going a bit far.
>there are so many better choices
alright whose yours then?
There really aren't many better, Dennis and Harold come to mind. Fred is shit tier
Forgot pic of our comfy boi
Pot belly tranny loving nonce
The good doctor is my favourite
Absolutely seething nonce identified.
Nonce hunter lad is based.
reckon /britfeel/ radios gonna come back every monday to get at /bong radio/
could be some spicy drama on the horizino
Do I go for the ugly black ps4 with RDR2, or the aesthetic white ps4 without a game? Both 250 quid
Wait shippy you're on tinder?
I'm not shippy. I've had 3 matches today I have no idea what's going on
Bong Bong Bong Blx.
>getting matches on tinder
biiiiiig fat normie.
Zeus literally talking about watching a youtube girl who's 12 or 13.
Fucking disgusting nonce confirmed.
Can't believe I'm saying this lads, but I'm actually enjoying Zeus this radio.
Host is still hit or miss, guess he never hits yeah.
Is ChikaYou best pairing ? bong bong
When and where is the next meetup?
10.5st 66kgs tbqh I nearly had an aneurism and my older brother had to place the weight back on the rack for me.
Don't feel bad you look more hench than me desu
Here, a good few lads are going, its going to be really chill tbqh
Jesus Christ Host just embarrassed himself with that water closet shit.
Without a doubt my friend.
>Do I go for the ugly black ps4 with RDR2
might as well get pro
Too far for me i'm afraid
I'm only a few kgs less than you, stronk boy. I do value looks more than strength though
As long as you have a spotter I guess...but b careful
did my bit to stop tripfags and personalityfags.
Why haven't you?
Just googled that and it costs 100 quid more. I'm not that rich
I just saw where this picture is originally from, it's a Simpsons episodes. Very interesting
>tfw 5'7 at 90kg
But Yoha ... Yoshiko/Hanamaru is nice too !
I wouldn't have expected you to be posting there nowadays senpai
Doing gods work.
Transwomen are women
I fucking hate trannies.
Just because I'm dosing chemo to one lot of cancer doesn't mean I've forgotten about the other cancer consuming britfeel.
actually enjoying Bong radio, i think the guy who sounds american is Scottish which is really weird
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you will never be a real woman