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Why should I listen to mouth breather?

Unless Jocko ever speaks up about the USS Liberty or Lavon Affair, he is trash and I hate him.

Not hard to be motivated when ur on roids

>idolizing a man who is obviously a sociopath and joined the army in order to murder with impunity and not face any legal or social repercussions.

Who's this try hard faggot?

love jocko

>joined the army in order to murder with impunity

Is there any other reason?

faggot child murderer
fuck every us troop

Based Jocko

Based Jocko

War is hell faggot. Get over it, children grow up into combatants or give birth to new combatants. Sissy soiboi's care about the right way to kill enemies or do you really think no ISIL have murdered woman and children?

I want to roll with him.

Cynicism is ignorance pretending at maturity.

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And crying about muh dead chillren is being a prime bitch boy faggot not cut out for the world in any age.

>Cynic for being a realist

Fuck right off with your pseudo-morality. He is doing a job that requires shitty actions, judge all people with such jobs equally vehemently and I will give you some slack but I do mean all jobs that lead to children's deaths even the indirect ones.

Funny you bring up maturity because your brand of moralism usually goes hand in hand with closing your eyes to things you find uncomfortable and throwing tantrums when they don't. Like children.

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stop sleeping

Get after it

>fagnime poster
Don’t you have your dick to cut off tranny?

Based Jocko

>Have a small dick? GOOD. Learn to PLEASURE a women with your TONGUE
>*Echo giggles quietly in the back*


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t. literal child

>He is doing a job that requires shitty actions
And he volunteered for it.

Furthermore, the "war is hell" post I replied to didn't defend individual soldiers and the hard job they have to do. It defended the practice of deliberately targeting children (which is funny because that's not US practice anyway).

The most egregious part of your post is that you call it realism and it's fucking not. You're just ignorant of the massive and serious effort that goes in to minimising civilian casualties and the damage that is done during war. People who are much smarter and much better than you have spent careers developing domestic and international systems and institutions that exist to limit the impacts of conflict, and not without achievement. But you're a retarded fucking amateur who doesn't know a fucking thing about any of this shit. You couldn't tell me the first fucking thing about France's anti-terrorism deployment in Mali, but think you're qualified to tell me what is realistic and what isn't.

Your cynical worldview does not reflect reality.

Lastly, if you aren't mad about people advocating for the deliberate targeting of children then you are a fucking moron.

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