Jow Forums official height chart

Jow Forums official height chart

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Mike Tyson is 178

yeah a raging manlet

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>tfw average as fuck

a-at least i'm not a m-m-manlet haha

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Mfw almost king of manlets

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You do realise that 5'10" height is the best for proportion and gains, right?

Girls would rather date a dyel 6'2er than a ripped 5'10er

Keep telling yourself that little fella

>Lifting for girls
>Caring about girls at all
Neither height nor fit level stop you from dating decent girl unless you are ugly midget and even then it's debatable. In fact time spent in gym would help you less than time spent getting charisma gains and on attempts to get a good girl. The only worthy reason to get fit is to go so for yourself and your family.

I unironically would kill myself if i were anything above 6'2, imagine having amazon/muscular/femdom/giantess fetish when you're this tall, must be hell.

I'm 5'10 and still feel cursed.

honestly tall guys tend to look like shit when they pack on significant size, save for arnold there's never been a 6'+ guy who's won the Mr. O in its entire history, tall people tend to have disproportionate limbs, overly long torsos and very subpar quad development

>live in country where the average height is 172cm
>be 187
>visibaly mog 90% of the people around me because they are atleast 5-10 cm smaller
>have one friend at the same height
>172cmfags get a shit ton of a pussy, and brag about it (semi-chad mode)
>hes a virgin and im khv
>i guess height doesnt fix personality

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>tfw 5'10
>tfw not tall enough to be a chad
>tfw not quite short enough to have manlet powers
This midlet existence is killing me

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>6'5 is average

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theres not exactly a progressive overload system for charisma, it's not very linear at all in getting better

I'm 187cm but we're a pretty tall people. But I still feel a bit clumsy and big, manlets can be way more elegant. The upside is, I can easily get pussy and the taller the girls are, the more likely they aren't sluts. The balding will be less noticeable too.
Also, has anyone noticed that they percieve themselves shorter? I often think I'm the same height as my friends who are in reality 5-10cm shorter.

5'10 is pretty doable even here in Scandinavia. You will always be slightly shortish but you can pull girls up to 5'7-5'8 if your ok looking.


It's actually a dick chart.

>dad is 5'8"
>mon is 5'7"

>tfw 6'2"

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>dad is 5'3
>mom 5'2

>tfw 5'8 in a country with 6'3 average male height

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>age 16 height 5’4”
>age 18 height 5’6”
>age 21 height 5’8”
>age 24 height 5’10”

Why the f has my body been so slow to grow lads am I a freak of nature?

low t

Why does this Pic says 178 cm is equal to 5'10" when it actually should be 5'8"? Why is your metric system so garbage?

>Dad 5' 10"
>Mom 5' 6"

I'm 6' 2". My aunt asked me if I grew the other day. I'm 30 - gym just straightened my back.

Wife is 5' 7" but her brother is 6' 4". My opa is 6' 4" so I'm optimistic about our kids.

>tfw 1.60 at 15yo.
>Tfw 1.63 at 19y.o
Should i just kms

could have been much worse, had you been an inch or two below your parents you'd be viewed as a dwarf almost

1.66 at 23?

Based and redpilled

>went the doctor today
>always thought I was 6ft 4
>I'm actually 5ft 3

>stay away from girls with heels

oy vey

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>dad 5'4"
>mom 5'7"
>tfw 6'2"

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>used to think I'm 5'11
>actually am 6'1
Feels fucking good, man

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You don't think that your amazon fetish coincides with your smaller size?

This reeks of Jow Forums, absolute coping fags mad that even if they looked like a combo of gigachad and a space marine they would still be khv's till death.
Many such cases.

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Greek scum

ur tiny lmao

6'4 master race here

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What are you doing on a fitness board?

>went to the doctor
>found out im 6 foot 2
still a manlet but still feels nice

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Imagine licking all the way up those legs haha would take ages haha

Plug walk

German you fucking brainlet

there is nothing wrong with being 29 and a 5'8 male

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