Is this a good workout for beginners?

Is this a good workout for beginners?

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Yes. Pretty sure everyone whos ever been in fitness started with a similar routine before they knew what they were doing

everything in there is pretty easy really but the 10km run

problem with calisthenics is that its about quality over quantity, you dont need to do loads of pushups you just need to do a few but with great form, and then more on to harder pushups like diamond

double this at least what the fuck

this is false information

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yes, it should be 1000 of everything, to match the difficulty of a 10km run

>10km run
no. that is way too extreme for beginners. everything else is very reasonable except that it's like 6.2 fucking miles a day. that's marine tier

I didnt read that part ROFL

no it isnt. try doing push ups where you take 5 seconds on the descent and hold for 3-5 seconds on the bottom. loads more effective

why do that when i can get an impressive amount of reps

reps is everything in calisthenics . doing static holds in a dynamic workout is retarded

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10km every day? Zozzle

with that retarded technique it would take 800 - 1000 seconds to complete a hundred push ups. what an inefficient way to work out.

don't even bother replying without posting body.

Yes and thats probably why he said its about quality not quantity, as in its better for hypertrophy to so few of those than bang out hundred normal ones, you dumbfuck. Also
>post wet t-shirt pic fatty

What kind of body would you get with this workout? Sans the 10km run because thats insane for a begginer.

You'll eventually fuck up your elbows' joints and likely will get carpal tunnel on your wrists by doing fast ones.

Well you'd be missing tons of muscle groups so not a very good one. I'd add pullups/chinups lunges and dips to this as a minimum, but theres plenty more you could be doing in addition to that. Also, you're gonna plateau fairly quickly doing the same 100 pushups/situps/etc every day, so you need to do variations on those exercises to make them more difficult.

After a few months you could get somewhat toned. You wouldn't be a god or anything but it will surely be noticeable

look up marines on the army.

>get an impressive amount of reps
100 pushups is absolutely meaningless if they were all bad form, and even if you could do 100 perfectly you would get more toned than strong after a point. You have to progress to harder variations

why yes I take 10 seconds per push up how did you know

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marines are fags though

imagine not knowing what time under tension is

wrong im aiming for a thousand

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He's moved on to a better program.

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no fucking shit push ups are bad for hypertrophy. to make them useful, add more weight, don't do them in slow motion. "hold" type of exercises don't fucking work, that why you can't get strong just by flexing constantly.

its so obvious youve been lifting for like 2 years max its not even funny.

really bad bait

You're not wrong

I Got into working out by doing the 100 pushups a day for a month meme.

shut up fatass

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>time under tension

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It's proven that isometrics are activating more muscles than movements

I swear to God people should have to pass a test to prove they're not a retard before being allowed to post here.


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Do you unironically think you're contributing to the discussion in any meaningful way? Honest question.

>t. Seething armycuck who surrenders to beaners on our own soil
Totally bro, marines are so gay haha

all I am reading is a bunch of retarded rhetoric questions, and no posting bodies.

>10km a day
Say bye to your knees

Replace the sit ups with a variety of other ab exercises and add some pull ups and I guess. You can fuck up your shoulders if you only ever do pressing motions but never pull. Bench press and bent over row weight should be about the same.

You seem to have this strange idea that everyone is going to jump up and take body pics to validate some troll and/or literal retard shitposting on the internet

Implying everyone is from burgerland

Implying anyone who isnt from America matters

plank world record holder. can spend 80 minutes under tension.

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if you could, you would.

Came to post this Eat shit lowborn (anyone not born a US citizen).

hard to believe americans are this stupid

he looks like shit

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Not hard to believe 3rd worlders are this stupid

Hard to believe lowborns are that petty.
On second thought not really, I woukd seethe if I was a plebeian as well.

If I wasn't at work and actually cared, you mean

Nice deflection though

I am european. We actually don't get shot every other day.
Hypocritical and retarded. Have fun getting shot in the street then going bankrupt because you can't afford healthcare seething yank

>pretends to not care
>is literally browsing an homosexuality acceptance Ugandan internet board at work

Instead you get blown up by mohammad and abdul

>seething yank
Im a Southerner you cocksucking yurotrash.
We are the ancient men you fags love to jerkoff over and LARP about all day.
Our ancestors conquered and made this country instead of stagnating in a shitty used up land (still some pretty scenery there though).
Why dont you post country so we can laugh at you.

Nu, unless you're used to running 10km everyday barefoot

the murder rate of the united states isn't even comparable to european countries. It's just downright frightening. Same goes for your obesity and lack of reasonable healthcare.

You're all dumb yanks. You're just larping as anything but, fat yank. What do you mean your ancestors conquered that country? The absolute state of american education. I'm danish you smelly fucker

Guess they dont believe in citations over in europistan

>calling others smelly
Absolute kekmaxxing

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can we stop this meme? it's cancer

That website is dishonest. From the source they claimed:

I did this everyday for a month and the first time I set foot in a gym I could do 2/3/4/5.

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>can do 100 clean pushups

You know damn well there would be no traffic on this site if we did. Even the people who aren't retarded only reply to posts made by people who would fail an IQ test.

>anime girl pic
I assume you look like a fat tranny

dishonest how? I don't see it.

>the first time I set foot in a gym I could do 2/3/4/5

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I tried doing a 5 mile run when I was 14 and got tired and slept in somebody's back yard in the bushes and woke up after dark. No phone so I walked home in the dark through a wooded area and cried

Don't bully the genelet.

are you trolling or actually retarded? no, this workout is absolute dog shit, do you really think a workout "routine" of a fictional character created by

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How to do no weight squats if you weigh like 100kg?

I pretty much only do weighted versions of these exercises and I look decent.

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Based and jeffpilled

have sex

>what are sets

The truth is any effort is better for beginners than spending time endlessly pondering how to start.


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