just bought these 30 pound dumbells can i get ripped using them?
Just bought these 30 pound dumbells can i get ripped using them?
I don't know, can you?
I have that exact pair and I bought it at the pawn shop for 20$ no tax
How much did you spend on them, op?
15 bucks per dumbell at value village did I get ripped off? fuck should have ripped one of the stickers off god dam it
by question is if i use em everday will I get big arms
if you're a lazy retard, you can build your arms and shoulders up for a few months with them
a much more efficient use of your time would be to actually go to the gym and start barbel training immediately, but curls are better than nothing
hell ya baby
Look up exercises and you can cover nearly the whole body with dumbells, but I would work with those till they get too easy and buy more weights
You could do for example
Calf raises
Dumbell swings
Technically you can deadlift but more preferably with a barbell
Hammer curls
Arnold presses
Traditional OHP
Farmer Carey’s
And shrugs
Just to name a few
"Not doing Calethetics"
You fool
>barbel training immediately
can you post pics of all these exerciser types god bless u for this info user
Can you just google and youtube for pics and videos like a normal cunt? You really want him to do it all for you like a cuck?
lol yes
>using weights
never going to make it
Aren’t you supposed to let the muscle rest after a few days?
bell for ringing customer service at the local bar
>Lets get out the stone age here
You'll barely get warmed up with that.
At what point to dumbbells stop being for babbies?
The answer is no. You cannot progressivley overload effectivley with one set of 30lbs dumbells.
He can somewhat if he isn't used to them but he'll need to purchase some 35 lb dumbbells in a few weeks...then 40..etc.
I don't know, will you?
It entirely depends on the muscle group being worked.
15-20KG is useful for biceps etc..
But light for chest
10KG is pretty light for most work however, with the exception of shoulder raises maybe.
Yeah bro soon you won't fit through the doors
As if you gonna do any of those.
Lazy DYEL you won't get anywhere with dumbbells
You will get more out of a pull up bar + pushups + air squats