How do I get the physique of a Jedi Knight?

How do I get the physique of a Jedi Knight?

Attached: 494CF94900000578-5402081-image-m-118_1518824254024.jpg (634x785, 57K)

move to hollywood

first go to reserve marine, then go to hollywood

Starting Strength

SS+GOMAD unironically

be a fucking box


Notice how they cover up his gut

If you're already of a normal weight for your height and you do GOMAD won't you just get fat?

lol is this the definition of fridgemode?

Attached: 5b4edf8f-4532-4d44-a2d0-034dae0e1c26..jpg (1080x1346, 77K)

Train from child
Slaughter the younglings
Do SS+GOMAD for longer than a beginner should

I unironically want to get plowed by Adam Driver but not like this

Attached: 4zdgzuw08x801.png (1004x568, 283K)

Me right now

Attached: l6o3wsfr89q01.png (527x320, 231K)

lift heavy and bulk to 20% bf

Most likely. You have to be really precise when trying to bulk and not gain some fat. It's doable but you need to really do a good job calculating how many calories you're burning a day and try to only eat about 100 calories over that amount.

IMO it's easier to do a cut before bulking. Give yourself at least 5lbs so that way you won't have to abandon the bulk early. 2,700 is my maintenance so I usually aim to keep my average daily intake at about 3,000 but I don't have to be insanely strict and count every last drop like when I'm cutting.

Uncle Iro is my ideal body

Dirty bulk + SS + wear your pants halffway up your torso like an old man to hide your lovehandles.

is there a more inbred-looking actor than Adam Driver?

Attached: adam driver marine.jpg (634x799, 51K)

Why is he famous and who is pushing him?
He can't act.
He has terrible screen presence in everything from movies and tv.
He's not even a good character actor which can save his look and be a thing with him.
He's just some awkward jewish looking fucktard.

jelly cope

It still blows my mind that he (allegedly) isn't jewish. Everything about him is jewy as fuck. The puffy lips, the dopey eyes, the dumbo ears, the giant nose, the rat-like proportions, etc

Also this, but imo he looks like those half white half spic people, big indio nose, poofy lips, indio jaw structure.
Jews look more arabic or european, less mexishitty imo.

he is incredibly ugly but i dig his acting. he is solid.

^ meant this user.

That's unironically at least 30% bodyfat

regardless of exact mix, he certainly looks like some sort of goblin mutt, and I straight-up don't believe the available info that just says he's a standard northwest euro mix

Wait, who photoshopped some dudes head onto Chloe Grace Moretz' body?

>He can't act.
he's really good. he is not that good looking but he has an interesting face and the long hair help him a log. watch Lucky Logan.