Getting jacked is easy at 5'7" lol. My 6'2" roommate who lifted for 8 years always gets mad about how easy it is for me and how hard it is for him. In reality he's just super insecure which is weird since tallness is supposedly alpha but deep down he's a bitchhh. Personality, happiness, lifestyle, life purpose, and not giving a fuck is where its at... not how much muscle you got. Yeah, it's good to do some resistance exercise but c'mon bros, you know some of you are relying on it for feeling worthy and that is beta. But resistance exercise is more effective on the
Getting jacked is easy at 5'7" lol...
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He "gets mad" the same way a parent gets "oohhh no you found me!" mad at their toddler after they have found them hiding behind the curtain playing hide and seek. Cope more.
Imagine being a lanklet
when did they get wifi in the pit
When they put 5G towers up where you're at.
tallfags are just mad they cant be astronauts
cope more manlet
>tfw I’m six foot
Too tall to be an aesthetic Manlet
Too short to be tall
Life is suffering, I’m tired of Manlets constant complaining
>mfw this amount of manlet cope
Great news user! The manlet cutoff was moved to 6'3 in 2016. Now you can be an aesthetic manlet!
Now get back in the pit
Exactly this. Sorry OP but atleast you're over 5'4
Oh thank Christ. Thank you my gangly friend.
I always wanted to be a fighter jet pilot
Curse the 6'5 giga chad genetics
how the fuck is 183cm ""gear mode""? that isn't even that tall for a lifter.
Wow, we got a lankasuarus-rex here.
I'd say it's only harder at like 190cm and up
I see plenty of 185ish swole people.
How does the asbestos taste up there?
Here is a fact, majority of movers and shakers in history were manlets. You have to accept you live in a manlet world, and deal with them impressing their life onto society itself to mould it into their own image. Hence why everything is centered around sub six foot humans (can we even call people six foot and over human?).
Average Height of Fortune 500 CEOS: 6'2"
Average height of US President: 6'0"
Obama: 6'1"
Trump: 6'2"
Literally not movers and shakers. They are people that move up in a stable system because stable systems located to lanklets. You can even look at a lot of leaders within the last hundred years like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and the like. They weren't about keeping stagnation, but pulling the rug from under society and impressing their will into history. Lanklets need stability, otherwise the harshness of the world would consume them. That is why manlets are always the best fighters, that is why they conquer nations and subjugate people.
The lanklet FEARS the MANLET BVLL. Lanklets always crane their head downward in submission in the presence of the manlet, while manlets hold their chin up high in a sign of superiority and dominance.
This is possibly the purest manletpill I have ever seen.
Based. Even though its completely ambiguous because theres plenty of manlets that never amounted to shit, and plenty of lankets that have along with legendary manlets.
the thing is, despite the fact that the shorter more fit guy should be more desirable, women still go for the taller guy 8/10
due to being disadvantaged by height, any president below the average height of presidents is more alpha than the rest
everyone below 6'10'' should an hero desu
Chadlet thread
Got ‘em
Lanklets fear and mock the manlet because they know they are inferior. They need gear to achieve classical Med (they are manlets) statuesque physique. That is why the manlet is the perfect lifeform. They can easily attain perfection, and evolution has dictated that the manlet is the superior form due to the proliferation of it.
There is literally no point. Giants were genocided by manlets, and the resulting six foot and higher people seen today are just artifacts of old giant DNA that was passed down from women after manlets procured them for mating. The fact is that it isn't advantageous to be a giant. This is probably why there is this unconscious and primal fear over the manlet, because history might repeat itself.
When the world is going to get thrown into chaos once more it won't be about what sort of economic model we should follow, or a race war, or a class war, but a height war.
>happiness, lifestyle, life purpose more important
I’m with you
>resistance training better
This is lazycope
>writing a blog about how you aren’t insecure
You lost me
>old giant DNA
the manlets finally cracked and went schizo when they could have just learned
Nothing is more powerful than pure manlet rage. It wipes out civilizations, it fathers a whole people, it shapes art, turns old morality onto its head, and it reaches for the stars. Lanklets wish to harness this raw energy, but have yet to do so. This folly will result in manlet rage in the future, an unstoppable energy that they have created and pointed at them.
You fear becoming like your ancestor from millenias ago.
I stand with my ancestors, keeping watch on the manlet pit with my poking stick. Through the grunts of the child-bodied I still hear a faint hymn, a song of hope that one day they will learn and realize it isn’t so far to jump without the chips they carry on their shoulders. When that day comes I will be the first to extend a hand into the depths, praying my hand isn’t swatted away in angst.
Pick one
I'm not short but im still miserable, what do I do?
good thread
Lift to become like the Greek statue physique that you are destined for. Admire your body for what it is and what it is capable of doing, and subjugating lanklets under your heel. It is the natural order.
who cares what women go for
no problem marines on the ground get all the pussy while beta pilots orbit around not even noticed by the female.
How are you able to wear such ball strangling tight pants
Good thing I'm 5'11" I'm the perfect height, Not too tall to where losing fat makes me look super lanky but just tall enough to where I'm under 6'0 and can build muscle well.
Do calisthenics, You don't even need to lift weights. Do pushups and pullups with situps until they become fucking easy.
To add, Deadlifts are my favorite. They aren't as intimidating as bench pressing or squatting since you don't have the risk of breaking your spine or crushing your chest and killing yourself. It's easy to start with and the form is the easiest to learn I would say out of all lifting exercises.
I'm just starting back to working out after being a sick depressed alcoholic for a few years.
I'm 5'5\220 but I don't have an accessible gym.
Can I do this with a 20lb kettle bell and other exercise? What should I do to be turbo manlet?
Based and calisthenticspilled.
Fix your diet.
What the fuck gumby
You think snake diet/fasting plus the kettlebell and calisthenics will do it? I'm going to start aiming for 5-7 day fasts
Study says girls say perfect height is 180, or 5'11. You're literally perfect height, only downside is that you aren't 6 feet tall.
Not but fasting will lower your insulin. See user when you eat high carb foods all day with sugar your insulin is constantly ramped up. When you fast it's kind of like pushing a reset button and cleans out your system. It's the only practice known to man to lose the most fat and keep the most muscle.
I would start off with a 48hr fast then a 72hr and then a 96
Seems like it is all positives if you avoid being a lanklet.
yea I could me slightly taller for the 6ft meme. Though the one thing girls verify is a deal breaker is guys who are shorter than them. As long as I'm taller than most women I'll be happy, I wouldn't want to fuck a girl that is 6ft anyways that would be weird.
cyclical carb loading, inttermittent fasting, and calorie restriction. the ideal dieting combo
Please, I'm dying.
Unironically this
If you're cutting with fasting you should not be eating high carb foods when you refeed every 5 days, If you're building muscle when you get to where you are lean you should be eating complex carbs and proteins such as oatmeal,rice, eggs, meats and vegetables. The chart is showing the differences in muscle loss between fasting and caloric restriction over a 30 day period.
Day of the footstool is coming soon lanklet.
Well the fact that manlets manage to do something this big in life proves all the cope on this board. I think the largest pill i can give you guys is to get an african girl bigger than you and mog the fuck out of everybody.. i dont know i might be wrong.. but i think im on to something
Ignore the height shit and lift and eat properly, we are all gonna make it.
>80% of males under 183cm
>at least I'm tall!
I agree. ¡La creatura alta!
>So tall and gangly that he could be mistook for a Joshua tree
Pretty sure arnold is the only mr olympia winner over 6ft
my Mexican friend is 5'6 (not counting sombrero) and the tallest in his family. Maybe in all of Mexico too.
The Chad border hopping manlet versus the virgin native lanklet.
This but unironically. I'm 6'3"
I'm gay btw, if that matters
>tall person does X
>"hmm yea ok"
>manlet does X
tfw i'm 5'10-5'11
tfw my lil bro is me with all my good features and somewhat better but he's 6'2-6'3
mfw the 2nd time is better.
I was considering only having a 3 egg omlette when feeding sub 1k cal. Zero carbs if I can help it. What do you think about that, will I stall?
Also, after 96 do I go back to 48 or extend it by 24/48 each time?
If you ever get in a fight, someone can just pick you up and smash you against a tree
i'm 6'2 245 and unironically look at manlets under 140 lbs and think that i can swing them like a sledgehammer if need be
-what you think
-what you can do
They have to say the manlet is coping because they feel threatened by the manlet. Lashing out is a sign of insecurity.
well i bounce a bar and did it to a dude who was 120, it wasnt even that hard so i think 140 would be a max manlet
maybe i can do 5 reps of 120 manlets
It was already stated in this thread, stable society will always cater to lanklets, hence why they rise in these stable societies. Women attracted to them, get promoted for higher ranking positions and the like. The manlet is the antithesis of this order and is a civilization and a world changer. While the lanklet can benefit from a stable society, the manlet impresses himself onto history itself. The manlets name will be known. Manlets aren't there to just conform to society, but impress their will onto it. Knowing this now makes it perfectly clear why there are so many manlets, possibly roughly around 80% of men being manlets. It is due to it being genetically advantageous hence manlet propagation unlike the smaller number of lanklets in the world.
>not breaking your spine
you are not lifting heavy enough user