Today I will help r9k get a job (to the minority who need one). What are my qualifications...

Today I will help r9k get a job (to the minority who need one). What are my qualifications? I haven't gotten amazing jobs (they're commensurate with my experience, which isn't much), but...

I have a 100% success rate -- any time I get an interview, I get the job. Including the job I just got at Toyota today for accounting. So whether it's interview help or general resume help, come get advice to keep that NEETdom at bay. Tell me what ails you.

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Rest assured if I didn't accept the Toyota job, I could get 100% of these too.

The art of the interview, r9k.

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I'm confused by the dates on your job offers.

I keep quitting.

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Hi Dan,
So how do we ace the interview?

Hi friend'o. I want to be as specific as possible. What job do you ideally want to gear toward and if you've ever gotten an interview in that field or something related, could you describe how it usually goes? Then I can stitch together a strategy.

>Accounting clerk
>Accounting administrator

These don't look very hard to get. I've had interviews for positions like these and the interviews are all softballs.

You have any interviews for a challenging job with high value competition?

What a poorfag

You don't understand. I was a NEET till mid-2017. I'm beating qualified people with real degrees for these positions. I'm a HS drop-out and haven't done any post-secondary education.

This Toyota one I got required 4 years of accounting experience and a CPA designation and it's paying $50k.

I can't help people here get a prestigious job; I can just help people who were NEETs like myself talk their way into something decent and drown out the degree-holding competition and transition into a financially independent life.

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Do you have any interview techniques that make you so successful? I can never seem to pass interviews even when I'm trying my best to act like a normal person and answer questions as best I can.

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I can't believe they advertise a job requiring a CPA then give it to a HS dropout. It just shows the audacity of recruiters to blatantly lie and want to hire overqualified people.

Good on you though mate. Perhaps you should look into account management or logistics since your skillset seems to suggest strong social skills. I am similar in this regard, and I found the one accounting job I did to be boring as fuck so I left after a month.

how do I explain big gaps in my work history?

Ive been a NEET for years.
Im not qualified for jobs, but still apply anyway. Sometimes I get interviews, and I stumble to describe myself (Im a boring robot) and have huge gaps in work history. I havent had a job longer than a year.

>I can't believe they advertise a job requiring a CPA then give it to a HS dropout. It just shows the audacity of recruiters to blatantly lie and want to hire overqualified people.
Coming in with references and offering to take aptitude tests (and crushing supposedly-better-qualified candidates) helps me get around that part. It would never come to that if I didn't win them over in a personal way first, though.

But yes, thank you. I'd love to be in a supervisory role like you recommended, but maybe after 5 years of this to be fair to the potential team. What are you doing now that you left the accounting job?

Can you offer to me any specifics, such as when you instinctively believe an interview began to go south? What were you asked, how'd you answer and what was your body language like? Any questions that particularly stumble you?

You're asking me for my techniques, and the thing is they're all interdependent on the question being asked. If there's a scenario within an interview that causes you to struggle that's not a question, tell me that too as long as you can narrow it down, otherwise I'd just be giving general bullshit advice.

Few people are understanding about things like that. Just lie your ass off. Find a friend or family member who will pretend to be a business entity and say you were employed with them.

I've been in and out of college for years now. All I have is like 6 years of waiter experience. I've thought about going back to school, but I'm not sure in what. I know I want to work in an nice office setting, but I have no idea on how to get in. This is my shit resume. How do I make it look more appealing to HR?

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poorfags, i don't need your help taking a drastic pay cut

Buyer for a large manufacturing company, so I am involved in sourcing vendors, negotiations, supplier management, contract management, etc. Lots of analysis but honestly the key is stakeholder management, which is essentially social skills.

Prior to this I was in logistics for a little while, and before that accounting (was the first job I took). Btw account management isn't supervisory-it means you are managing the account, aka the client. But indeed if social skills are your strength management would definitely be a good idea.

I'm fairly quiet at work and don't have the connections some do. I will soon be applying for promotion and hopefully permanent position. How do I not fuck up the interview due to being an anxious mess

Just get into programming.

>go to a community college
>don't be completely braindead and get into co-op
>come out of school pretty much paid for with co-op money and experience
>jobs lined up as far as the eye can see

I get paid $60k to type a few lines of code on one monitor while browsing Jow Forums on another.

I tell them I took time to travel the world when in reality I didn't go anywhere besides the store and my room

nigga do you have a degree in general studies?

It just means I took my basic bs classes there.

How did you go from NEET drop-out to acing interviews?

what website do you use? Job postings in the newspaper...there are none.

I've been applying nonstop on websites like Indeed etc, but I havent gotten a single email or phone call. Is there a better way to do this? I tried the boomer strat too and that didnt work either

Maybe your CV is shit. Maybe approach a temp agency directly. Maybe you are applying for the wrong jobs.

No shit its shit, where the fuck do you think you are? And I'm applying to literally everything entry level including construction and fast food.

If you don't have anything to put on there, volunteer or go to school or something. By shit I didn't mean empty but badly written.

I hope you're tailoring it a little if you are using sending a CV to literally every job.