How legit is this nigger and his ridiculous ass diet because it seems to me that he's not even serious especially if...

How legit is this nigger and his ridiculous ass diet because it seems to me that he's not even serious especially if you read his comment section on YouTube it's all jokes and memes

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Other urls found in this thread:

he's literally telling you it's snake oil lmao


>dude drink piss lmao
Do you really need to ask how legit he is?

I personally think hes legit because he isn't trying to sell you anything. Like it's clear he's not doing this for money and he's in good shape himself. So why the fuck would he do it if it wasn't to sell the snake juice?
My answer to that question is: he's sick of the obesity epidemic and so decided to (passionately) try to tackle it on his own

There's literally nothing in snake juice that you don't consume on an every day basis anyway. Potassium in fruits and vegetables, magnesium in nuts and vegetables, salt in well just about everything.

And he's right when he says the human body is evolutionarily geared for extended fasting. You really think our ancestors had a constant food stream like a grocery store? Fuck no, they had to hunt and gather their foods and there's no way they ate the same thing or amount every day

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So what about the 3 days dry fast and 500cal refeed? Is that bs too ?

>dude paints his fingernails pink
What does that tell you?

but I will add that while I think snake juice fasting is legit, dry fasting is absolutely fucking retarded and should never be done by anyone ever

what I've heard while dry fasting your body makes its own water from your fats which makes you to lose weight faster than water fasting. this dude also did 5 day dry fasting.

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Nah. Dry fasting is legit, as long as you don't go beyond a week. Triglycerides stores water, when deprived of it the body breaks fat down to get water.

Dry fasting is the only way to destroy/recycle fat cells and shrink loose skin back to normal without surgery. It seems like it would be very miserable, but I would still try it if I had either problem since it's proven to be safe and effective if done right.

He's very honest, and has a lot of good info. He's willing to experiment with anything, no matter how weird or stupid it seems. I can respect that, because you can't ever really know anything for a fact until you experience it first hand. I stopped following him when he started advocating raw carnivore and drinking and rubbing your own piss all over yourself. I'm greatful for everything Iearned from him about fasting though. Fasting is legitimately the single best thing you can do for your health.

This dude can't be serious about drinking his own piss.

dude looks like shit and has permanent fat on his face because his extreme fasting induces high cortisol which makes you ugly. Follow advices from people who dont look worse than average.

Retarded wigger that screams constant bullshit, his kidney shots are bullshit and snake juice will blow up your kidneys.

Anything in excess becomes unhealthy. The optimal fasting window is far from what he suggests, which may make sense for obese people for a temporary period but is pro-aging by triggering Cortisol in long-term.

Source on the cortisol? How short should you keep fasts then? I usually do 2-5 days every few weeks to stay around 10% bf.

It's incredible how badly some people need a guru and need to be led. Fucking cult shit

I find it annoying how fasting has turned into this bizarre cult of personality around Memelord Cole and his wacky pseudoscientific bullshit when there have already been 100% legit guys like Dr. Jason Fung who actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

imagine being fat and stupid enough to have to literally resort to starving yourself

>being fat
Pick one retard

this is the progress you can expect if you follow the snake routine for years

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It's salt water

swear to god it works

im not fat by any means (22 bmi lanklet), but "starve" can also mean to simply suffer from hunger.

being hungry sucks fucking balls. i know you know it does because you guys have methods of suppressing hunger like smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee.

why don't you instead try to eat at a caloric deficit and exercise? i know why, because you're fat and stupid and want a quick easy fix to your weight problem

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>thicker neck
>slightly improved arm definition
>forehead veins
>resting face looks like you're always about to yell HEY FATTY

>why don't you instead try to eat at a caloric deficit and exercise?
That's exactly what I am doing retard, stop making assumptions about strangers on the internet.
Being hungry is fine, you get used to it after a while and it doesn't bother you anymore. I don't know of any suppressing techniques and I don't really care about them either, I had no problems when I was fasting.
Also BMI is really unreliable, for all I know you could have a BMI of 22 and a BF% of 25+. is better (as a quick estimate like BMI) particularly for males since they tend to pack everything around the waist area first and foremost.

he is not a nigger he is actually white

are you blind

Body fat percentage>Waist to height ratio>BMI
BF% is objectively the most accurate measurement to determine if someone is overweight/obese or not.

Of course it is, hence the
>(as a quick estimate like BMI)


Shut the fuck up fatty, results speak for themselves

Also I forgot to mention, fasting is the GOAT when you're trying to lose fat and there's no better alternative. The only downside I have experienced while fasting is the inability to progress/get stronger, which is why I was forced to stop and switch to a considerably slower deficit.

There's a handful of very impressive ones over at Jow Forumsfasting - some asian sumo fella did like 90 days and turned into a typical asian stick figure.

Ofc most of it is fat women who pat each other on the back for lasting 36hrs.

The difference is that guys like Jason Fung are compromised with the system, they will never call an obese woman a fatass

Fucking brainwashed sheep, caloric restriction is worse for maintainjng muscle dumbass

And medical starvation occurs when you don't have bodyfat to use cunt, you sound like prick the vegan talking shit on what you don't know

> you're fat and stupid and want a quick easy fix to your weight problem

You're just being retarded there and want to cling to your old mental farts, if there's a method that the body was designed to do through evolution, is more muscle sparing, quicker, and has plenty of healthy benefits, why the fuck wouldn't you do it?

Yes yes, Cole is the epic memelord who tells fatties to lose weight. I get it. That's no reason to be getting any actual advice from him rather than Fung.

>Fucking brainwashed sheep, caloric restriction is worse for maintainjng muscle dumbass

Literally wrong, you fucking dumb retard.

Cole is the man

Water fasting definitely works and Cole isn't the first to figure it out. However, I would credit him with being the first mainstream guy to popularize the use of salts during water fasting to maintain electrolyte balance which is a game changer.

All in all, he's kind of a retard but he's not wrong about the stuff he preaches.

He references a study cunt

DESU I prefer Cole's methods because he doesn't have a career as an MD on the line and is therefore willing to try riskier stuff. Dry fasting is a game changer for autoimmune issues and I'm sure many of us can attest to that, but Fung is afraid to touch that because it's dangerous.

dry fasting is fucking retarded

He's legit and a very genuine guy who wants to help FAT PEOPLE lose weight, Everyone on this board is full of fat fuck bulking retards. How people can't grasp the snake diet is beyond me. IF YOU HAVE FAT YOU DO NOT EAT, IF YOU ARE LEAN YOU DO EAT.

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>"why don't you instead try to eat at a caloric deficit and exercise"
>Insulin goes through the roof and you will be guaranteed to overeat or cheat because you will be super hungry

When you do a fast you will not be hungry at all after 5 days, You don't even notice your hunger. You are retarded. Hmm so the hundreds of people that have lost all their weight while fasting and keep the weight loss are wrong and their insulin levels are stable. HMMMM

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Not long fasts, at least those should be very occasional as they have their own use (autophagy). Intermittent fasting makes sense to do every day. Something like one large meal a day, or a condensed period of 2 meals + snacks. 16:8 usually

Also leaving this here if any retards want to say that fasting destroys muscle.

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The blind following the blind. Can't even listen to your intuitions, instead you have a faggot who literally tells you he's a snake as shepherd.

can confirm. While I did have some strength loss after finishing an extended fast, you also have to keep in mind that strength loss happens during a traditional slow cut as well. And for the weight that I lost, I actually lost less strength than with previous cuts, it obviously took less time, and I was able to regain the strength back fairly quickly.

A lot of people think the extended fasting crowd is *just* 300 lb hamplanets with no strength baseline at all, and while most people are probably fatasses/DYELs, I can personally confirm fasting works as a trained guy as well.

Also hunger subsides after the 2nd day. Only real trick after that is figuring out how much salt to eat. Too little and you get headaches and feel like shit. Too much and you get watery loose diarrhea.

Post body

It might be, but it's worth testing (on other people of course).

I’m cutting, and since I am going hard and fast just to be anything but fat, I have nothing to lose by trying water fasting to see if it’s bullshit or not. I’m a skeptic so I’m testing it so when I see someone speak about it I can talk down on it or in favor of it. If I end up at pic related (I have slightly more muscle actually) then I will consider it successful and legitimate.

Starting: 6’2” 230lbs
I need to get to 170-180lbs. So water fasting with two body weight workouts and some occasional walking just to move a bit I should be cutting about 5lbs a week. So about 10 weeks/3 months. I’m not gonna try going 3 months without food, I’ll proabbly do 3-7 days water fast at a time with 2-4 days of a major deficit in between

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All of these naysaying niggers in this thread are too fucking retarded to actually try it and then report back their findings.

Spoiler alert: it fucking works and it isn’t magic. Cole admits when he’s wrong, he’s honest and he tries everything under the sun to help people stop being obese fucks. You faggots have no agency to actually TRY THINGS YOURSELF so you’ll cry about how theyre starving and going to die.

It cleared my skin issues, the physicians couldn't do shit about it

>The blind following the blind. Can't even listen to your intuitions

What you call intuition is just your brainwashed biases you heard from the mainstream media, you need to experiment shit yourself to learn anything

>Intermittent fasting

18 hours is not nearly enough to trigger autophagy (spoilers, you need at least 48), humans used to regurlaly fast for even a week

Souce: some skinnyfat loser's asshole

Cope more fa(ggo)tty

I'm doing it right now and I honestly don't want to eat any other way now. You don't need to eat all the time. You really only need 1 meal a day and if you fast for even just 48 hours, you're talking like -4,000 calories for the week. Best lean bulk I've ever done.
Eating 3k+ a day in one meal isn't hard for me.

Source: Some lean natty dude with abs that looks like pic related.

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I'm on my 10th day of my water fast on snake juice I'm down 20lbs and I feel fine, I lifted today so HA.

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Neither Jason Fung nor Megan Ramos are certified nutritionists.

>3k+ in one meal
I can't do this unless it's shit like pizza and burgers or I would. Two meals a day about 4-8 hours apart with the occasional 48 hour fast works well enough for me though.

This, Also here's a video where the helps people in the gym being a bro, He's a great guy and wants to help people. His angry persona is just to get fat people motivated.

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>Jow Forumsfags are so insecure they will literally stop drinking for days
jesus christ you cant make this shit up lmao

Fasting literally makes you less hungry you fucking brainlet

T. thinks an MD isn't capable of interpreting scientific literature because he isn't a nutritionist

>how legit is not eating so your body burns stored fat for energy

This is correct, When you eat high carb sugary foods all day it skyrockets your insulin, But when you fast it stabilizes your insulin and blood pressure. It amazes me how many people still arguing that fasting is so horrible yet humans have been doing it for thousands of years and it keeps you healthy and lean lmao.

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His opinion pieces aren't peer reviewed.

No certified nutritionist takes these fasting/carnivore/keto frauds seriously.

leaving obligatory snake man vids

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Again, source? Also please do not use relative terms like "long". That could mean anything. Not trying to be a dick, I genuinely want to know more because I never heard this before this thread.

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>18 hours is not nearly enough to trigger autophagy
How would you explain Cole's results with his mcodnald's experiment then? Maybe it's not autophagy, but there is clearly somebting very beneficial to health happening on OMAD.

If it works, then how is it retarded? As long as you stay sedentary it's perfectly safe. It's also the only way to destroy fat cells and get rid of loose skin without surgery.

Lol only because they still believe in the garbage they were taught in school in the 80s, most of which has been debunked.

What kind of skin issues? I have been fighting acne and psoriasis myself and they always go away when I fast but come back as soon as I start eating, no matter what I eat.

This. Too many people think that an appeal to authority is preferable to evidence and logic. I don't give a fuck what credentials someone has. If their advice doesn't work, and someone else's does, I'm going to do what actually works every time.

Does he actually say that? Because there is literally no benefit to drinking your own piss.

He does. I'm a big fan of Cole but this is the one thing I won't try and can't defend with a straight face.

Also the Chinese have done this for thousands of years, so we know it's at least safe. Is it actually useful for anything though? Aside form delaying death from dehydration in a survival scenario?

He has said a lot of crazy shit, But He also admits when he is wrong and changes his view and realizes and owns up to it. He used to be for OMAD when he was new to fasting, But now he says that you should always throw in at least a 24hr fast. He used to believe in the keto diet every day but he learned from that it's not good for lifting so now he says to eat. If you listen to his recent videos he's completely right.

Yea he was talking about it in a survival scenario, Idk remember where he said the piss thing but I'm sure he wasn't referring to it in an everyday modern sense.

I did it for about 5 days myself. I honestly wouldn’t do it for longer than a week at a time. Dropped about 12 pounds. I may do it once every month or so

He's not selling you anything tho. He gives all info for free

I'm on snake juice, I pour a whole pack into 2L and I feel fine. Though I'm not lean, 6'0 200lbs down from 230lbs with a good amount of lean mass. I'm gonna get down to 170 so I can get my abs showing. After I get lean I'm going to eat and deadlift.

To clarify, I've been deadlifting I just have some body fat that's covering up my muscle.

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Nice to know people experiment on their bodies because some literally who on the internet internet says so, and then does a 180 a week later

>has his own website
>has his own shop
>people never do anything for fame and power over others

No shit you fucking faggot he does nothing but coach people both IRL and online for free, he needs some way to not die and pay rent. He’s given fat kids money for losing weight.

his diet is just to not eat.
fasting is not new or revolutionary, it's forgotten and remembered history.
he just promotes using salt water instead of plain water or fruit/vegetable juice.

if you really need (((science))) to endorse your ideology then start looking into Jason Fung.

No he legit shills for it as a normal ever day thing or to do in conjunction with fasting. You could probably just google "snake diet urine" and find plenty of examples. He was bringing it up in every video for a while.

Join the facebook group he coaches for free and the results speaks for themselves.

I've done a 5-day hard dry fast (no shower or brushing teeth even), only stopped because people around me were freaking out.
and I'm borderline skeleton, 6'2" 175 (was about 160 at that time)

recently did a 9 day fast, first 2 days were dry, next 7 on salt water. only stopped because I wanted to get back in the gym.
6'2" 170 and none of my lifts went down. weight was still 170 after a week of eating so I could account for hydration and glycogen.

I don't understand where the constant hate comes from. Extended fasting isn't presented as the ideal choice for all you Mr. Universe bodybuilders. It's a way to get excess bodyfat off and establish a healthy eating cadence for the average person. If world class athlete's like yourselves need to eat more and more often, then go ahead and do it. You need a meal plan crafted by an Olympic trainer and dietitian and they probably wont' recommend you eat 7000 calories every other day. The average person doesn't need to eat all the time, especially when they are sedentary.

It's literally a way for fat people to get back on track and stay there. It's proven to work, uses your body's natural processes, and therefore doesn't harm you. Unless you guys work for Weight Watchers I don't see how the snake diet affects you in any way.

>uses your body's natural processes, and therefore doesn't harm you
[citation needed]

so you have no argument then?


I'm not the one making baseless claims about safety