>yes baby I love you ima stick my urine stick that's now engorged with blood into your acidic stink box that also ballooned up and expanded where ima rock back and forth violently until I expel white fluid from the same hole I excrete my poisonous waste products oh by the way did I mention your hole is acidic and trying to kill my sperm as soon as they enter which will later combine with your eggs and a small bag of bones and far and blood will grow inside your stomach as a parasite for nine months
what the fuck
Yes baby I love you ima stick my urine stick that's now engorged with blood into your acidic stink box that also...
What is wrong with you? Are you this fucked?
Looked at from a completely alien, disconnected angle reproduction is serious material for H.R. Geiger and other kinds of unnerving, sickening content.
is it bad im kinda into what you wrote though
>acidic stink box
>mommy found the acidic stink box
>mommy found the acidic stink box
my sides
>babby's first absurdism
>tfw no acidic stink box gf
Got a good laugh out of this post. Thanks op
For me it's more the
>You are a man, you have a body
>But weirldy, you can touch and rub yourself all over and nothing much but if you touch and rub one specific part of you (which normally is for something else) enough, it wil let out some drops of liquid which serve no purpose or benefit to your body, and in fact this is the only way to let out the liquid, by touching and rubbing that specific part of your body
>You can do whatever you want in the universe and live your life and that's that
>But, if you should happen to, in all possible things you could do in the universe, happen to let a few of those drops of liquid get in one specific place of another human (not even all humans just one certain type, and not even all holes when there are multiple just one specific hole, and not even all the time only during a specific time)
>Then life, a new human, is created
>You as a man could let that liquid get anywhere in the universe, even similar other holes of other living beings, and nothing will happen
>But if it's that one specific hole during that one specific time of that one specifc other type of human, in all the universe, of all the things you could possibly do and only if you rub one specific part of your body a certain way for enough time, then life results
I guess it's mind boggling to me that there's this weird liquid inside you which is basically hidden away and difficult to get and doesn't serve any function to you personally, but if you do get it out in just a few drops and get it in specifically one place in the entire universe, then those few drops will create an entire person.
OP, have you done any psychedelic drugs? Creative post/10
I like to go on wikipedia and read about early human evolution/chimpanzees and bonobos
And then I go fap to human porn videos
I think that a lot of posters here could legit make a living as writers. Normies eat this kind of stuff up because their own minds are incapable of creating it. They don't even fully understand it, but they're attracted to the unique strangeness. Become writers bros, the darker and weirder your thoughts are the greater your chances of success. Unless you end up as one of the authors that becomes super famous years after they die.
Yes user, that is how it is. However, if animals thought this way they would go extinct. So we evolved to think of it as super hot and super awesome. If you think this way naturally, your genetic bloodline will end with you.
God I unironically love being alive
Hmm... that's an interesting way of looking at it.
I suppose there's a reason why many of his artistic works contain sexual imagery.
Funny you should mention that because that's actually what I'm aiming to accomplish.
Honestly, this is the best thing I've read today.
you can take literally any process or action and make it overly verbose and it will sound silly
The typical and expected romanticization of sex makes this more effective than if you did the same thing with something less glamorous like looking at a tree.
>babby's first writing exercise
>babby's first existential crisis
What's old man's last existential crisis?